Tearmoon Empire Story

Episode 216 What is a Snake?

The tea party with Valentina was held the next day.

At the tea ceremony the previous day, it was a completely paced stroller, but on this day, it turned around and the offensive started.

"If you don't know how to crush it, please tell me.What is a chaotic snake..... "

Gently sipping tea while staring at the crowd.It doesn't taste like poison...

That is, I was somewhat convinced that I would not use poison from here on out.

"Oh, you know what?"

To Valentina with a smile on her mouth, Straina answers with a winning smile.

"It will be decided. I have to figure out how to crush it.As long as we know who they are, we can deal with them. "

Valentina answers, looking at the words as if they were aimed at children in need.

"Like your favorite poison?You know a lot about it, don't you?Enough to kill your dear friend. "

"Yes, enough to protect the people I care about...."

Valentina seemed only slightly surprised by the answer.

"Oh, that's not your wound anymore.Fufufu, well, that's fine. If you want to know, I'll tell you. "

I put my mouth on the tea as if I had regained my mind...

"But your father knows that, too."


The witch laughs at Straina, who blinks her eyes.

"The Duke of Laurence Etois Yellowmoon, he said he knew what a chaotic snake was."

"Eh? No... I mean, Dad, nothing..."

In confusion, Valentina made fun of Strana, who shakes her eyes.

"Oh? Maybe you never taught me that?"

After laughing like a joke, you immediately turn around and smile gently.

"Fufufu. Pretty. You love your father, don't you?"

"Ha...! That's not true..."

Stryna feels her cheeks burning up.I chew my lips unexpectedly when I'm being played with again.I intend to seize the pace, but it is still the witch who controls the scene.

Regrettable and disgusting, Sturina's voice is soft to her heart's content.

"Fufu, I'm not going to get any light.That's not very nice. I'm so flattered. "

The subtle warmth contained in that voice further confuses Straina.It sounded like I really... envy you... because it sounded like a tone.

"Envious? That's the right thing to do...."

"Oh? Really? What you have is what I don't have.I don't think there's any wonder that I'm flattered... "

Valentina shrugged her shoulders laughing at herself.

"Anyway, I was about to be killed by my father or someone close to him."


Suddenly she confessed, but Valentina immediately shook her head.

"Well, I don't care.Shall I return to the conversation?I didn't try to make fun of you or lie to you.Sir Laurence Etois Yellowmoon does know what a serpent of chaos is.At least Barbara thought so. Fufu. "

And so Valentina laughed.

"Don't give him such a nasty face.I think he was a lot mean, but he had something to do with him.Because there was a good reason to hate noblemen - when you hear this, perhaps you will think.The witch's sister is trying to confuse her.If you knew that a snake could only become a snake, you'd feel sympathetic and your emotions would shake.... "

Even if you didn't think about it at all, once you become aware of it, you can't erase it from your memory anymore.

I'm sure that what we're talking about is trying to grasp our minds... but Straina couldn't keep her ears shut.

"Well, aside from that, I don't think it's any wonder that Sir Laurenz discovered the identity of the chaotic snake."

Valentina laughs deeply and tells quietly.

"Because the weakest yellow moon is precisely the one created by the reason of the snake."

"What does that mean...?"

Valentina listened to a blurry murmur.

"Then why didn't Lord Laurenz tell you?Not only for you, but also for Meer Luna Tier Moon.The answer is very simple. If you let me know, I'm sure you'll be desperate.You said you could defeat him, but that's impossible... and Lord Lorenz knew it well. "

With the heroically speaking witch princess on her ass, Straina drank the tea in front of her.

Taste the delicious black tea slowly enough to get angry, and then remember.

That's right, Meer never lost the room for tea and sweets.Straina once again confronts Valentina, with a powerful weather face behind her head, as if she were thinking nothing.

"Even if your father makes that decision, it's not necessarily the right one.That's why I want you to tell me.Could you tell me about it?If you really want to teach me.... "

He dared to make a stupid face, and Strina said.

"Or are you not going to tell me..."

"A serpent of chaos is a cult, not a cult.Not an abandoned clan.Not a fallen aristocrat.Become a princess who is excluded from the country, not a princess..... "

And Valentina closed her eyes gently, and said,

"But what is the reality of that body...?"

I put my mouth on the teacup in an elegant manner.

Moisten your lips with a gorgeous herbal tea... and tell them quietly.

"Chaos snakes, that's the idea of infecting a certain group."

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