Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 89 Students Learned The True Story Of Teacher Jiang!

be honest.

Jiang Feng didn't expect this situation to happen at all.

After all, these are the students who were usually tricked by him, but now they have turned against him.

I feel a little uncomfortable no matter what.

I never thought that one day I would be fooled by this group of students.

Although I was indeed deceived, I felt a warm feeling in my heart.

Alas, these students.

Especially Ye Xiaoyi, the poor student who was helped by him, also gave him a gift at this time.

This made him a little embarrassed to continue tearing the umbrella apart.

Inexplicably, I was a little moved.

Then reward these students by not tearing off their umbrellas this morning.

Jiang Feng held the flowers in one hand and restrained his strength with the other. Bang Bang punched Ma Xiaohao and Li Yiliang twice each.

Question: "Tell me, who of you came up with the idea?"

Ma Xiaohao chuckled and stopped making excuses on the spot: "Brother Jiang, it was all the class representative's idea, and we both followed it."

? ? ?

Amelia Su was betrayed and immediately became numb.

He glared at Ma Xiaohao fiercely: "Teacher Jiang... we just want to give you a surprise. We have been preparing for several days..."

Just know that it was definitely not Ma Xiaohao and Li Yiliang's idea.

They were both very carefree.

The best idea I can think of is to rush to the office and carry Jiang Feng to the class to celebrate.

Jiang Feng laughed after hearing Su Qing's weak tone: "I don't blame you, you can remember my birthday, it's too late for me to be happy. After all, I don't even remember my birthday."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After listening to this, Ma Xiaohao put his hand directly on Jiang Feng's shoulder: "Brother Jiang, let's..."

Jiang Feng: "Oh, by the way, we will ask questions in class later, starting with the three of you."

Ma Xiaohao: "????"

Li Yiliang: "????"

Su Qing: "???"

"Pfft! You don't have martial ethics!"


Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room also started to laugh.

The scene that was quite heartwarming a second ago suddenly changed due to Jiang Feng's style of painting.

【I knew it! If Teacher Jiang doesn't act like the sixth child, he will feel miserable every day! 】

[I can’t even imagine how hard the students who were taught by such a sixth-grade teacher would be in the future if they also became teachers! 】

[It was such a good atmosphere that I almost cried when I stepped on the horse. I didn’t expect Teacher Jiang to stop me instantly with just one word! 】

【Old Six! I asked you to tear off the students’ umbrellas, but not the audience’s umbrellas! My emotions were almost brewing, but you could stop me with just one word! 】

[Indeed, this wave is too damaging. I have never seen such an old teacher in half my life! 】




Jiang Feng did not tear up his umbrella in this class, and even the questions he asked in class were just to deceive them.

The content of the lectures was still boring and the students were translated sentence by sentence from classical Chinese.

When it comes to classical Chinese translation, even Jiang Feng couldn't think of any good ideas to make the class more cheerful (actually, the author was lazy and didn't want to write this, and really didn't want to include too much text plot in a novel that was just for fun).

Just like that, the class time passed in the blink of an eye.

This time, Jiang Feng did not disappear right after class. Instead, he finished the last sentence of translation before leaving class.

Just as he was about to leave, Ma Xiaohao shouted to him: "Goodbye, Brother Jiang, happy birthday!"

For some reason, Jiang Feng always felt like there was something in this guy's words.

It gave him an inexplicable feeling that something was wrong.

However, Jiang Feng didn't ask much. There were classes for Class 4 in the next period.

As soon as Jiang Feng pushed open the classroom door.

The next second.

I saw Xu Yan, the Chinese class representative of Class 4, and Zhao Qingqing, the monitor.

At this time, he was already standing at the door of the classroom, looking at him maliciously.

Just when Jiang Feng was wondering, Zhao Qingqing waved her hands to the left and right: "Take them away!"

The words just fell.

Four boys wearing masks and looking like robbers rushed forward.

Before Jiang Feng could react, a hood was placed directly on Jiang Feng's head, and he couldn't see anything for an instant.

A few boys couldn't help but lead Jiang Feng to Class 4.

In the third class classroom, bursts of laughter immediately erupted.

Especially this guy Ma Xiaohao, he laughed so hard that he went crazy: "Pfft hahahahaha!"


Jiang Feng understood instantly.

No wonder this guy shouted there just now. It turned out to be a tip to the group of people outside!

"Ma Xiaohao! Your kid's Chinese homework is doubled today!"

Ma Xiaohao's dumb voice came from behind: "Ah? Brother Jiang, what are you talking about? I'm not wearing glasses today, so I can't hear clearly!"

Jiang Feng: "???"

Something's wrong!

Something is very wrong today!

The stupid students in these two classes have been preparing for several days just to trick themselves!


After being forcibly "hijacked" by this group of people to Class 4.

As soon as he pulled off the hood on his head.

Immediately, a student wearing a mask and pretending to be a robber presented another bouquet of flowers, causing Jiang Feng to hold one in each hand.

"Teacher Jiang, happy birthday!"

Jiang Feng's head was covered with black lines.

You two classes are all really bad at it.

This idea made him really confused!

The treatment is good, don’t do it next time!


Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room could no longer hold back.

I really didn’t expect that the students in these two classes could have so much fun!

They were pretending to fight and pretending to be robbers again, just to celebrate Jiang Feng's birthday!

I really admire Teacher Jiang’s true legacy!

【Awesome! I've seen people pretending to fight before, but this is the first time I've seen people pretending to be robbers! 】

【They are so good at it! I am afraid that Teacher Jiang will still be able to remember this birthday clearly when he recalls it ten years later! 】

[Indeed, it’s great to have such students and teachers! If I were still in high school, I would definitely transfer to another school and want to be a student in this class! 】

[A man works outside. When he celebrated his birthday a few days ago, he bought himself a small cake worth five yuan, plus a bowl of hot noodle soup from the shop downstairs. It was treated as a birthday. But I don’t envy Teacher Jiang at all, because I copied and pasted the previous paragraph. 】

【? ? ? Grass! Horse riding! You're going to fucking die! How far is death! Die in outer space! Never come back again in this life! 】

[It’s really Sichuan peppercorns being dried at the neighbor’s door—it’s numbing the next door! You stupid netizens always come up with tricks that make my eyes darken! 】



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