Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 1439 Lunar Development Science and Technology Association (4K)

The worst is the Rockets.

This sentence was spoken calmly from Gu Qing's mouth, but it echoed in the room like a cannonball in the ears of everyone who could hear the words.

A think tank in the next room raised his head without any trace, like a young man who could see through the back wall to the other side, his eyes full of sighs and regrets.

Yes, the only thing missing is rockets. Kyushu Technology will become a truly complete entity. It can not only launch into the sky at will, but also develop strategic weapons at will.

But this is Daxia, or in other words, this is a truly important and core project that all forces in the world cannot easily authorize.

Even if it is as powerful as SpaceX, it must use technical engineers provided by NASA and be strictly controlled before it can develop such terrible things as rockets in the name of the company.

The capitalist world that claims to be free is so "narrow", so it is naturally impossible for Daxia to "relax".

Next to this think tank, an expert who graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology also frowned at this time.

As an "outstanding student" of Harbin Institute of Technology and the leader of certain projects, he knew that what the young man next door said was true. It was impossible for Jiuzhou Technology to accept being controlled or threatened.

The deeds of those who led the progress of Daxia's industry and semiconductor industry and competed with foreign technology companies were indeed encouraging, but from a practical point of view, it was also foreign technology companies that blocked the development of Jiuzhou Technology, which is why Jiuzhou Technology was so powerful. Iron Gate, use more powerful technology to slap those companies in the face.

Moreover, Jiuzhou Technology has always maintained technological independence and has never been willing to take out core technologies for research and development with other companies and institutions.

Even in the face of official cooperation projects, they only do what they should do, but because Jiuzhou Technology completes the task too quickly, it seems that the technical team sent by the official is so "useless".

This academician trained by Harbin Institute of Technology has no doubt that Jiuzhou Technology can now independently develop rockets. Indeed, as the founder of Jiuzhou Technology said, I am afraid that in a few years, Jiuzhou Technology will be able to develop a rocket capable of supporting the moon landing plan. A powerful rocket for the moon base project.

Thinking back to Jiuzhou Technology's step-by-step advancement in the nuclear energy field, it was able to discover the seawater problem almost simultaneously with the official nuclear energy agency. This has shown that Jiuzhou Technology is definitely not what the outside world has rumored in the nuclear energy field. The so-called energy project is not Jiuzhou Strong projects in science and technology.

"What should we do? If he doesn't agree, will he become resentful and even hide more scientific research projects underground, and then expand the new science area again to include this huge team of engineers and scientists? This is simply A different kind of threat...

Lao Zhuang, you are so optimistic about this young man, haven't you thought that this problem will arise one day? "

Zheng Qingxia lowered her eyes, concealing the fluctuations in her heart.

He was able to join this think tank team not by so-called influence, but by his keen sense of the industry and his ability to resolve problems decisively and timely when they arise.

Unlike these expert professors who are concerned with political realities, he is more pragmatic.

He knew that it was impossible for Daxia to leave Jiuzhou Technology now, nor could it bear the "leave" of Jiuzhou Technology.

At the same time, Jiuzhou Technology, under the "active invitation" of ASEAN companies, went to Lu State and other places to inspect branches and establish bases. Jiuzhou Technology's senior management team was attacked in Lu State, and a series of other things were also in Zheng Qingxia's mind. churning.

In his confused thoughts, he subconsciously picked up the refreshing drink on the table.

Although it was said that this drink might have some bad effects on the body, he still opened the bottle and took a small sip.

There was a faint floral fragrance that spread in his mouth.

With the fragrance of flowers, his spirit was also lifted.

"Isn't Jiuzhou Technology a member of Daxia culture? Aren't the company's registration place and actual controller both from Daxia?

Isn’t there a relevant qualification application process for rocket research and development? Since its establishment, Jiuzhou Technology has had neither illegal crimes nor negative news.

Nowadays, most of Daxia’s elite engineers in the rocket field are in official institutions and university institutions. If Jiuzhou Technology can break through these difficulties and obstacles within a few years and develop a high-performance, reusable and powerful rocket, it will be compared to other Shame on the institution!

And it is completely possible to take advantage of the system and establish an official supervision department within Jiuzhou Technology. "

The more he thought about it, the clearer Zheng Qingxia's thoughts became.

He immediately opened the software, his fingers flew on the keyboard, and edited his thoughts and sent them to the main station.

Meanwhile, other think tanks were doing similar things.

Refine your ideas and provide them to the main station as soon as possible. Then the main station will summarize these "thinkings", summarize them, and provide them through certain special channels to those who need think tank support now.

At this moment, Gu Qing looked at the serious and thoughtful expression of the man in front of him, and knew that the critical moment that would determine himself, Kyushu Technology, and even the future development and destiny of Blue Star had arrived.

In this ordinary conference room, which is not large and the decoration is not gorgeous.

Thinking of the past glory of the Huaxia clan and the blood, tears and humiliation they faced after these glories, he took a deep breath.

A real man has something to do and something not to do.

Now that he has been reborn through time travel, he must abandon the thoughts of his mother-in-law and mother-in-law, and face possible dangers in the future decisively and bravely.

