Rosen Technologies, Boston.

“In the past few days, I have been watching Jiuzhou Technology’s intelligent program AI Baize repeatedly and using ChatGPT to process some documents.

It is undeniable that ChatGPT is extremely powerful. It can quickly understand our language and rely on its database to provide relatively accurate answers to some of the questions I asked.

When I asked ChatGPT about neural logic networks, its answers were comparable to what some programmers know.

In my investigation, it is true that some clerks and programmers have relied on ChatGPT to perform basic file operations and batch modify partial file names.

However, these answers only sort out part of the existing information. ChatGPT is still unable to understand the logic of many questions. Many of the texts used to answer questions are copied and pasted from online databases.

As for Jiuzhou Technology’s intelligent program AI Baize, what it presents in the video is not a tool-based AI, but a special existence that can think and have ‘educational’ ideas.

In the field of education, there are many definitions of "education". In a broad sense, any activity that enhances people's knowledge and skills and affects people's ideological and moral character is education.

In a narrow sense, education refers to the spiritual sublimation of individuals.

In addition, I found that Daxia officials have a narrower and more accurate definition of education.

They interpret education as: It refers to activities in which educators, in accordance with the requirements of a certain society or class, exert a purposeful, planned and organized influence on the minds and bodies of educated people, and train them into people needed by a certain society or class.

From this perspective, Baize, as an educational AI, can think and even have its own plans and organizational logic. For ChatGPT to achieve this level, it must go through several generations of version changes, or even reorganize, optimize and upgrade the AI ​​logic core. Just fine. "

A middle-aged blond man wearing rimless glasses was giving an experimental report to Dr. Rosen.

Dr. Rosen, who had just come out of the laboratory, listened to his colleagues "bragging" about Jiuzhou Technology's intelligent AI Bai Ze, but his expression was not as intense as outsiders imagined.

After flipping through the documents in his hand, he nodded and said, "Yes, if we only deduce it through this short film by Jiuzhou Technology, their intelligent program AI Bai Ze has surpassed Blue Star's other AIs from the underlying logic.

I personally think that this Bai Ze should be at least the top AI of strong artificial intelligence. It is probably only a few steps away from super artificial intelligence. Jiuzhou Technology released it, perhaps because it wanted to rely on the data of the majority of users to upgrade it. "

"Top strong artificial intelligence?" The professor opposite Dr. Rosen had a confused look on his face.

In the field where he works, artificial intelligence is divided into three levels: weak artificial intelligence, strong artificial intelligence and super artificial intelligence.

Weak artificial intelligence is the ability to handle superficial work in a certain field on behalf of ordinary people.

At present, the level of real artificial intelligence developed by enterprises and institutions such as Blue Star is mostly at this stage. One of the representatives is Alpha Dog and Xia Wei's Xiaoyi, who have already beaten humans in chess.

Strong artificial intelligence refers to AI that has the same level of intelligence as humans and can complete most of the work in life for ordinary people. Currently, ChatGPT has barely reached this level, but ChatGPT does not have the robot equipment to carry it, so it only Can "be a chatbot".

As for super artificial intelligence, in terms of intelligence, it already has the same growth potential as humans. It can use various collectors by itself, enter the network to learn, and upgrade and iterate on its own.

Dr. Rosen, who is now highly regarded by the Western technology community, evaluated Jiuzhou Technology's AI Bai Ze as a top-notch artificial intelligence, and even said that it can be upgraded to super artificial intelligence in just a few steps.

The professor was so frightened that he almost forgot to breathe.

If Jiuzhou Technology, which has an unmanned intelligent manufacturing factory, has super artificial intelligence, what kind of chemical effects will it have?

He didn't dare to think about it. He didn't even dare to record Dr. Rosen's evaluation and forward it to those big shots.

Glancing at the hidden camera decoration on his clothes, the professor sighed.

Then, he heard Dr. Rosen say: "Jiuzhou Technology's technology is very independent. From language to logic, there are many projects that are paradoxical to ours.

Now, as my technical research on Kyushu Technology deepens, I have become an expert in the Daxia language. Perhaps this is why they were able to develop Baize.

A unique culture creates a unique language expression logic and thinking logic. I think that if we want to surpass Kyushu Technology, we must understand the culture of Daxia better than Kyushu Technology. "

"Dr. Rosen, do you mean to let us open more courses on top of the Daxia cultural study class?"

Facing the middle-aged professor's doubts, Rosen shook his head.

Then, he said directly in Daxia Mandarin, which he was very familiar with: "That's not the case, I think we should have more artworks from Daxia culture, such as those precious Daxia antiques.

To study the foundation of Daxia culture and the inheritance of Daxia culture, the older and more cherished it is, the more it can help us learn Daxia culture and understand Kyushu technology.

As far as I know, in addition to our museums, Bactrian antiques also have many fine products in British museums.

If we could go to Britain—"

"Dr. Rosen, you should be aware that neither you nor the core members of your team can leave Boston. This is the most basic rule. If you leave Boston, we cannot guarantee your personal safety and the safety of your family."

Under the desk, Rosen clenched his fists unconsciously.

"If we can't study, can we apply to have those cultural relics exhibited here? Especially those literary and artistic works, Daxia Taoism, Daxia native Buddhism, and Confucian scriptures and scrolls.

Now our conquering process has stalled. One important reason is that our team does not have a deep enough understanding of Daxia culture. "

The middle-aged professor who looked like a good student just now did not refuse the suggestion with some requests. Instead, he looked thoughtful and said: "The economy in Britain is not very good at the moment. Maybe we in Boston can spend some money." , inviting those cultural relics to come to us for exhibition.

Is one week enough? "

"It's not enough. It will take at least a month. We still have to copy the precious content."

"Well, I'll try my best."

The middle-aged professor agreed.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the office door.

There was an urgent sound of banging and banging, accompanied by an urgent call outside the door.

"Doctor! Hurry, there's an emergency!"

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