Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 79 You Don’T Want Everyone To See Your Browser History, Right?

"Pfft! Brother Jiang, there's something wrong with this!"

Ma Xiaohao wailed on the spot and his expression exploded.

He turned to look at Jiang Feng with wide eyes: "Brother Jiang, I think there's something wrong with you! Why was it me both times!"


Jiang Feng on the side couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene!

Even he had not expected this situation at all.

The probability is 1 in 2304, but he just happened to be so lucky.

It’s really unbearable!

The most important thing is that he didn't do anything at all, it was just a random lottery software!

It was purely because of Ma Xiaohao's bad luck.

"Just wait a moment and let me laugh for a while, hahahahaha..."


Ma Xiaohao fell silent on the spot.

Not believing in evil, he clicked the "Randomly Named" button again.

Three seconds later.

This time I stopped at Chen Yufan's name, and it seemed like there was really no problem.

Only then did Ma Xiaohao reluctantly believe that he was not specifically targeting him.

At this moment.

Jiang Feng recovered from his suppressed laughter: "You see, how could the teacher target you? Hurry up and give me another punishment, and then replace me with the next person."

Ma Xiaohao also planned to fool him: "Brother Jiang, I've already punished him once, why don't I just replace him with someone else?"

There was no need to wait for Jiang Feng to speak.

The students in Class 3 refused on the spot.

"Hurry up! You've already been slapped twice! Of course it's two punishments!"

"Brother Ma, can you be a man?"

"That's right! Men, don't say you can't do it!"

Jiang Feng thought about it and immediately came up with an idea.

He smiled mischievously at Ma Xiaohao and said, "Oh, by the way, your phone seems to be still at my place. You don't want everyone to see your browser history, right?"


Ma Xiaohao couldn't hold back on the spot, and the expression on his face was extremely complicated.

Damn it! Destroy the wolf!


Listen to them all!

Is this really something that humans can do!

A scholar can be killed, but he cannot be humiliated!

If the browser history were released, it would be more uncomfortable than killing him!

He will have to change his name and transfer to Mars overnight to go to school!

"Teacher Jiang, stop! I'm going to whip you right now!"

Before Jiang Feng could say anything else.

Ma Xiaohao had already clicked the "random punishment" button first.

I'm afraid that this old teacher will really release his browser history!


at this time.

In the live broadcast room.

The audience was shocked!

Especially when I heard what Jiang Feng said: "You don't want everyone to see your browser history, right?"

Many people couldn't help but burst out laughing!

Grab the bamboo shoots!

To release a person's browser history, you might as well just say that he was delayed!

This operation is extremely explosive wherever it is placed!

【Awesome! From Ma Xiaohao's reaction, we can clearly see how much of a blow it is to a boy to release his browser history! 】

[Boy? Girls are the same! If the browser history of my mobile phone were released, I would have to sit on the Shenzhou spacecraft overnight and change my life on another planet...]

[What a vicious trick, hahahaha! You can think about how much psychological harm it would do to a fifteen-year-old child by releasing his browser history. 】

[It is strongly recommended that Teacher Jiang include the release of browser history records into the random punishment! It's best to arrange it for Ma Xiaohao first! 】

【? ? ? You kid is the real devil! Teacher Jiang just wants the student club to die. You really don’t want to leave a way for students to survive! 】

[I’m afraid that before the next day, the students will leave the earth in a spaceship overnight! 】



In the Chinese class of class three.

Three seconds after Ma Xiaohao clicked the button.

All kinds of punishments.

The option finally stopped at: walking around the classroom three times with the same hand and feet.

Seeing this punishment, the classroom burst into laughter.

Ma Xiaohao was already a little numb at this time.

Just go along the way.

After all, it's better than releasing his browser history.

So like a robot, he walked around the classroom three times with the same hands and feet.

It made the students laugh again and again, and there was constant laughter in the classroom.

