Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 950: Come back home

The sarcoma that was thrown into the wormhole was in the middle position. When Zhang Yu ordered the wormhole to close, the entrances and exits at both ends disappeared. The wormhole suddenly collapsed, and the sarcoma left in the wormhole was suddenly flowed by endless time and space. Decomposed into scraps.

There is no time, nothing in the void, darkness and silence, the seal on the Demon Lord is opened by the violent turbulence of time and space, and the Demon Lord who has restored the form of an adult beast is instantly crushed by the turbulence.

The immortal Demon Lord recovered soon, but was quickly disintegrated. The Demon Lord wandering between life and death, his will was slowly consumed. If it were not for the hatred of Zhang Yu, the Demon Lord had a strong unwillingness, he would have given up long ago. Up.

"I want to kill Zhang Yu and kill him." The demon king who had been reborn countless times repeated a sentence in the void, and the devil had forgotten all other things.

In the Magic Continent, the new base, the banquet began, countless foods were taken out by the chef robots, drinks and beverages, rich and luxurious banquets, opened the eyes of the nine gods and mermaids of the Magic Continent.

Skull little pet drank sweet milk, and said happily: "I knew there was such a delicious thing, I shouldn't resist, how good it would be to become the owner's little pet early."

"Can skeletons also drink?" The drunk Song Bao who was drinking on the side poked the skull with his finger and laughed.

"Bones, calcium supplementation is good." Yas replied with a drunken face.

"Yes, haha". Song Bao said happily.

"---". A tic-tac-toe appeared on the forehead of the little pet's skull.

The nine gods, who have never eaten such delicious food, gobbled it up, even discarded the chopsticks, caught and ate them directly with their hands, without any restraint, just like a barbarian, which makes the fish stare blankly.

"This is the **** of the magic continent." The beautiful fantasy of the mermaids collapsed, and reality is always so cruel.

Bored with a big mouthful of high-quality liquor, the **** of fighting went crazy and said: "Hahaha, it's delicious, I have lived for nothing for thousands of years."

"Woo, if I can't eat such delicious food in the future, how can I survive?" The **** of space swallowed food with tears and choked.

The Dragon God, who was sweeping food on the dining table, yelled: "Damn junior, it turned out that I went to Zhang Yu to enjoy the blessing. No wonder there is no one who wants to stay on the Magic Continent. They are all ungrateful dragons."

Hearing the words of the gods, Zhang Yu’s face was full of black lines, but there was one thing that made Zhang Yu very curious, so he asked: "Yes, you said that you have lived for thousands of years. Does a fifth-level evolutionary have such a long lifespan? ".

"No". The **** of space replied drunkly.

"Then how did you do it". Zhang Yu curiously said.

"I used my life to seal magic, and when I sealed it together with the Demon King, the side effect was that the vitality was suspended, so I woke up after a few thousand years, otherwise we would have already turned into a pile of bones." The goddess of life explained.

"It turned out to be like this. Then, can you give me your life-seal magic? I'll exchange something for you." Zhang Yu said with bright eyes.

This kind of sealing magic is very useful. In case of irreparable injuries, as long as the patient is sealed up and waited until he has enough power or a safe place to rescue, a life can be saved.

When the goddess of life heard the words, said embarrassedly: "But this is my knack, I don't want to exchange it."

If it weren't for the light in the eyes of the goddess of life, Zhang Yu would believe it, and the speechless Zhang Yu asked: "Let's talk, what do you want".

"Three meals a day". The goddess of life is not polite.

"can". Zhang Yu nodded and agreed.

"There are three more conditions. When you ask for help, you must never refuse." The goddess of life smiled.

"No, three are too many, there is only one, and I can do it." Zhang Yu shook his head and refused.

"Three". The goddess of life bit her to death.

"One, no change". Zhang Yu said the bottom line.

"Well, you are so stingy". The goddess of life despised.

"---". Zhang Yu rolled his eyes and said nothing.

Zhang Yu, who had received the magic spell of the Seal of Life, put it close to him, and wanted to wait until he went back to study. After all, there is no laboratory for Zhang Yu to toss. After the banquet, everyone was drunk to varying degrees.

Man Lisha helped Zhang Yu to return to the bedroom. Zhang Yu, who smelled the fragrance of Man Lisha's body, immediately took off her clothes and hugged her amidst the shy Man Lisha's exclamation. Tumbled on the bed.

The next day, the sun broke out and normal Magic Continent was restored. The surviving members of the major organizations came outside the new base to welcome their gods back and send off the gods, when Zhang Yu and others appeared, Make the faces of the members of major organizations change drastically.

Recalling the injury Zhang Yu had done to them, the members of the major organizations were all unwilling, but Zhang Yu saved the Magic Continent after all. They hated Zhang Yu again, and they had to throw away their hatred and greet others with a smile.

"Yo, everyone is okay, it's been a long time." Zhang Yu raised his head and said hello.

"Ha ha". The members of the major organizations laughed far-fetched.

The goddess of life looked at the tangled expressions of her subordinates, and suddenly said in surprise: "You know".

