In a video conference room built with a dedicated network and dedicated server.

Google, Weisoft, Pingguo, Nvidia, American Semiconductor Group, Hynix, Qualcomm, Broadcom, Advanced Micro Semiconductor, Texas Instruments, Volt, General Motors...these usually shake the industry by stomping their feet. The corporate executives who were shaking their heads were all facing the camera with serious faces at this time, not covering up the anxiety on their faces at all.

Suddenly, Ku Ke, CEO of Pingguo, said in Kaimai: "As a technology company, we need to give R\u0026D personnel a sufficient relaxed environment and sufficient economic and technical support.

Although Professor Dominique has some technical patents in the semiconductor industry, it is still not comprehensive enough compared to a complete semiconductor industry chain. I propose to replace Dr. Rosen with someone who really understands semiconductors and technology to assist Dr. Rosen. Jiuzhou Technology’s technology will soon be reverse-engineered and put into commercial mass production. "

As soon as these words came out, senior executives from Google, Weisoft, Pingguo, Invista, American Semiconductor Group and other companies invariably focused their attention on the video avatar frame of the person in charge of Qualcomm.

But that was all, none of them spoke a word.

Qualcomm's CEO glanced at the display and saw the expressions of these corporate executives. He knew that they were all staring at him, so he looked displeased.

Professor Dominic is the professional and technical leader assigned by his company to Rosen Technology to be responsible for the semiconductor project. During the reverse scientific research process within Rosen Technology, he still provided many high-quality "reverse results" to their Qualcomm chip design department. .

Thinking of the "good news" that came from the laboratory in the past two days, the next generation Fire Dragon of our company can improve the performance by 80% and control the power consumption. This is all brought by Professor Dominic.

So he didn't want to let go of the opportunity to continue receiving welfare benefits.

“Professor Dominic has done chip design and chip packaging in the industry. He also served as a technical consultant at TSMC and once provided some patent authorizations to Korean Star Electronics.

You have only seen the dissatisfaction of Rosen Technology and have not thought about it. Perhaps it is precisely because of Professor Dominic's close attention that the reverse cracking process of Rosen Technology has been accelerated to such an extent?

Please, now we are not limited to the technology of chip design, but to the three issues of equipment, materials and technical operator training in the semiconductor field.

What we should solve now is to manufacture robotic arms, industrial robots, and industrial software that are comparable to Jiuzhou Technology, and to find material suppliers that can compete with Daxia's semiconductor supply chain, as well as a huge semiconductor elite talent pool. "

The atmosphere in the conference room was somewhat quieted by the voice of Qualcomm CEO.

Even if this is just a video conference room, if no one speaks, it will still increase the pressure on the relevant people invisibly.

However, as businessmen, the senior executives of these companies have different thoughts from Uncle Sam.

Yingweida CEO Lao Huang originally had that special emotion towards Jiuzhou Technology that he couldn't help but love, and was angry and loved at the same time.

While watching everyone sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, he touched his nose and gave some advice: "We established an alliance at the beginning to keep Daxia suppliers out, but now we can accept these through other companies. The materials supplied by Daxia’s suppliers are just a matter of handling fees, and the official subsidies are still there. If we change hands one more time, we can also get an additional semiconductor subsidy, reducing our financial pressure.

As for equipment, although Hanxing Electronics did not participate in today's meeting, it is still on our alliance list. They have equipment, robotic arms, and production lines provided by Jiuzhou Technology.

Although it is not the top Kyushu equipment, it can definitely provide us with the most scarce equipment optimization direction at this stage. As long as our engineers can crack and understand the technology of these devices, the subsequent research and development process can be much faster.

And don't forget, Hansung Electronics' semiconductor engineer team is also a technician trained by Kyushu Technology.

We can let Korean Star Electronics fire these semiconductor engineers, and then circumvent the non-competition agreement of the Kyushu system, recruit them to our local headquarters, give them high salaries and subsidies, and let them work for us.

In this way, Hansung Electronics can obtain a large sum of dollars, so that the funding gap of their group is no longer a gap, and they can continue to expand in Korea.

And we, just pay some bonds, shares and liquidity, can get all this.

We didn't do this at the beginning because we didn't have a team that could lead and develop on these foundations. Now that Lawson Technology has been able to reverse crack, it can definitely become the leader of the semiconductor team. "

I don't know if I saw the emotional look in everyone's eyes, Yingwei answered CEO Lao Huang and then added.

“In the past few years, we have made money from the pushed-up stock market, but we have been forced to buy U.S. bonds to withstand the risks of the Federal Reserve and help Wall Street reduce the impact of the economic crisis.

Now that we have a direction, we can try to sell a batch of low-quality bonds and turn money into technology and products.

Otherwise, during the economic crisis, the U.S. debt we hold in our hands has been falling. "

There is an interest rate on the maturity of U.S. bonds, so from a numerical point of view, the total amount of money will increase when holding U.S. bonds to maturity.

However, when the purchasing power of the US dollar continues to decline, and there are fewer and fewer things that can be bought, holding US bonds is actually an investment project that continues to lose money.

Every company present is a beneficiary of the take-off of U.S. stocks, and this stock market gain is not entirely beneficial.

Lao Huang's words directly hurt everyone's hearts.

The heads and CEOs of these world's top semiconductor companies are not mentally retarded. Everyone has a shrewd calculation.

Someone said in a choked voice: "Who doesn't know that the stock of your Yingwei has been falling, and now you want the company to sell the stock to make more money, and wait for the stock price to come down, and then take it back?"

"Buying materials, investing in chip design technology, and finally producing finished products, you Nvidia and other terminal product manufacturers will get the most benefits. You definitely want to do this."

In the face of these people's choking, Lao Huang didn't retaliate, but shrugged, and explained naturally: "This is a good solution, it's all you want to say.

We have been in alliance for many years, and Yingweida has never betrayed an ally. You know, our company was the first company to want to acquire Jiuzhou Technology. "

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