Tech overlord

Chapter 301 Sword Intent

The voice was loud, spreading along the hall to the outside of the court hall.

The female emperor stayed for a while, staring at the imperial city that had survived before the natural disaster. Her eyes had already traveled through space and reached the battlefield outside the city.

The raging flames of war that have ignited there have never been extinguished, and the sunlight that is so momentous in the world, how can it withstand its brightness?

There is no eternal empire, let alone an emperor with the end of his life.

When she walked out of the hall and stepped down the steps, she suddenly felt a relaxed feeling in her heart. It would be nice if she was not born in the emperor's house.

Many people only saw her sitting in the high hall, and the outside world flowed into a river of blood.

The supreme authority is the heaven that everyone yearns for.

But some things,

Really wait for you to touch it, take the crown that symbolizes the king over the world, and sit on the throne, and you will know the weight of the burden on your shoulders.

Ordinary people just ask for three meals and have enough to have a shelter from the wind and rain.

But the emperor,

As long as it is not the vulgar generation, what is considered is the world!!!

Their burden is also the world. He has to consider whether the people in the empire have enough food, whether they are dressed warmly, whether they have money to spend, whether they are being exploited...

Too much, and too tired.

The female emperor closed her eyes, enjoying a rare moment of warmth, and then she walked firmly outside the city, she-going to meet the triumphant teacher.


Liu Changfeng stood in place, motionless like a mountain, no waves without wind, but people are there, the waves rise naturally, the tides ebb and flow, the flowers bloom, and the thick hair is dancing in the wind.

The nameless sword buzzed.

It seems to be provoking a giant python not far away.

People take advantage of the sword, and the sword helps others. One person, one room, is the top.

The sky full of sword energy contracted in an instant and returned to his body, so that it gave people an illusion that he was clearly just a person, but standing there was no different from an army.

Humanoid monster!

Such a sentence suddenly appeared in Li Ruoyu's mind.


At this moment, what word is more suitable than using this sentence to describe him?

Li Ruoyu knows the skills of the ancient three links. Except for him, which one of Fang Su and Lu Renjia has never personally grasped his strong sword intent?

and so,

When the ancient three links stand up, the battle will be certain.

It's ridiculous.

If it were in front of the cannon, even if the ancient three links reached the point of transcendence and sanctification, he would be bombarded with dregs, but in front of the soldiers controlled by the genetic medicine, he became a god.

One thing drops one thing after all.

He sighed, then lit the cigarette, and said: "Quick battle, quick decision, my lord, I'm a little tired."

The words fell.

The troops in the rear panicked suddenly and couldn't stop retreating.

Fight for a long time,

Many people died on both sides.

In particular, Li Ruoyu's burst of power at the last moment directly sank the ground. Although the target was Lu Renjia, Yu Bo was not idle.

Most of the crusades surrounding the Eastern Crusade were shaken to death.

All that is left now is the reconciliation of the momentum after the appearance of the giant python. I was thinking of taking down the East City Gate in one go, but I did not expect to jump out of an ancient tee halfway, just as Li Ruoyu could not have imagined that Fang Su would ride one. The giant python suddenly appeared like that, which can only be said to be good fortune.

No matter how powerful the genetic warrior is, in front of the ancient three links, he can only shiver and become a rookie.

"Dying or alive?"

"as you like."

Hearing that, Li Ruoyu spit out a mouthful of cigarettes, feeling relieved, not to say whether the other party will accept his love and leave, for now, at least the crisis is resolved.

Only one step away from victory, how could Fang Su dare to retreat in such a defeat.

Not to mention the power of the giant python, stronger than the beast king Yue.

He who controls the python, although he doesn't know why the python has become stronger, but think about it carefully, maybe this is a miracle, and with the great aspiration in his heart, he will stand and die, and will not run on his knees.

Lu Renjia took a breath and said, "Master, we can't beat him."

Fang Su shook his head, took out a needle and handed it to him, saying, "This is a potion that surpasses the Paladin."

Lu Renjia's pupils shrank sharply.

When Fang Su took out the medicine, Li Ruoyu, who was smoking a cigarette below, also stared at the needle, and said loudly, "Get the medicine back, I owe you love."

Gu Santong nodded, then assumed a posture of drawing a sword.

It is said that the Yanusheng family's sword drawing has moved the world, its speed and power, so that people can only see the sword drawing but not the sheath.

When the sheath was closed, the enemy's body had already separated.

Seeing this posture, Li Ruoyu couldn't help but wonder, this guy's sword intent seemed to have broken through again.

Just thinking of this, the other party rushed out.

At the moment Lu Renjia was about to inject, the nameless sword fell off from his hand, and then flung out a dazzling light, and cut it vertically from below.

There is no explosion of things today,

Some are just quiet.

Between the sky and the earth, there is only a waning moon in the sky, which has not dissipated for a long time, and it is bright and smooth, seeming to cut the sky and the earth away.

Then, a shock came.

With him as the center, the ground quickly cracked, and the bottomless cracks spread directly to the moat, and even the fifty-meter-wide river water was split all at once.

Li Ruoyu watched this scene in shock, until the cigarette had burned out, and he was awakened suddenly after burning his fingers.


He touched his chin and looked at the ancient tee, but he was thinking about it. At this moment, he thought of the elemental power of the saint again.

That kind of mysterious power, and the sword intent of the ancient three links, have the same tune and the same effect, they are all powers that explode beyond the limits of the human body.

Even his home star cannot be possessed. Even if he possesses powerful ancient martial arts for combat, that is the strength that can only be exerted on mecha.

For example, the cannonballs he fired when he turned into a hand ring, although they were equipment he used to play games, they actually had names.

It's called a curvature cannon.

The caliber is specially processed to absorb the ionized elements in the world, and when it continues to emit at a critical value, it will burst out with a powerful force.

Although the sword intent of the ancient three links could not be completely deciphered, when you think about it carefully, there seems to be a faint connection between the two.

Equipment is powerful because of human use.

If you compare people to equipment, thinking of this, his gaze shrinks slightly, and the problems that have troubled his heart for a long time suddenly become clear. If the war is not over, he really wants to ask people to tie up the ancient three links and bring them back. Research and research in the laboratory.

next moment,

The python crashes,

Rarely, no corpse fell, but directly exploded in mid-air and turned into powder. When the wind blew, it disappeared.

Seeing this, Li Jueye secretly said that it is a pity that such a good python meat, if it does not disappear, would it not be fragrant to fish it back and stew a pot of snake soup?

He dropped his cigarette butt and began to gather troops. Old Liu ran over from the rear and said, "My Lord, the empress has been driven out by Zhang Jianguo."

Li Ruoyu laughed and said: "Wouldn't it be better for the triumphant teacher to guard the imperial city, she came to meet us."

In the twilight, Lu Renjia and Fang Su Qiqi fell, and they dropped together, and there was also the genetic medicine that had not had time to inject that surpassed the paladin.

Naturally, Li Jueye would not miss this kind of thing. The science and technology are full of rivers. Since there is a complete medicine, it is better to take it back and study it together.

Without waiting for him to speak, Gu Santong jumped up from the ground, grabbed the potion in the air, and then drove Lu Renjia into the moat with a sword.

Around, the soldiers shouted loudly.

This scene will be an unforgettable sight for them all their lives.

Coincidentally, at this time, the empress happened to be on the east city gate. She was not wearing a crown, and without the usual sense of distance, she looked very kind.

With a smile on her mouth, she looked at Fang Su and Lu Renjia who were struggling in the river, and said, "Follow me back to the city."

"Long live the empress!"

Below, everyone shouted again.

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