The sarcoma-shaped Demon King was corroded by strong acid and became weaker, but he still did not completely die. As long as he was given time, he could recover again. Zhang Yu looked at the sarcoma-shaped Demon King with a headache.

If he can’t kill him, he will be in great trouble in the future. Zhang Yu took out a variety of chemical agents from the space ring and poured them on the sarcoma. The highly toxic, highly corrosive, and burning chemicals were mixed in. Together.

The Sarcoma Demon, who was wrapped in chemicals, cried out hysterically, "Ah."

"---". The Nine Gods next to him were pale and trembling, and moved a little away from Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu saw that the Demon King was not dead, and was dumbfounded. He turned to look at the Nine Gods, only to find that the Nine Gods were far away from him. His face was full of horror. He immediately understood that he had scared them and asked angrily. .

"Hey, do you have a way to destroy the Demon King?"

"No, we all sealed him before." The goddess of life said with a strong smile.

"What to do then". Zhang Yu said in distress.

The sarcoma-like devil said bitterly: "I am immortal. Just wait for my revenge. I will skin you cramps, catch all of your relatives and friends, play well, and die in pain and despair."

Zhang Yu, whose face sank suddenly, said viciously: "You have no chance, I will throw you into the turbulent flow of time and space."

"Time and space turbulence, do you have the ability to open it, don't laugh at me to death". The sarcoma-like devil smiled contemptuously.

"Have you forgotten how I came to this world? It is a very simple thing to open a space-time tunnel. I believe that you will love the turbulence of space-time." Zhang Yuxie smiled.

"what". The devil recalled, knowing that what Zhang Yu said was true, he suddenly panicked, struggling desperately, trying to escape.

Turned into a devil with a swollen sarcoma, let himself roll, flee quickly, and run away. Although it is ugly, but the devil can't control that much, he doesn't want to be exiled into the turbulence of time and space.

"If you can't run away, come back to me." Seeing the devil escaping, Zhang Yu sneered, pulling the sarcoma back with his mind.

"Do not". The sarcoma-like demon yelled in horror.

Zhang Yu pointed at the sarcoma and said to the Nine Gods: "Thank you to seal him first, lest he run around."

"no problem". The nine gods responded.

The Nine Gods stood around the sarcoma, with various attributes of magic surging on his body. The space magic sealed the sarcoma's space and made him immobile, and the life magic sealed the sarcoma's vitality, causing him to fall into a deep sleep state.

The spirit magic of the sea gods blocked the five senses of the devil, and the magic of the other gods formed a magic circle, acting as the energy for the seal. As long as the energy is not exhausted, the seal will not be opened unless it is unblocked by violence.

"seal". The nine gods shouted.

A powerful magical power surrounds the sarcoma and quickly penetrated in. The devil roared unwillingly and fell into silence: "No."

"puff". When the magic power dissipated, the sarcoma calmed down, and the devil fell into a deep sleep.

The sarcoma standing quietly on the ground was packed by Zhang Yu in a huge alloy box. The nine gods who completed the seal were already tired and paralyzed. They didn't want to move. The sky was blocked by the clouds, the clouds spread out, and the sun shined through. Come down.

The desolate seashore was flooded with sunshine, and the warm breath drove the cold wind away. Suddenly, Zhang Yu glanced at a strange place. There was a huge footprint on the beach. Upon visual inspection, the animal that left the footprint was extremely large.

"There is such a big footprint." Zhang Yu exclaimed.

"That was left by the demon king's subordinates and the sea monster. Didn't you see it when you came?" The goddess of life was surprised.

"Nothing." Zhang Yu shook his head.

"No, where will the sea monster be now?" The goddess of life said blankly.

"No, the base is in danger." Zhang Yu exclaimed, flew into the sky, and hurried back to the base.

The God of Space on the beach stretched out his right hand. Before he could say anything, Zhang Yu flew away. The God of Space reluctantly put down his hand, shook his head and said: "Why is it so urgent? I can use space magic, all of a sudden. You will be able to return to the base."

"With sarcoma, let's go and help." The goddess of life suggested.

"Also, as the benefactors of the Magic Continent, how can we ignore it, let's go." The gods nodded in response.

"The Gate of Space". The **** of space whispered, and an illusory door appeared in the sky. The gods walked in with the sarcoma, disappeared on the beach instantly, and reached the base faster than Zhang Yu.

When the scene changed, the gods who came to the base found that the situation was completely different from what they had imagined. The hideous behemoth in the sea stayed quietly outside the city, listening to the singing of the mermaid Manlisa on the wall, completely gone. Brutal emotions.

"It seems we don't need us anymore." The Goddess of Life raised an eyebrow.

"---". The gods looked at each other.

Outside the city wall, beside the giant beasts in the sea, a large group of giant robots are using alloy chains to tie them to the giant beasts. Each chain is thick with adult thighs, even Song Bao can't break it.

