Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 30 Even Preparing Lessons For Students Is Not So Serious!

In class four.

The students had enough to eat and drink.

Show off a large portion of takeaway ordered by Jiang Feng.

Then, people began to notice the lottery tube placed on the podium.

Suddenly, crooked thoughts began to arise.

If you take out the lottery with your student number written on it, won't you never be able to draw yourself?

Sure enough, soon some naughty boys started doing it again.

Find out your student number and pick it out.

Some are even so embarrassed that they take a disposable chopstick and write the name of their "good friend" on it and throw it in.

This way you don’t have to worry about being found missing one!

And this scene was directly captured by the audience in the live broadcast room!

Suddenly everyone started to become anxious.

"Teacher Jiang, Hu Tutu! Why did you forget this matter!"

"It's broken! This is outrageous! Teacher Jiang is a wise man, but he was confused for a moment!"

"Quick, quick, is there any way to remind Teacher Jiang?"


The other side.

Jiang Feng returned to the office, greeted several other teachers and left.

As for the consumption of ordering takeout for students?

Don't care at all!

His current income is quite explosive.

Just that takeaway meal earned more than 800 popularity points, which translates into a direct income of 8,000 yuan!

Short of money? Which time traveler would be short of money?

It’s a win-win situation with students, so make money!

Back home.

After a simple hot bath.

Jiang Feng also pulled 50 students from Class 4 into the [Chinese Discussion Group for Class 1 and Class 3] he established.

By the way, I changed the group name to [Teacher Jiang Chinese Discussion Group].

This time, the number of group members directly reached 99.

The students from Class 4 who were brought here looked confused when they saw this group.

Could it be that this is Teacher Jiang’s secret tutoring group?

The next second.

Jiang Feng spoke in the group: "Hurry up and get four of those with over 50 stars to prepare for the number. Remember to be in the Diamond rank or below. We will try again in the Diamond Promotion Tournament tonight!"

Class 4 students: “???”

A moment.

The students in Class 4 were immediately filled with question marks!

Isn't it a Chinese discussion group? How did you start to log in to play games?

While they were hesitating.

Several students from Class 3 have already replied in the group: "It's coming, it's coming!"

In an instant, several students from Class 4 also reacted quickly and shouted: Get on the number, I will take you flying!

Jiang Feng, on the other hand, carefully reviewed the group and found out a few high-ranking ones before he dared to fight them.


And at this time.

On the position of the miniature camera on Jiang Feng's chest.

The audience in the live broadcast room is crazy!

【puff! He also specifically checks who has a higher rank, but he doesn’t seem to be that serious about preparing lessons for his students! 】

[It can be seen that Teacher Jiang is really good and fun-loving! People are addicted to food! 】

[This is your fault. Teacher Jiang’s last shot was 1-9 and the output was 7%. What a waste! 】

[I can’t accept that such a perfect man is so bad at playing games! 】

[It’s time again for the hand speed part of the elderly that I love to watch the most! Teacher Jiang performed steadily! 】



Within an hour.

Under the difficult guidance of the top masters in the two classes.

Jiang Feng finally got his wish and was lifted from the platinum rank to the diamond rank!

And the students in both classes were complaining that Jiang Feng was so screwed!

"Teacher Jiang, why don't you play a few games of man-machine and practice your positioning first? This is the first time I've seen a shooter stand further forward than a tank in a team fight!"

"Yes, all my cousins ​​who are still in second grade were promoted to the king rank yesterday!"

"Teacher Jiang, your output as a shooter multiplied by two is not as high as mine as an assistant. Aren't you heartbroken?"

Jiang Feng directly laughed at the students' complaints and made them laugh.

Half past ten in the evening.

Looking at his diamond rank page, Jiang Feng put down his phone with satisfaction and prepared to go to bed.


At this time, the phone rang!

Upon closer inspection, it was the principal calling!

Jiang Feng answered the phone in confusion. The principal was calling at this time. Could it be that he was here to order someone else?

Just connected.

The principal's very happy tone came from the other end of the phone: "Teacher Jiang, congratulations! Now you have reached the number one spot in "Searching for the Most Beautiful Gardener in the Country"! Even our school's reputation has also been boosted. ! I hope you can continue to do so!”

The principal's words were full of joy.

Jiang Feng was quite numb, and felt as if he was forcibly "taking care of his people before he went to bed".

But he still didn't expect that it only took him three days to become the most popular person now!

So he responded perfunctorily: "No, no, no, this is not only my fault, but also thanks to the cultivation of the school."

Talk to people when you see them, talk about ghosts when you see ghosts, just be perfunctory and that's it.

As soon as these words came out.

The principal was really happy: "Don't worry, Teacher Jiang, the school will definitely not treat you badly. I will give you a salary increase in these two days, and I will transfer you to the position of head teacher next year!"

"Okay, thank you principal for your cultivation."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Feng went straight to bed.

Damn it principal, it's not as important as me sleeping.


the next morning.


There are three classes at 10 a.m. today.

Jiang Feng was stunned and didn't arrive at the office until after nine o'clock.

As soon as I walked in, I saw three small boxes of mooncakes in different packages placed on my seat.

"Teacher Jiang, the festival is coming soon. This box of mooncakes is from me. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance~" It was Chen Mei who said this.

Jiang Feng could only smile and nod: "Thank you, Teacher Chen."

Only then did he remember that this weekend was the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Having the holidays and weekends together is equivalent to missing two days off!

Moreover, this year is quite special.

Mid-Autumn Festival and Teachers' Day happen to be on the same day!

the other side.

Guan Zhi was not to be outdone.

He personally picked up what was placed on the table and handed it to Jiang Feng: "Teacher Jiang, this is my little wish. I hope Teacher Jiang will never refuse."

Jiang Feng could only accept it numbly: "Thank you, Teacher Guan."

Just when I was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

Gao Yang also came over and patted another small box of mooncakes on the table: "Teacher Jiang, this is my gift to you. It's a little thoughtful."

Jiang Feng felt extremely helpless at this moment: "Thank you, thank you."


【puff! Teacher Jiang’s popularity in the office is also very good! 】

[Looking handsome is a problem, and so am I. Hey, I understand Teacher Jiang so well! 】

【? ? ? Upstairs, I'm afraid you just drank and forgot to eat peanuts today! Don’t just drink, eat vegetables! 】

[Still eating vegetables? Just give him some cephalosporin! 】

[Oh, is this the trouble that comes with being handsome? If Teacher Jiang is not willing to bear it, you can do it for me! 】


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