"Unfamiliar, it's just that he snatched away the saints of our church, and also killed many of us." The members of the pastor's church replied respectfully to the goddess of life with convulsions.

The goddess of life said uncertainly: "Zhang Yu, what are you doing with the saint?"

"Snatch it back and become a maid, who told them to **** my stuff." Zhang Yu narrowed his mouth and said.

"So, forget it, and the saint will give it to you." When the goddess of life heard this, she didn't mind.

After sending away the gods and their subordinates, Zhang Yu and others also began to pack up their luggage and prepare to go home. This new base was left for robots to take care of. The magic crystal mine was running again, and the magic crystal was constantly being used. Shipped to Xingyue Agency.

As soon as the Xingyue Robot Factory opened the wormhole, Yanyan and the other women ran over. When she saw Zhang Yu coming back, her face was happy, but when she saw Man Lisha who was hugging Zhang Yu, the girls' faces suddenly changed. black.

Su Mei cried out to Xiao Zhang Yue with a sad face: "Yue Yue, your father doesn't want you anymore."

"Wow wow wow". Upon hearing this, Zhang Yue burst into tears.

Zhang Yu, completely confused, immediately explained at a loss: "Without such a thing, why would I not want Yueyue?"

"really". Zhang Yue asked with tears in her eyes.

"Of course, Dad likes Yueyue the most." Zhang Yu hugged his daughter and coaxed.

The jealous Yanyan exuded a strong black resentment and said: "Is that right, who is the woman next to you, so close, blind, really can't tell, she is your new love".

"She is Man Lisa, my woman, if it weren't for her, I might not be able to come back this time. You don't know how dangerous this action is." Zhang Yu's face changed, and he immediately changed the subject.

"What, are you all right". Sure enough, when Yanyan heard that Zhang Yu was in danger, all the girls ran over, caring and caring.

"It's okay now." Finding that the atmosphere has improved a bit, Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

The cautious Man Lisa said eagerly: "Hello, sisters."

"You teach her to shout like this." Su Mei squinted at Zhang Yudao.

"How can it be". Zhang Yu, who was seen through, smiled.

After Yanyan knew that Man Lisha had rescued Zhang Yu, she no longer resisted, went up and pulled Man Lisha away from Zhang Yu, and said bitterly: "Don't worry about seeing a **** ghost who loves one, our sisters go back and think about it. One way, look at him firmly."

"it is good". The girls said sternly, talking and laughing and left the robot factory.

The corners of Zhang Yu's eyes twitched while holding his daughter, and Zhang Yue said in a voice: "Dad, moms don't want you anymore."

"Nonsense, they don't want dad." Zhang Yu said awkwardly.


Shi Xi and the others in the crowd burst into laughter.

Zhang Yu, who was blushing, said in anger, "Laughing, why don't you quickly take out the materials in the space ring and let the robots sort and store them".

"Yes". Shi Xi and others held back their smiles and replied.

In the lobby of the tree house, Yanyan and other daughters, Zhang Yu’s parents, and relatives and friends all surrounded Man Lisa, listening to her talk about what happened on the magic continent, when she heard that Man Lisha solved Zhang Yu's demon queen, Yanyan said with ecstasy.

"Great, I'm afraid that in the future, the demon will control her husband. Now that the demon is gone, I am relieved."

When I heard Man Lisa talk about Zhang Yu being controlled by the mind-eater in the world of desire, and almost unable to get out, everyone was full of fear. In an instant, Man Lisa who saved Zhang Yu got it. Approved by everyone.

Zhao Yan said lovingly, "Lisa, everyone will be a family in the future, do you remember to give birth to Xiaoyu more children?"

"Ok". When Man Lisha heard the words, her face flushed immediately, and she nodded shyly.

Zhang Qiang said with more fear: "Xiaoyu will still be let out in the future. If something happens again, it will be bad."

"Yes, you must not let your husband go out. Not only is it dangerous, but you may also bring a few more women back. This kind of thing must be stopped." Yanyan and the other women secretly said firmly.

Zhang Yu, who didn't know that his wife had been added to the ban, held his daughter Zhang Yue, and led the mermaid family who came to live in the Xingyue Institution, using a portal to the beach paradise by the sea.

"Wow!" Waves slapped on the shore.

The arrival of the mermaid made the citizens of Xingyue Institution on the beach stare. The mermaid with only a large shell on his upper body reveals a large area of ​​smooth skin, making the satyrs feel that they are in heaven.

Squinted citizens screamed.

"It's a mermaid, so beautiful."

"Let me and the mermaid have a poignant love between different races."

"I am so happy that I saw the beautiful mermaid with my own eyes, oh".


The members of the mermaid tribe were frightened by the citizens and shivered and hid behind Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu hurriedly scolded the citizens who were onlookers: "What are you doing, what are you doing, I scared the mermaid, so don’t hurry away." The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: the full text of the city’s technological empire: city’s technological empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 950 Going Home) reading record, which can be viewed next time when you open the bookshelf To! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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