Tech overlord

Chapter 302

Therefore, this battle should come to an end in triumph. It is a little regrettable that even in the encirclement of thousands of troops, Fang Su's head was not taken.

The ancient three links expressed regret.

Li Ruoyu didn't speak, so he looked at him for a while, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "You are a real dog."


The merits and demerits are determined by the knife in the historian's pen. When the female emperor has not returned to the dust for a hundred years, this period of history will be thoroughly revealed.

someone said,

In this conspiracy to kill without seeing blood, how many tens of thousands of people died outside the imperial city?The troop that Liu Changfeng led out had caused a bloody storm that had almost slaughtered the city. Therefore, he was also burdened with the infamy of a murderer.

Of course,

It's still thriving right now.

Before Zhang Jianguo was sitting warm, he saw the female emperor leading an army from outside the city, and the first person to rush in front of him was not someone else, it was the generation of soldiers he had personally cultivated-Zhang Chenghuan.


Zhang Chenghuan knelt on the ground and knocked three heads, which was regarded as repaying the kindness of nurturing.

Zhang Jianguo clung to the dragon chair tightly, his face was pale, looking at the empress who was wearing the crown again, his eyes almost burst into flames, he couldn't understand it, and even a little bit inexplicable.

What? I lost.

Yes, the preparations were so long that they even brought in the Crusades, Lu Renjia who was comparable to a Paladin, and tens of thousands of local private soldiers.

The army that had gathered at least 50,000, couldn't let him sit on the dragon chair for twelve hours.

"Do it."

For a long time, Zhang Jianguo exhaled and looked into the distance. He only felt that this life was worth it. At least before he died, he had set foot on the top of the power of the empire, and he was chanted by hundreds of officials. .

Zhang Chenghuan drew his sword.

Head down.

So Li Ruoyu gave him a fake, although the latter was unwilling, but under the threat of the former, he took off his armor and rode to Dark Moon City.

The good name is learning. In fact, the other party had already secretly written a letter, asking Haosheng over there to give him an ideological and political class. This guy killed his father himself. If he said that there was no shadow in his heart, he would have a ghost. You can only let him guide his heart over there, otherwise it would be strange if he was not crazy.

Then, the liquidation began.

With the hundreds of officials in the court as the center of the storm, a reform storm that swept across the country followed.

This day,

Not only was the blood flowing into rivers outside the city, but there were also dead bodies everywhere in the court.

Those who died were all within the Dawn Empire, stomping their feet, and the entire empire was shaking. They were either local generals or the ruling city lord.

Without exception, anyone who knelt down and shouted Zhang Jianguo would be dead. In Li Ruoyu's words, once the emperor and the courtier, since he recognized the thief as the master, then life and death followed.

The war quickly subsided, not because they didn't want to continue, but because the current empire was overwhelmed.

Which official who died in the court hall is not an iron hat that has been hereditary for decades?There are thousands of hectares of fertile land at home, thousands of slaves, and gold and silver piled up the entire warehouse.

Let the impoverished and white imperial treasury instantly recover to its full blood state.

Zheng Dao checked the confiscated finances overnight, accounted for various material information reported from the locality, and talked, saying: "These can only keep the empire running for three years."

Li Ruoyu frowned.

Three years is too short.

The first reform plan is envisaged for five years. In these five years, materials and money will be sent to the country on a large scale in exchange for the transition from agriculture to industry.

Without enough materials, I am afraid that the people will rise before the reform ends.

But this has to be faced.

The inherent system of traditional agriculture has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. What people want is nothing more than a piece of land that belongs to them. Who cares about family and country matters?

But if there is no industrial revolution, how can the empire become strong?

Without a complete industrial system, Darkmoon City has reached the pinnacle of its development in the world, but it is of no avail to the three major Western empires and large countries with hundreds of millions of people.

What worries him even more is that the battle data this time has obviously been detected by the West.

The change comes from that giant python.

It is said that Beast King Yue came from before the natural disaster, it was a lifeless machine, and Li Ruoyu clearly saw the giant python that appeared this time. It was a specially trained existence and had also been injected with a special medicine. Otherwise, Will not burst out such a powerful power.

The enemy is obviously getting stronger, but he is caught in another muddy field.

Zhang Chenghuan said: "Lord, the materials and population of Chechen County have been transported here, and we will arrive at the imperial city in about ten days."

"Browning ever came here?"

Zhang Chenghuan shook his head and said, "He can't protect himself."

The independence of Chechnya has attracted the attention of the senior Rakshasa. The czar of this generation is obviously a decisive master, suppressing the division of the cabinet in one fell swoop, and then forcibly transferred his troops into Chechnya, intending to destroy this disobedient Browning. .

Originally, Browning had prestige in Chechnya. In addition, he had studied Darkmoon City’s ideology and politics. In terms of working style, he was more inclined to Chenxi. It seems that the problem is not big, but in fact, it is magnified. What's the difference between it and traitor?

Therefore, the czar was able to respond with one hundred responses, especially after learning that Browning had sent supplies to Chenxi for ten years, he won the hearts of the people in the country, and he came to encircle and suppress the traitors with his righteousness.

"He can't die."

Li Ruoyu thought for a moment, looked at Gong Ye next to him, and said, "Mong Gong, I’m afraid I have to trouble you to visit Chechnya for this matter."

If Browning is dead, then Vladivostok will be surrounded by Rakshasa again.

Although the Great Wall War in Northern Xinjiang wiped out one-tenth of Raksha's military power in one fell swoop, the Hundred-legged Worm died and was not stiff, and the huge empire still possessed terrifying power.

It irritates them, maybe they will jump the wall in a hurry, and attack Chenxi desperately.

Therefore, Chechnya must protect it.

Only by keeping Chechnya County can the civil strife in their country not be subdued in a short time, and even the longer the chaos, the better.

Only in this way can Chenxi slow down and develop the industrial system.

Gong Ye smiled bitterly: "That's all."

Old Zheng said: "Old fellow, don't die over there."

The two are relatively familiar, and they are similar in year and age. As the same people who survived the natural disaster, they naturally have deep feelings, so they don't have the heart to speak.

Gong Ye curled his lips and cursed: "You are not dead, don't wait for me to come back next time, I will go to your graveyard to offer incense."

At this moment, a little eunuch ran in from the outside, looked at the people in the house, first saluted, and then shouted, "Your Majesty, come here!!!"

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