Tearmoon Empire Story

Episode 218 The Trouble of Ludwig

Earlier the next day, before the company of Meers, the families of fire were to leave the village.

To their surprise, they all go to the family.Children, the elderly and women are all.

"With the witch princess are the men of the precious clan.It's only natural that we all get it back. "

Strongly nodded, Huima waved to Meer.

"Thank you very much for your warmth so far.We must meet Princess Meer's expectations. "

The women nodded forcefully in response to Huima.What a pleasant appearance.

Then I dropped off the firemen who were leaving... and Mia snapped anxiously.

"Well... I hope it works..."

"It's okay, Miss Meer. I'm sure Huima-san will do well."

Encouraging, the bright voice was Anne, the exclusive maid.But I also saw an uneasy color on his face.

Looking at those two, Ludwig thinks.

--Perhaps Princess Meer and Miss Anne have different worries...

Perhaps what worries Meer is not persuasion by the Horses.Ludwig knew what to do first... did he know?

--That's right... I think I'm going to accompany Miss Anne this time, and I think we should get the situation straight here.

Ludwig already knows.Meer's spiritual pillar, one of which is undoubtedly Anne.

Not only is Meer being held hostage, but she also has to follow Abel, who will be hostile to her sister.I really need the support of my heart.It's impossible not to take Anne with you.

It is his judgment that he should come here, although it is dangerous.

Largely nodding, Ludwig opened his mouth.

"Perhaps, but... I don't think their chances of success are that low.Or maybe the witch princess won't bother you..... "

"Eh...? Really?"

Anne blinks her eyes. Meanwhile, Meer,


He only beat his gavel with a tactful attitude.It was a magnificent gavel that even made you feel the elegance of a king.

Then I just left the explanation to him, and I sent a glimpse to Ludwig.Nodded as he had learned, Ludwig began explaining.

"First of all, as I said the other day, I think not all the warriors of the Fire clan are intoxicated by the witch princess.I wonder if there are a significant number of people who bow to us by calling. "

Even if the number of people who bow down is small, if the number of troops decreases, at least it is fine.

Alternatively, Ludwig even thinks that if the enemy's goal is' to bring Meer to himself ', it would rather leave only a minimum of force as an enemy.

That is the same idea as not forbidding escorts.As an enemy, even with an escort, I wanted Meer to come.Likewise, they would hate the situation where 'Meer won't go because of the number of enemies'.

Conversely, we may refuse to go because of the number of enemy soldiers.

And while it might hurt Straina to piss off the witch princess... it was Ludwig who wanted to make amends with his own life.

Here, the foolishness of losing Meer should be avoided at all costs... his thoughts always stand on its foundations.

"If, as it stands, some of the warriors of the Fire clan were intoxicated with the witch princess, the most effective way to use it would not be to risk their lives to fight in the Abandoned Castle.It is also difficult to take down Mea because of the surprise.As long as Dion is around, that won't be the case. "

I can't think of a gap filled with wolves, but it's too uncertain.The best way to use this situation once in a lifetime is to do it.

Although Huima taught me in advance how many bow masters there were, none of them appeared to have protruded enough to walk around the guard's hand and shoot Meer.Unless there was an archer as skilled as the Lourou...

"The best course of action for the enemy is to get the snake-breathing into the warriors.This is certainly troublesome. But I don't want to make a mistake, because the purpose of this operation is, for example, to rescue Straina and eliminate the uncertainties. "

Ludwig looks at Meer. Meer....


He gave me back his magnificent gavel.

"Perhaps some of the warriors of the Fire clan have already turned to snakes.The solution this time may be to bring them into the Fire clan.And by them, the snake's foolishness may come back. "

Rather, the strategy of the snake is better.Direct battles and unexpected assassinations on the battlefield don't feel like snakes, but Ludwig does.

After pointing out the most embarrassing thing about being attacked by an enemy, Ludwig affirms.

"But in this rescue operation, they were powerless.If there were such people, the problem would be before now.The process may be turned first.The point is to minimize the number of snake hands at the base of the snake, which is the goal. "

Keep soldiers away from the witch princess as a force for action.That's what I'm after.