After Ma Xiaohao went down, the next person came to Chen Yufan.

This guy is pretty confident.

Because just now, while Ma Xiaohao was suffering on the podium, he specially read the text several times.

Now my memory is so profound that I feel like I can finish it in one breath without any problem.

This kind of surprise tutoring before spot checks is often very useful and has a significant effect on dealing with spot checks.

Especially when you just close the book, before your brain reacts, you can recite it almost naturally.

But it won't take long for this kind of operation to be completely forgotten.

It can only be regarded as a small means to deal with surprise inspections.

However, for him now, he can't control so much, as long as he can pass the random inspection, he doesn't want to die in society.

So he stood up very confidently and started to recite: "Marquis of Jin, Qin..."

And this time.

Jiang Feng had already seen through his tricks. Isn't this just what he had done before?

This should give him some insight.

So he suddenly raised his hand and interrupted him: "Hey, wait a minute, you memorize "Qinyuanchun·Changsha"."

Um? ? ?

Chen Yufan was saved on the spot.

He showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

How outrageous!

I had just been doing cram school recitation for so long, why did I change it now?

Unexpectedly, this teacher even noticed the surprise tutoring endorsement he had just given! So I specially made this one!

I even deliberately changed the text I memorized last week, but I almost forgot about it!

Isn't this fatal?

Chen Yufan thought for a moment and raised his hand unwillingly.

He suggested: "Teacher Jiang and Ma Xiaohao just memorized this article. I'd better continue to memorize this article. Didn't you also say that classical Chinese is more important before? This is the key to getting stable points in the exam."

Although he knew it was difficult to change, he still wanted to try.

What if Teacher Jiang changes his mind?

After a pause of three seconds.

Jiang Feng unexpectedly did not refuse.

Instead, he nodded and agreed: "Okay, then you can continue with Ma Xiaohao's story."

! ! !

Chen Yufan was a little unbelievable on the spot!

I go!

Is this still the Teacher Jiang he knows?

He actually agreed so easily without saying anything else!

Wouldn’t this be easier to handle!

It happened that I just watched the surprise tutorial several times. It was not simple. Now I am simply...


Eh? Where did I just carry it?

Damn it!

Where did I just carry it? ! !


After being mentioned by Teacher Jiang just now, I suddenly forgot about it!

Chen Yufan fell silent on the spot!

Damn it! I was fooled!

The sixth teacher knew that he had to read a book unexpectedly to improve his memory.

But just two sentences made him think about other things.

This immediately interrupted the usual train of thought in his mind!

He couldn't keep up with his thoughts, and now there was nothing in his mind!


The sixth child!

This is so inappropriate!

Tear the umbrella apart until it becomes invisible!


At this moment.

Most of the viewers in the live broadcast room were confused when they saw this scene.

They really couldn't figure out why Teacher Jiang suddenly became so talkative just now.

He readily agreed without even asking for a price.

I can't figure out why, but a minute ago, Chen Yufan still had an extremely confident smile on his face and his expression was very relaxed.

Now, I have a look of pain on my face, unable to continue, my endorsement is stuck!

Is this a curse placed by Teacher Jiang?

[Sure enough, high school was the peak of my intelligence, and I turned into a waste when I entered college. This change is so fast, my brain is a bit unable to keep up now, can any brother explain it to me? 】

[I guess Teacher Jiang got his browser history, so this guy’s mentality collapsed! 】

【puff! Why didn't you guess that Teacher Jiang was Medusa? Chen Yufan was enchanted by just one look at Teacher Jiang! 】

[I feel it’s because Chen Yufan has been flipping through the book just now to temporarily deepen his memory, but Teacher Jiang’s two words directly interrupted his train of thought, and now he can’t continue. 】

[Brother, your explanation is reasonable! I think it works! Thumbs up for you! 】

【Fuck! Are the methods of tearing umbrellas so advanced now? I can’t even understand it if I don’t have any skills! 】



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