Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 217 Book of Things Crawling the Land

"Infectious thoughts...?"

Valentina tells Straina in a gentle and gentle tone as she leans her neck.

"Yes, a snake is a word that infects the weak from the weak, and the loser from the loser to the loser, and distorts their perception.Destroy the ethics of the weak, rewrite common sense, and transform it into a demolisher of order. "

The tone was by no means glorious.

Somewhat calm, like the voice of a scholar, it was a terribly flat voice.

"A snake parasitic to the weak gently provokes it in its ears.All you have to do is destroy such order.It's a mechanism to trample and exploit you.What hesitation is there to destroy it? "

The sound of snakes resonates. Beautiful to sing, glossy to whisper to your lover.

"Ignore the laws of the winner.Don't worry about the people who trample the losers and live in peace.That's how you seduce. "

Giggles, laughs joyfully, Valentina continues.

"Normally, the poor, the losers, the weak, are bound by ethics.Even if you don't have anything, you don't think and don't think of putting your parents and children walking around town in the depths of misery.Whether the opponent is a merchant or a nobleman, it doesn't change.Because people have a 'conscience'.But the snake kills his conscience. "

Beautiful hands hold you tight.Straina sees blood in the thin, long hands of the princess.

"And give me the weapon."

The scripture of the snake placed on the desk, the silly serpent painted sole, gently stroked the surface... Valentina continued.

"The book of things that crawl the earth contains various methodologies.How to break the country, how to kill royalty, how to manipulate the minds of others.It is the crystallization of the wisdom of many who entrusted their hearts to the snake. It's a lump of malice. "

I think of my own house in the back of Stryna's head.

The Yellow Moon House, the weakest duke created by the logic of snakes.The poison technique that has been passed down and sanded in that house with continuous cotton.Maybe it should have been written down again.

"But... that logic is strange."

Barely, Stryna disagrees.

"If the weak defeat the strong, the snake will disappear.Because if you win the battle, the weak want to establish a system of domination as the winner.The weak who destroyed the "order that is not convenient for them" should try to create and maintain a "new order that is convenient for them".

It only destroys the old order and creates a new one.The logic of a chaotic snake that destroys everything in order cannot be fulfilled...

Valentina nods gently to Stryna's questions.Then I put two cookies on the plate.

"For example, yes. Suppose I, the weak, led the revolutionary army to wipe out King Remno's government.I'd rather ride this red berry.A blue berry would be better for the king's government. "

She then moves the red berry cookies up.

"As a new power holder, let me begin a new rule.But there are weak people there, right? "

She pointed to blue berry cookies with long fingertips.

"The remnants of the King's government.Snakes infect the weak from weak to weak.From the weak to the weak.Then the weak, the crippled, become snakes. "

Then she threw a blue berry cookie into her mouth.

Chew it deliciously and lick the shards on your lips with your tongue.

"Well, how about this?Execute all the losers.So what happens now? "

She split the red berry cookie in two.

"But the weak don't disappear.Within the Revolutionary Army, there is a sequence, and there are weak who are trampled upon.Losers are born who are defeated in the power struggle, and snakes come near them. "

Line up two red berry cookies on the table.

Strong and weak, winners and losers.who shall be the ruler.

"Or perhaps the weak in the Revolutionary Army may join hands with the debilitated of the King's government.Besides, not all the weak under the King's administration will enter the victorious Revolutionary Army.After all, the weak don't disappear. Snakes get in there and infect them. "

After the red berry cookies were put in her mouth, Valentina stared at Strana with her cheek stick.

"The idea of infecting and parasitizing human defects that create strong and weak, winners and losers is the body of the chaotic snake.That's why I won't die, I won't crush you, and I won't lose you.As long as people are people.As long as one keeps producing weak and losing. "

Valentina's words were powerful.A powerful force that could not be said was certainly present in the words.

It's like a god.

"Sir Lorenz gave up on his difficult nature.If you're a snake guide, you can execute them, and if you're a book, you can burn them.But I can't erase the thought that came into my head once. "

Valentina continued in a harsh tone as she gently closed her eyes and offered her prayers.

"Alternatively, cult teachings that hurt one's body, such as offering sacrifices, will be abandoned.Because it's barbaric, painful, and unpleasant, right?So it's easy to be thrown away and forgotten in history.But snakes are gentle.Snakes, like close friends, gently push the disaffected on the back.Give me your weapon and encourage me.That kind of teaching will never go away.As long as the strong keep trampling on the weak and creating winners and losers. "

So Valentina took the sole.

An old thick book with a picture of a snake on the cover.

"That's why our serpent scripture is called the Book of Things Crawling Through the Land."

Clearly, with the voice of a witch who tells the mystery.

"Books for those who crawl the earth, for the weak who crawl the earth."


At that moment, in Valentina's hand, the painting of the snake on the cover of the book looked glossy and stupid.

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