That's why we need to rescue Sturina and rebel the warriors of the Fire clan at the same time.

"I guess so...."

It was Dion who nodded to Ludwig's words.

"Well, the Wolf Flower Hall is on its way here, so I'll leave it to the witch to decide if there's a mix of breathtaking people.Well, that's not for us to take care of.It's about the Fire Clan. "

Dion shrugged his shoulders.

"You don't have to think about the long term right now.What we need to think about now is the abandoned castle of the snake, which will be on the battlefield for the moment.Overlap if you can get rid of the Warriors of the Fire clan.If you're interrupting the warriors' rebellion, that means you can guess what the enemy is after, and if you don't have enough warriors back, you'll be ambushing them somewhere.If we know the number of people who are hiding somehow, it's also useful information. "

Dion's thinking is simple.His horizons are captured only in the immediate battlefield.He insists that it is time to think about what happens there.

And if we can pull enemy power off the battlefield for the time being, apart from the rest, it will be beneficial for the rescue of Straina.

After seeing Meer nod to Dion's remarks, Ludwig said.

"This is only a private reflection... and you may feel it too thinly... but I think the witch of the snake is quite a person to talk to."

To this, Anne looked surprised.

"What do you mean, it makes sense?"

"If you change the way you say it, is it easy to form an agreement?I mean... the enemy wants to send Mea to their base.So I was wondering if you could help us get rid of the elements that would get in our way. "

If you focus solely on bringing Meer to you, the warriors of the Fire clan will be in the way.Because if an unforeseen skirmish were to happen, Meer would escape immediately.

"The advantages of keeping the Warriors of the Fire clan away from their bases, the breadth of options available to them by keeping them at hand, and perhaps the witch does not hesitate to let the Warriors go...It feels like that. "

Otherwise, it's fine.If the enemies use their warriors to fortify their base, they will only have to deal with it, and in that case, the brazen tactics of the Fire Clan are an effective means.

It will greatly help to shake the enemy's heart.

--I wondered what would happen when you told me you were going to join the horses... but that solution of reconciling the horseback kingdom and the fire clan in a short period of time was an effective blow for the snake.

Again, Ludwig wraps his tongue.

I don't think we were counting Strana's kidnapping, but what Meer did would have been quite a harassment to the witch.

"The problem is... if you know the enemy's stuff well, what's the real solution..."

What if we let go of the warriors who defend our base... and we let go of most of the power we have...?

So what do you want to do?It was as if I didn't know.

"But it makes sense to summon the princess.I suppose you have the right plan. "

Dion was right.And that's probably what's bothering Meer.

"Either way, let's make sure that your surroundings are well consolidated."

We can't help but know where the enemy is coming from.Either way, perfectly protect Meer and be flexible in responding to any changes in circumstances.That was the only thing Ludwig could do.

There are only a limited number of nearby guards we can take with us, and there are few signs we can use in the first place.Her Majesty's private escort is too skilled to infiltrate the castle.Only Dion is likely to be able to do it, but if he is not by Meer's side, he will create an enemy alert.

The knight of the Kingdom of Remno, Gimmimafias, may be able to do it, but when I asked him to rescue me, there was no guarantee that he would do it.

Then, with a handful of the finest, there is no other way but to consolidate around Meer.

It's a waiting hand. A posture that consolidates your defenses and inflicts all enemy tactics.Then they rescue the enemy with an instant gap when their hands run out.

Ride the enemy's temptations to some extent, as long as they have hostages in their hands.Eat and tear it apart thereon, and pierce the gap that will arise for a moment. That's the only way.

--To be honest, the initiative is hostage to the enemy.In a genius self, it's best to sharpen the opponent's power...After all, we can only give Meer the highest priority to survive.

The best thing to do is to get Stryna out safely... but when it doesn't work out, I'll make sure to make sure the Duke of Yellow Moon has an excuse not to abandon her.

That was Ludwig's most likely vision of the future.

But at the same time, I think so.

At the very least, I think that Stryna is safe...If so, how exactly should it be realized...

It was Ludwig who bothered his head with questions he could not answer.

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