In the office of the program team of "Searching for the Most Beautiful Gardener in the Country".

at an impromptu emergency meeting.

The big screen was currently showing the whole process of player No. 80 Gu Shaojie beating someone, as well as the other four players No. 19, No. 27, No. 88, and No. 92. The live broadcast room was full of curses and the scene of losing popularity.

And the message interface of their program group is now full of backstage comments.

"Trash show! You even imitate Teacher Jiang. Can you please stop being so disgusting! What are you imitating?"

"Is there no subsequent punishment for player No. 80?"

"What rubbish player is worthy of imitating Teacher Jiang? Teacher Jiang taught you to beat the students?"

"Hurry up and replace the teacher in No. 92! Teacher Jiang will not force the students to stand in class for a week if they tear up their umbrellas!"


Seeing the show's negative reviews, chief director Liu Tian was furious.

"Who told you to do this!"

Assistant director Chen Ming raised his eyes, feeling the strong anger.

His lips moved several times, but no words came out.

Finally, while Liu Tian was breathing heavily, he mustered up the courage and weakly raised his hand.

"Director Liu, I want to ask other contestants to imitate No. 6. Then they will all be teachers like No. 6, which can increase the traffic of our program..."

Liu Tian turned to look at him: "What do you think? But in fact? I still thought that the money I made this year would be more than Mahua Pain! Is it useful?"

"Have you ever seen anyone imitating the pain of twisting and turning?"

"The first person to do this is called a genius, the second person to imitate is called a mediocre person, and the third person to follow the trend is called a fool!"

"The second week after No. 6 became popular, other players followed suit. What's the result? The popularity of live broadcasts is still at the bottom!"

"Click on the popularity rankings and take a look. From the second to the tenth place, which one became popular because they imitated No. 6? Who told you that you must imitate to be successful?"

Chen Ming was so rebuffed that he couldn't answer anything: "Director Liu, I..."

"Okay, stop talking. Stop your ridiculous idea now. Your duties will be temporarily taken over by Xiao Li this month."




It’s another eight o’clock class in the morning.

Jiang Feng was afraid that he would get up late again today.

I was woken up by the alarm clock at 7:20 in the morning and got out of bed.

When I slowly arrived at school, it was exactly 7:50.

As soon as he opened the office door, he saw four other teachers rushing towards him.

"Happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday, Teacher Jiang!"

"Happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday, Teacher Jiang!"


Jiang Feng looked at the other teachers with a puzzled expression: "Huh? My birthday?"

Chen Mei nodded: "Yes, it's written in the file!"


Why don't I remember this?

Jiang Feng picked up his phone and took a look.

Hey guys, September 20th.

Today is indeed my birthday.

It's just...he has never celebrated his birthday since he turned 18.

It feels fancy and a waste of time.

Unexpectedly, someone can still celebrate his birthday now.

"Thank you then."

Jiang Feng declined without politeness and accepted several gift boxes from them with a smile.

The main focus of the post-00 generation is to eliminate red tape and keep everything simple.

Be happy while alive.

When I die, you can put a date at my funeral or use my ashes to build a wall!


at this time.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room were puzzled.

Teacher Jiang could even forget his own birthday?

[Hold the grass, Teacher Jiang’s birthday is today. It’s too abrupt. Send me a little flower. Happy birthday, Teacher Jiang! 】

[Brothers, Teacher Jiang and I have the same birthday! It happens to be my birthday today too! 】

[Then I wish Teacher Jiang a happy birthday, and I will die as far as you go! 】

【What the hell? Brothers upstairs, there is no need to be so violent, right? It’s my birthday today after all! 】

【What a fart birthday! That hanging hair is my roommate’s birthday just last week! I just gave him an in-game 648 to buy the skin, just listen to him beep! 】

【Fuck! The adoptive father is here! Please pay your respects to me! It’s my birthday today too, does my adoptive father still need a roommate? I can lay a floor on the balcony! ! ! 】



Not long after I put down the gift.

While there were still a few minutes left in the first Chinese class of Class 3, Jiang Feng was about to lie down for a while.


at this time.

The office door rang.

