Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 80 Jiang Feng: That’S So Good, Don’T Say It Again Next Time!

Chen Yufan hesitated for dozens of seconds and was immediately defeated.

He decisively went to the podium to choose his own punishment.

My thoughts just now were directly interrupted by two sentences from Teacher Jiang, and now I can't catch up at all!

Can’t carry a little bit!

With an anxious mood, Chen Yufan came to the podium and tremblingly clicked the "random punishment" button.

Three seconds later.

There were only six big words in the punishment box: Double your homework today!

"Pfft hahaha!"

"Cluck, cluck, cluck..."

"Double it hahahaha!"

The class burst into laughter again, and the sarcasm level was full.

Chen Yufan, who had doubled his homework by himself, was stunned!

Only then did he remember.

Today is still Friday!

The homework is doubled this weekend...

Damn it! Don't play like this!

This is the rhythm that I plan to let him write about breaking his arm!

So he looked at Jiang Feng very helplessly.

The intention is already very obvious.

When Jiang Feng saw it, he did feel that something was slightly wrong.

If it were normal times, it would be okay to double the homework, but the workload would just be a little larger.

But now it’s the weekend.

If the homework is doubled during the weekends, it will be a big problem.

His original intention was not to punish the students, but more to impress them and deepen their memory in this way.

So he said: "How about you draw another one, this one doesn't count."

Is this possible?

Chen Yufan immediately became happy: "Thank you, Teacher Jiang!"

Clicked the "Random Punishment" button again.

Three Seconds Later: Do an impersonation of your favorite star from the podium.



He's not star-struck either.

Chen Yufan hasn't reacted yet.

At this moment.

The dozens of students under the podium became inexplicably excited!

Everyone was dancing excitedly!

Someone imitated a chicken flapping its wings.

Someone picked up the basketball from their seat.

Someone flipped their hair and parted it in the middle.

Some people couldn't control themselves, their shoulders began to shake unconsciously, and they were already ready to move!

Everyone is making crazy hints!


Good guy!

This class is full of little guys!

Off the charts!

at this time.

The audience in the live broadcast room burst out laughing when they saw such an outrageous scene!

All kinds of jokes come out one after another, and the barrages fly everywhere!

【Do you want to eat fried cakes? Plum civet cat! Plumhorn sheep! Plum juice! You can’t eat the flavored fried fish! 】

[I don’t know why some people keep criticizing him. They forget the first part and the middle part. In short, one egg a day gives me nutrition. 】

【Hold the grass! This class is full of little guys! Bring your Chinese teacher with you to the court session! I'm going to be on the jury! 】

[The abacus above was made, I heard it thousands of kilometers away! 】

【puff! Is chicken plague so contagious now? 】

[I advise you to lychee a little, this is the most basic kindness of human beings! 】



On the podium. Chen Yufan understood the hints of many students below on the spot.

He took the initiative and said, "Teacher Jiang! I can do this!"

As he spoke, he glanced at his hair and parted it in the middle.

Then he took a basketball from the side and said: "Hello everyone, producers of the third class, I am Chen Yufan, a personal trainee who has been practicing for two and a half years. I like singing, dancing, rap, and basketball. Music~"


There was laughter under the podium.

Jiang Feng even took the lead and acted as the little black guy: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait for me to record a video!"


Amidst the laughter.

The class time passed quickly like this.

As the get out of class bell rang.

Jiang Feng rushed out of the door in an instant, but no one was there again.

Performed a wave of disappearing magic for the students.

When Jiang Feng returned to the office and was about to lie down, he realized it.

I left my textbooks and USB flash drive in Class 3 and forgot to pick them up.

He hurried back to class three to get something.

I happened to see the math class representative from Class 3 handing out test papers to the students.

Yes, it was the one he proctored the last time.

Immediately, I started to wonder how Ma Xiaohao did in the last "practice" exam.

So I walked over curiously.


Seeing Jiang Feng coming, Ma Xiaohao hid the test paper on the spot, fearing that Jiang Feng would see his scores.

Jiang Feng pulled up a chair.

Naturally, she sat next to him and joked: "Hey, how many points did you get in the test? You can't even read it?"

Ma Xiaohao lowered his head: "39 points..."

Good guy!

Even lower than Jiang Feng expected!

I originally thought there would be another fifty or sixty!

But it is indeed the "practice" that should be tested.

Jiang Feng said earnestly: "This score is not enough. It may be difficult to get an undergraduate degree in the future. Mathematics is one of the three major courses after all. It's not okay to be lame."

There was no way, although he didn't like such preaching.

But it’s definitely not possible without preaching.

He is not the head teacher of Class 3, so this kind of thing is not his responsibility.

But as a teacher of a student, it wouldn’t be a waste of time if a few words of persuasion can help the student.

After all, this guy is considered his "favorite student" in the entire third class.

Ma Xiaohao buried his head lower: "Brother Jiang, mathematics is too difficult for me. I can't learn it. If I can't learn it, I don't want to learn it anymore..."

Jiang Feng knew it as soon as he heard it.

It is indeed easy for students to have this mentality.

Face the subjects you are good at.

As long as you get good grades and continue to receive positive feedback, you will like it more and more, and the more you learn, the easier it will be.

Face subjects you don’t know how to do.

After a few setbacks in exams, my mentality becomes unstable. As time goes by, I become more and more resistant and want to learn less and less. It’s no wonder that my grades are good.

If you encounter an impatient and inconsiderate teacher who gives up after seeing such results, then the student's performance in that subject will always be like this.

Thought for a moment.

Jiang Feng advised him as if he was joking to himself: "You have to stand up. You see, I'm worse at playing games than you are at studying mathematics. If I don't insist on improving my scores almost every day, why can't you just learn mathematics now?"

Ma Xiaohao: "But Brother Jiang, you seem to be losing points."


Jiang Feng fell silent.

I didn't let you tear me down!

But the real thing is that Galen whispered, silence and breaking the defense!

That’s so good, don’t say it next time!

Don’t say it again in the future!


At this moment.

The happiest people are the viewers in the live broadcast room.

I originally thought it was Jiang Feng's kind words and persuasion that made this student who didn't like mathematics turn around and change his ways.

Unexpectedly, this guy silenced Jiang Feng with just one sentence!

[Yes...I'm sorry hahahaha! It’s so funny! I simply couldn’t help it! This is the first time I see Teacher Jiang being deflated! 】

【He is so good! In just 11 words, a teacher was silenced! 】

[You can say that Teacher Jiang’s lectures are not good, and he won’t be angry; you can also say that his class has no atmosphere, and he will laugh it off; but you can’t say that Teacher Jiang is bad at playing games, because he is really bad at playing games! 】

[Too naive, I really didn’t expect Teacher Jiang to be like this! 】

[There is a saying, for people who don’t know mathematics, it is really hopeless. I tried my best to stare for a long time, but I couldn't see anything, and I couldn't even write blindly. 】

【Feel the same! I just don’t know how to do math. When I was in high school, I saw other people doing problems with such ease, and when I saw that I could only write down a solution after grinding for a long time, I couldn’t help but wonder if there was something wrong with my IQ... 】



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