Not long after.

Jiang Feng sat on the podium and ate a large portion of fried chicken.

I burped when I finished drinking the Coke.

And under the podium.

The students have already been filled with resentment!

Seeing Jiang Feng finish the last chicken leg and licking the residue on his hands, the last hope in their hearts was completely shattered.

I originally thought I was just teasing them, but I would give them some in the end.

Unexpectedly, he sat on the podium and ate it all as if no one else was watching!

Isn't this a proper sixth child?

Teacher Jiang, you will have no friends if you do this!

But Jiang Feng didn't even raise his head, and just put away the packaging bag of the Chew De Chicken.

He asked: "Students, how did you memorize "Qinyuanchun·Changsha" in the first period? I think there is still some time before get out of class ends. Why don't you take advantage of this and check your recitation now?"

The students under the podium were full of resentment.

Hearing that Jiang Feng wanted to randomly check the students' recitation, he couldn't hold back on the spot.

Although most of them have memorized it almost quite well, they are not afraid of spot checks on recitation.

But such old-fashioned behavior really makes people feel emotional!

While the students were silent, Jiang Feng asked and answered questions directly to himself: "Since you don't speak, it means you have acquiesced. We are very fair this time. How about random checks by drawing lots?"


Jiang Feng took out a lottery tube that had been prepared in advance.

Inside a circular tube, there is a pair of disposable chopsticks. Each chopstick is marked with a serial number from 1 to 50.

Jiang Feng held it up and showed it to the students: "Do you all know these things? Whoever's student number is drawn will endorse it. It's very fair, right?"

Under the podium.

Many students had already begun to flip through the books and memorize them crazily.

Especially those students who are not proficient in memorizing, at this time, they are memorizing and shouting: "Teacher, wait! Let me read it again!"

Jiang Feng picked up the lottery tube and shook it with a smile on his face.

"This is God's best arrangement. Don't blame me."


Jiang Feng's hand slipped very "accidentally".

In an instant, more than twenty chopsticks slipped out of the tube!

"Ah, you were really careless. Then let the twenty or so of you come up and carry it!"

Although there was an apology in the words.

But Jiang Feng smiled like a villain in a TV series! The raised corners of the mouth are harder to suppress than AK!

And under the podium.

The 50 students looked at the more than 20 chopsticks scattered and fell into deep thought!

He knocked over nearly half of the class at once.

You call this drawing lots? ? !


At this moment.

Seeing Jiang Feng "accidentally" spilling more than 20 chopsticks, the audience in the live broadcast room went crazy with laughter!

This horse riding is simply more devil than devil!

This is so fair!

[I, Jiang Feng, come to Class 4 to only do three things, that’s fair! fair! Still damn fair! 】

[I laughed to death on the spot! How is this a drawing of lots? This is simply a roll call by the King of Hell! I ordered half a class at once! 】

[This is not a teacher, he is simply the living king of hell! 】

[I’ve seen a lot of living Bodhisattvas on the Internet, but this is the first time I’ve seen a living King of Hell! 】

【puff! The way Teacher Jiang was smiling just now, it would be a shame not to play the ultimate villain in a fantasy drama! 】



More than 20 students were drawn by Jiang Feng.

Then they came up one by one to endorse, and those who didn't have their turn were still studying in their seats.

This memorization lasted until the end of get out of class.

There are only two out of more than 20 people who don’t know how to do it.

Jiang Feng nodded quite satisfied.

Looking at their nervous looks, he thought that at least half of them wouldn't know how to do it, but it completely exceeded his expectations.

Before leaving after class.

Jiang Feng reached out and called the monitor and Chinese class representative up.

Both of them were quite confused when they were called up, and they thought they were being randomly checked.


Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone and took a look at the takeout order displayed on it.

"I ordered a takeaway that will arrive in two minutes. You can ask some of the boys at work to go down and pick it up later. You are tired after studying in the evening for such a long time. You guys should share some."


After saying that, Jiang Feng coughed lightly and left very gracefully just as the bell rang.

Before leaving, the lottery tube on the table was not taken away.

Monitor Zhao Qingqing stood on the podium, reaching out to signal the students who were about to leave after class not to leave yet.

"Teacher Jiang ordered takeout and asked me to share it with everyone. Come with a few boys and follow me to move it. There may be a lot of things."


Hearing these words, the class was instantly in an uproar!

There may be a lot of things, so Teacher Jiang must have made a big deal!

Many students were originally complaining, but after hearing this, their eyes widened!

"Damn it! Teacher Jiang is awesome!!"

"Teacher Jiang, you are my God!!!"

"I'll go, I'll go! I'll go down and move with you!"

five minutes later.

The monitor and the Chinese class representative came back from downstairs with six boys!

Everyone is carrying large and small bags of takeaway in their hands!

The students in the class were all stunned!

They thought it would be more, but with 50 people in the class, each person would be satisfied with just one chicken drumstick or chicken wing.

But I didn’t expect there to be so many!

After looking at the takeaway receipt, I spent more than 1,500 yuan!

Although it can’t satisfy everyone, it’s totally fine to eat half full!

Suddenly, everyone in the class cheered!

“I love Teacher Jiang so much!!!”

"God, let Teacher Jiang be our class teacher!"

"Agree! I strongly request that Teacher Jiang be replaced as the class teacher!"

It just so happens.

The head teacher of Class 4 walked in from the door and happened to hear the students cheering just now.

Staring directly at the few cheering boys with a death gaze: "..."

"Class...homeroom teacher, morning...good morning..."

"Old Ben, I didn't say anything just now!"


The viewers in the live broadcast room saw this scene on the class camera of Class 4 and were numb on the spot!

That’s a dozen bags of takeout!

There are 15 copies of the Ten Wing Bucket alone!

This is a waste of money!

【puff! I seriously suspect that Teacher Jiang is actually a hidden rich man, and he is just a teacher out of fun and entertainment! 】

[Be confident, which teacher dares to spend 1,500 yuan to order takeaway for students! How much is a teacher's monthly salary? 】

[Is this work or charity? Brother Fu, Teacher Jiang V, I am 50! ! ! 】

【I'm so envious! Grass! Not only did he stab the students, but now he also stabbed the audience hard! Killing like crazy! 】

[Speaking of which, don’t you take away the lottery tube? Aren't you afraid that the students will make some tricks and take away your tickets? 】

【Fuck! What you said is true! Teacher Jiang is so careful! If a student takes away his or her signature, doesn't that mean he or she has immunity? 】


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