Su Qing, the Chinese class representative of Class 3, hurriedly opened the office door and walked in, heading straight to Jiang Feng's seat.

"Jiang...Teacher Jiang, it's not good! Ma Xiaohao and Li Yiliang are fighting in the class. Go and have a look!"

? ? ?

Jiang Feng was immediately puzzled.

I just saw two boys from Class 4 fighting a while ago, and they were asked to hug each other and sing "Brother Hug".

I also told about this in Class 3, so logically, I should have taken a warning!

Why is it that it's not even half a month and the fight suddenly breaks out?

"Where is your class teacher?"

Su Qing looked very anxious: "The head teacher can't be found. Teacher Jiang, please go over and have a look!"

"Okay! Let's go now!"

Jiang Feng hurriedly followed Su Qing out of the office.

This caused several other teachers to feel a little puzzled.

In the corridor, Jiang Feng heard the voices of the students in the class before he reached the third class classroom.

Li Yiliang: "What the hell are you talking about! Say something else!"

Ma Xiaohao: "I'll tell you! What's wrong! Are you not convinced?"

Li Yiliang: "If you have the guts, try saying it again!"

Ma Xiaohao: "Just try it! Who are you?"


Just opened the classroom door.

I saw Li Yiliang and Ma Xiaohao wrestling in the middle of the classroom, with their hands tearing at each other's collars.

Many students around wanted to step forward to start a fight, but they couldn't do so at all.

Because most of the students in the class were girls, they didn't dare to step forward at all.

As soon as Jiang Feng came in, many girls rushed over anxiously.

"Teacher Jiang, please take care of them!"

"Teacher Jiang, please don't let them hit you."

Seeing that several tables around him were about to be overturned, the students on the side were also affected.

Jiang Feng walked through the aisle on one side and came to the two people, trying to pull away the two people who were wrestling with each other.

"What are you doing? You two, go out and fight. Don't affect other students in the class."

Li Yiliang blushed: "Teacher Jiang! He said something about me!"

At this time, veins popped up on Ma Xiaohao's face as well, and he cursed angrily: "Shit! Who do you think you are when you step on a horse? Are you worthy?"

Jiang Feng pulled away the two men's hands holding each other's collars.

He turned to look at Li Yiliang and asked, "What did he say about you?"

Ma Xiaohao immediately shouted: "I wish Teacher Jiang a happy birthday!"

In an instant, all the students in the class cheered.

"Teacher Jiang, happy birthday!"

Jiang Feng: "???????"

The next second.

A pair of cold hands covered Jiang Feng's eyes from behind.

After a few seconds.

Jiang Feng took away the hand covering his eyes.

And Ma Xiaohao already had an extra bouquet of flowers in his hand, which he stuffed into Jiang Feng's arms without any explanation: "Brother Jiang, happy birthday!"

The girl named Ye Xiaoyi who gave the meal card before also handed a wrapped thermos cup to Jiang Feng.

He smiled and said: "Teacher Jiang, happy birthday!"


A moment.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were all a little stunned when they saw this scene.

Almost everyone was deceived by this realistic acting. After all, the two guys were just like Crouching Dragon and Phoenix, they had no power at all when fighting, they were exactly like the real thing!

When I heard that students were fighting, I thought I could see Ma Xiaohao, Teacher Jiang's focus, hugging and singing with the person who was fighting.

But they never expected that this group of students would actually do this to them!

Simply outrageous!

It completely exceeded everyone’s expectations!

【Grass! Who stepped on a horse and peed in my eyes! Seeing this scene, tears couldn't stop flowing down my face! 】

[It’s outrageous. It’s only the third week of school. Are Teacher Jiang and the students already having such a good time? 】

[Really awesome, why didn’t I think of this move! Our class teacher will also be celebrating his birthday next month, so let’s try this trick then! 】

[The students really paid attention this time, and this wave of surprises was really big! Even Teacher Jiang was stunned. He didn't expect this to happen at all! 】

[If this spreads out, other teachers will be envious to death? 】

[Teacher Jiang has obviously been the sixth grader so many times and made the students miserable, but the students are still so kind to him. I really can’t believe it. 】



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