Tech overlord

Chapter 303

After listening to the reports from all parties, the female emperor sighed softly: "It turns out that my Dawn Empire has already reached such a poor state."

Zheng Dao touched his beard, shook his head, and said: "Your Majesty, the so-called standing after being broken, not being broken and not standing. If you want to return to the civilization before the natural disaster, you can only sweep away the stubborn diseases of the past few decades. Now the centralization is basically completed. That is, the decree for reform was completely issued."

Li Ruoyu said: "Three years is too short, and it will take at least five years. Before that, the lords of the major states need to send young people to my Darkmoon City to learn advanced thoughts. Only when you awaken your thoughts, can you learn technology. With technology, we can expand our territory and build the backbone of industry."

Everyone nodded together.

Gong Ye did not delay too much, and immediately got up and went to the Ministry of War, planning to pick up some soldiers and horses to Chechnya County to help Browning resist the impact of the Tsar's army.

The female emperor understands the importance of industrial reforms, although she knows that once the reforms are completed, the power of the Morning Empire will also undergo earth-shaking changes, and even the imperial power may be left behind. Nevertheless, she still unswervingly supports this A decree.

The world only knows that she is a scientific faction, but this is not the case.

The Empress and Fang Su are actually very similar.

Fang Su's grand aspiration is that the brilliance of the gods shines on the earth. In order to achieve this goal, he would rather be a traitor whom Qianfu pointed out, and he would not hesitate.

And the empress is exactly the same as him. She is for the restoration of civilization and re-emerges in the land of the dawn, which will last for generations, not for her own enjoyment of this supreme power.

Therefore, this is where Li Ruoyu admires her most.

It is really not easy for a woman who grew up after a natural disaster to do this step.

Sacrificing one's own interests to complete the reform of the empire, so that all the people in the country can grow up, it is impossible to do without great perseverance.

Of course, if the empress didn't do this, he wouldn't care if he snatched this position to sit.

After all, his previous life was also the star master who controlled a star.

Who is not the lord of the world?And he still reigns over the universe.

Thinking of this, he asked: "Your Majesty, now that the domestic cancer has been eradicated, it is the time to vigorously develop industrial technology. The minister hopes that this reform will start with the imperial capital as the center."

The empress showed a thoughtful expression, she knew exactly what it meant.

The epitome of a country often comes from the political center of a country.

Think of it as a point, and then radiate to the four directions until it reaches the critical point of radiation, thus forming the border of the empire.

So, in order to stabilize this huge sphere of influence, a power organization like a Dinghai Shenzhen is needed to sit down.

Those who sit here must gather all culture, economy, politics, and military in one place, so that they can be held as a fist and opened as a palm. You can also call it the brain of the empire.

The existence of the brain can give orders to all parts of the empire and make this huge body work.

Only when changes begin here can this storm sweep the country.

"That's it."

"Thank your majesty."

Li Ruoyu got up and began to report on his plan for reform.

He first talked about the system of the country, and vaguely expressed that there may be changes in the future. After seeing the empress did not say anything to stop him, he continued to say: "The industrial system is the bone and foundation of a country. Only when it is built can it survive the storm. Erosion, the flame of science, will inevitably burn up on this land of dawn."


Leaving this sentence, the empress left the central pavilion. There are still many things she needs to deal with. Under the high degree of centralization, the six parts are reduced to decorations.

All government orders and documents need to be handled by her, so she can't stay here any longer, but when she leaves, she still expresses her own views. In the case of fewer dead people, she tries to speed up the time to complete the reform.

Imagination is beautiful, but reality is very backbone.

Regardless of the end of the large-scale war, it is still a bit too early if you really think it will be smooth sailing in the future.

The vortex of reform is huge, and the water is deep. He knows how much resistance he will face in the future. Now that he has the blessing of the imperial power, coupled with his repeated victories, he can convince others.

However, when the reforms officially begin, many talented people will discover how difficult it is.

It may even be against the people of the whole country.

He didn't say these words. He didn't want to put too much pressure on everyone. He took full authority as his own task, obviously for the empire.

In fact, it is still a bit selfish.

He desperately wants to return to his home planet, so he must complete the reform as soon as possible, and the faster the reform, the more people will die...

"Master, you need to carry out the reforms here. I have already worked out a plan. When I return to Darkmoon City, a group of scientists from Snake Island will be dispatched, and they will teach experience and set up classes for one year. Carry out ideological education, basic construction one year, and craftsman training one year.

There may be many problems, but I still hope that when problems arise, you can cut the mess quickly and cut all the problems across the board."

Zheng Dao was a person before the natural disaster, and he didn't know where the problem was. He smiled helplessly: "It's just my old bone. I'm afraid it won't last long. I hope I can continue to reform. Maybe later."

His age is really very big.

This is also where Li Ruoyu's weakness lies. What is most needed for reform to radiate across the country?It is not a tyrannical army, but a talent who is about to participate in this mighty construction.


For the people who survived the natural disaster, he only found the group of scientists on Snake Island, but did not find the rest of the place, and that group of scientists were also seventy-eighties, no one knew how long they could live.

Therefore, in the next few years, the dilemma of talent gap is very likely.

The old generation passed away, and the younger generation failed to master the knowledge and skills... Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a big head. If these were put on his mother star, one shot of medicine would directly develop the brain to 50%. Above, it can be done.

To put it bluntly, it was because of being enslaved by the gods for decades, which led to the solidification of thinking.

After speaking, Li Ruoyu's eyes fell on the sixth prince who had not spoken in the corner. This guy, Li Ruoyu shook his head, only thinking that he was really a dog at this age.

However, due to the identity of the other prince, he can't say so directly: "In terms of culture, Mr. Zheng takes the lead. In other aspects, he will have to trouble the Sixth Prince to help."


The sixth prince was taken aback, with joy on his face. Just now he was ashamed of himself in the corner and felt like a wasteful sixth prince.

"You can use it, as long as you can use the lonely place, you will definitely go all out."

Li Ruoyu smiled faintly, and a murderous intent rose from his body, saying: "Help Zheng Lao get rid of all possible obstacles."

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