"What about that? Teachers, Class 3 still has some things to do. I'm going to teach the students first. You guys are busy~"

After being forced to accept the "kindness" of three teachers.

Jiang Feng made a random excuse and left the office as if he was running away.

Sitting in front of the podium in class three.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion or something.

Jiang Feng always feels...

I always feel that something is wrong with the way these students look at me!

Those looks in her eyes were like those of a harried woman riding a horse in a deep harem!

Jiang Feng felt a little frightened.

Wasn’t it just that I cheated three times while playing games last night? Didn't they all win in the end? Why are everyone so angry?

Or is it that their homeroom teacher from the previous class was dragging the class again?

"Why do everyone have such faces? Is it possible that your class teacher is dragging the class again?"

Jiang Feng asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, many people in the class became unhappy.

A few girls, in particular, said sourly: "Teacher Jiang favors Class 4. He hasn't even sung a song in our class for several days, yet he sang to them on the first night in Class 4."

Position against the wall.

The fat boy Ma Xiaohao also pouted and shouted: "That's right, and even if he doesn't sing for us, he also bought his class more than 1,500 yuan of German chicken..."

Once the chat box is opened, it cannot be closed.

Other students followed suit.

"If we had known that Teacher Jiang only sang for Class 4, we wouldn't have asked."

"We students in Class 3 are probably not as interesting as the girls in Class 4, which is why Teacher Jiang doesn't like us."

"Teacher Jiang doesn't even have an explanation now. Look, our students in Class 3 just said a few more words, and Teacher Jiang just ignored us like this."


The sour smell hit my eyes!

Jiang Feng: "???"

The 48 little mouths in the class kept beeping, and everyone still used Lin Daiyu's quotations, and they were sour and jealous!

It seemed like there was some serious illness that made Jiang Feng's head grow bigger!


And in the live broadcast room.

Many viewers are also looking forward to what kind of cool moves Jiang Feng will bring today.

I almost laughed when I saw this scene!

Everyone is also using Lin Yanlin language to complain in the barrage!

[Teacher Jiang, is this live broadcast just for me to watch, or are all the sisters together? 】

[I knew that after everyone saw this live broadcast, it would be my turn to watch~]

[If I had known that other people had watched this live broadcast, I would not have watched it. Now they are watching it while I am watching it. If I watch it in such a staggered way, it will not be too lively or too deserted. 】

[I probably won’t be able to survive this day. Just waiting for Teacher Jiang to start broadcasting is already tiring enough. 】

【puff! I'll forget you all laughed to death! The live broadcast is just for fun. If you really want to get excited, you have to watch the barrage! 】



Under the podium.

The whole class was in chaos.

Everyone looked at Jiang Feng aggrievedly, and some even started to pretend to wipe away tears!

Jiang Feng called him a good guy.

He just sang a song for Class 4 and ordered a takeaway.

I didn’t say that only Class 4 has them. Are you so jealous?

Jiang Feng couldn't help but shudder.

He waved his hands helplessly: "Yes, yes, your class will also have them by then, and I will supply them to you next week."


A girl sitting in front stopped pretending: "Teacher Jiang, you can't prove what you say. We won't believe it until you sign and pledge it."

Jiang Feng was very happy after hearing this: "Is this necessary? When have I lied to you?"

As soon as these words came out, many students were immediately dissatisfied.

"I lied to you in the first class. We asked you: Didn't you say you had no homework? This is your answer: That was just for fun, hee hee!"

Jiang Feng: "???"

"Okay, you guys, you couldn't remember each one when you recited it. How come you remember it so clearly at this juncture?"

I dare say this class is also the sixth one!

I remember even this trivial thing clearly.

However, a signature and a pledge? Class is about to begin, and I don’t think I’ll have time even if I think about it.

Jiang Feng pretended to be regretful and said, "What a coincidence. Class is about to begin, and it's too late to do it on site. Don't you think so?"

The words just fell.

Su Qing, the usually polite and quiet Chinese class representative, stood up and took out a piece of paper with a wicked smile on her face.

"I knew Teacher Jiang would say this, so I had prepared the signature paper in advance. Teacher Jiang, just give me your thumbprint!"

Jiang Feng: "???"

How come even you...

Good guy, how come this class changes so quickly!

Aren't the students in this class quite well-behaved? Why are all of them now the sixth child?

Even Su Qing, the Chinese class representative who was originally Wenwen and quiet, now looks like this!


The students have fallen!

Just when Jiang Feng was confused.

Su Qing directly greeted four or five girls and swarmed over.

They all gathered around the podium and forced Jiang Feng to "voluntarily" press his fingerprints on the piece of paper!


【puff! Is this still the gentle and quiet Chinese class representative I knew? 】

[I’m afraid they were all forced out by this sixth teacher! Everyone in this class has become the sixth child! 】

[It’s so outrageous. It turns out that the sixth personality is still contagious! 】

[If this group of students were taught by Teacher Jiang for three years, and some of them were admitted to a normal university to become teachers, it would probably turn the schools in Yunhai City upside down! 】

[Be confident, after being led by Teacher Jiang, many teachers have already begun to tear up their umbrellas! When my brother calls me at night, he cries and tells me that their teacher has suddenly become the sixth child! 】



Being forced to take fingerprints by the students, Jiang Feng felt inexplicably like he had lost his virginity.

The signature and the pledge sold me.

In the end, I had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay, now that you have pressed your fingerprints, let's start class now. Everyone, take out the exercise books for yesterday's homework and spread them out on the table for me to check."

"Check whatever you want!"

"Check mine first!"

To Jiang Feng's surprise, none of the students seemed to be afraid when they heard their homework was checked today.

Even quite positive!

Jiang Feng went down and took a look around and was even more shocked. These people really wrote about everything!

Even Ma Xiaohao, who is usually naughty, and Chen Yufan, who "forgot to bring his homework" last time, did their homework well now!

Jiang Feng couldn't help but curse.

"What's up! Okay, you did a good job on your homework. Keep up the good work next time."

"If it lasts until the time I sing to you, and everyone completes their homework normally, then I will sing two songs for you and order takeout for 2,000 yuan!"

As soon as these words came out.

The 48 people in the class exploded instantly.

"Lao Jiang is awesome! You are my god!"

"Teacher Jiang is mighty!"

"Whoever dares not to do Chinese homework during this period is the public enemy of the whole class!"

Ma Xiaohao, who was sitting in the corner, stood up from his seat excitedly: "Every morning when I come here these days, everyone asks me to check their Chinese homework first!"

Jiang Feng: "!!!"

Good guy, this is too hard!

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