When the sea monster was bound with hundreds of such chains, Song Baocai shouted to Man Lisha: "It's okay."

"Got it". Mermaid Manlisa heard the words, and suddenly stopped singing and responded.

The moment the singing stopped, the sea monster regained his angry sanity and wanted to start slaughtering lives, but only after a move did he realize that he was tightly bound. The angry sea monster was struggling violently, causing the chain to "dangdang".

"Roar". The immobile sea monster roared again and again, with magic power accumulated on its body, and a large number of storms surrounded its body.

Song Bao, who had returned to the city wall, saw this and said annoyed: "Damn, I forgot that these monsters still use magic."

"Now is not the time to talk about this, think of a way to remedy it." Yass panicked.

"Soul singing doesn't work anymore." Man Lisa, who wanted to appease the tyrannical sea monster again, shouted.

The sea monster is full of violent magic power, so that most of the song of Man Lisha's soul is scattered, even if a small part of the song enters the sea monster's ears, it will not do much, and will only anger the sea monster.

Shi Xi, who had experienced the Zerg incident, had more dangerous emergency experience, and ordered the artificial intelligence: "Launch the electromagnetic cannon, shoot the sea monster, and interrupt its magic."

"Yes". The base’s artificial intelligence responded.

A whole row of gun barrels shot out from the city wall, and the muzzle flashed with electric light. When the gun barrel made a muffled noise, the electromagnetic bullet was lased out.

"call out".

"call out".


The bullet flying at super high speed, when hitting the sea monster's sturdy scales, it rotated and penetrated, and plunged deeply into the sea monster's muscles. The severe pain caused the sea monster's magic to be interrupted, and the crisis was temporarily resolved.

"Puff puff". Where the sea monster was penetrated, a lot of blood poured out.

In the air, the God of Space said with emotion: "No matter how many times I see this weapon, it is still so shocking."

"The kinetic energy of this weapon is too strong. If it is hit directly, even us will be injured." Fight God said in amazement.

When the invincible sea monster wanted to activate magic again, it was hit by an electromagnetic cannon again, and its magic power was not only interrupted, even more blood holes appeared in its body, becoming dying.

"puff". The **** sea monster twitched and spewed a few mouthfuls of blood.

"call out".

Suddenly the whistling sound of the wind came from the sky. Everyone took a closer look and discovered that it was Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu, who flew back with all his might, found that the sea monster had been subdued, and he was relieved. At the same time, he found the nine gods.

"Why are you here". Zhang Yu said in surprise.

"We came from the door of space." The goddess of life smiled.

"Damn, I forgot that you can also use space magic, it's a mistake." Zhang Yu said annoyed.

"We brought this to you." The goddess of life pointed to the sarcoma and said.

"Just leave it to me." Zhang Yu responded, wrapped the sarcoma with thought force, returned to the city wall, and got together with Man Lisha and others.

The little skull pet quietly came to the sarcoma. After feeling the familiar aura in the sarcoma, he couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that the demon king was really sealed again, and his thoughts of betrayal were extinguished in his heart.

The demon king also sensed the existence of the skeleton pet, and immediately tried his best to send out a spiritual wave: "Quickly open the seal and let me come out."

"No way, I have signed a contract with human beings. If I break the contract, I will die." Skeleton Little Chong shook his head and refused.

"You dare to betray me." The devil said in a cold tone.

"It's just that those who know the current affairs are handsome." Skeleton pet defended.

Zhang Yu, who had been using his mind to protect against the sarcoma, sensed the little pet and the demon king, and immediately walked over. He smiled and asked the little pet, "What are you talking about, do you want to save him?"

"How is it possible, I am loyal to you". Skull Little Chong said flatly.

The demon king was furious and divorced: "He just wanted to save me. What happened? He is my person. He will do what I want him to do. One day, we will rule the world again."

"no". Skeleton pet suddenly shouted in panic.

"What are you afraid of, I am here?" The demon king interrupted the little pet skeleton's words to explain.

"In this case, I will throw you the devil into the turbulence of time and space now. As long as you die, the skeleton will have no idea of ​​betrayal." Zhang Yu saw at a glance that it was the devil's divorce, and said with a smile.

"what". The skeleton pet, who thought he would be implicated, was taken aback for a moment, and then became ecstatic, and shouted: "Long live the master".

"Asshole, I won't let you go". The devil roared again and again.

"Don't let me go, you have to do it, let's go, I'm sending you on the road, don't thank me". In case there are too many dreams at night, Zhang Yu walked to the base with the sarcoma and came to the wormhole at the Star Gate.

"Let go of me, let me go". Feeling the breath of death in the wormhole, the devil shouted in amazement.

"go in". Zhang Yu threw the sarcoma in and said. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: full text of the technology empire in the city can be read: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 949 Exile), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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