There should be no resistance when facing the authorities, and the engineers, scientists, and ordinary employees working at Jiuzhou Technology are not really so-called soldiers, they are all ordinary ordinary people.

Gu Qing's thoughts were also churning.


Later, he continued: “The key issues that need to be solved in the establishment of a lunar base are not only address selection and earth-to-lunar transportation.

In a practical sense, the problems that need to be solved during the construction process cannot be encountered on the ground. Many problems only exist in thesis deductions, and most of them even have no direction for thinking in thesis.

The establishment of a lunar base cannot be easily promoted by the so-called infrastructure madmen. The difficulty and resources needed to lay out the lunar industrial system are not something that our Jiuzhou Technology company can meet.

Because there are no so-called oil or ordinary coal mines on the moon, we can only use electrolytic melting to make steel and other materials. This requires the technology to extract rare metals without carbon and chlorine.

As for the huge energy demand, we can only rely on photovoltaic power generation in the early stage, so we also need to cooperate with photovoltaic companies and institutions to strive to develop technology and equipment that can manufacture photovoltaic equipment when many resources are not available.

This is the simplest project. I think it can only be solved by relying on the elites from all industries in Daxia.

In addition, we originally thought about using 3D printing to build a lunar base. However, after our astronauts’ experiments on the space station a few days ago, we found that 3D printing technology cannot be used stably in a vacuum environment. The gas effect, messy sunlight color temperature and insufficient energy are not enough to stably produce the laser we need.

Brown feldspar on the moon is one of the main minerals. It is considered by academic circles to be an ideal raw material for building bases and can be used to make building materials and protective layers. However, in our deduction, we found that these substances are ideal materials, but that It is based on the fact that the ground has complete, high-end, stable industrial equipment, technical personnel, and energy, but these are not available on the moon.

The moon is like a treasure planet with endless resources. Every material on it has a great effect.

However, the lunar surface thermal shock caused by the extremely harsh environment of the moon and the severe temperature difference caused the lunar surface to fall apart, forming lunar soil. At the same time, the lunar soil particles were also tempered to be sharp, fine, and almost permeable.

When these particles enter the equipment, they will directly reduce the service life of the equipment. In serious cases, the equipment may even be scrapped. If the air filtration is not done well, astronauts will inhale lunar soil particles into their lungs, which will cause lung disease.

This is a dead planet with frequent moonquakes. More than two thousand moonquakes can be detected every year. These vibrations often last for several minutes, which is more terrifying than earthquake disasters on the ground.

Because there is no magnetic field and no atmosphere, high-energy particles in the universe can easily penetrate protective devices, threaten the lives of astronauts, and interfere with the normal principles of equipment.

The particle radiation dose equivalent in ordinary areas of the moon is twice that of the surface of Mars and the interior of our Kyushu space station...

This is a treasure planet full of death threats.

If the authorities are willing, our company is willing to establish a lunar development science and technology association in the name of science and scientific concepts, and use real scientific research strength and industrial strength to obtain resources and development rights.

The results obtained from research and development technology are managed, distributed and utilized by the Lunar Development Science and Technology Association.

Taking the Yanhuang ethnic group as the main body, we will accept scientists, engineers, technicians who truly love peace and science, and are willing to fight for peace and science throughout their lives, as well as elite personnel from all walks of life who have the ability to develop extraterrestrials. "

The person who just now was frowning relied on special contact lenses to look at the content invisible to outsiders projected in a certain area.

I am still thinking about which plan to adopt to keep Jiuzhou Technology in Daxia, and keep Jiuzhou Technology’s technical staff and the founder’s heart in Daxia.

But he suddenly heard this clear voice coming from his ears.

"Are you willing to establish a lunar development science and technology association in the name of science and scientific concepts, and use real scientific research strength and industrial strength to obtain resources and development rights?"

This is consistent with the opinions put forward by some think tanks, and there is even a more detailed definition of the association.

While thinking, this young man looked at the young man who was not yet forty years old.

He was young, and even had no beard on his cheeks. In addition to calmness, there was also a vigorous flame burning in his eyes.

Moreover, the suggestion he made was more ambitious than those in their 50s and 60s who claim to be industry elites.

This person is very keenly aware that the Lunar Development Science and Technology Association does not have the Yanhuang people as the main body, but the Yanhuang culture as the main body in a substantial sense.

There are billions of people in the world. The Yanhuang clan has a large number of people, but it has the limitations of blood, but its culture has the ability to unite the world in a true sense.

After being absent-minded for a moment, this person's eyes refocused, focused, and appraised.

It is not his style to look forward and backward, to be afraid of wolves and tigers behind.

The era of the rise of the Yanhuang clan was a hard-won opportunity that took hundreds of years of perseverance, patience, and hard work.

If we miss this time, or even delay this time, how will people in the future view this period of history?

The bamboo slips recording history cannot be completely destroyed, not to mention that in today's Internet age, there will always be clues.

So, at a moment when Gu Qing's eyes were calm and expectant, and the whole think tank team was silent and forgetting to breathe, this person put his hand on the paper in front of him, and his tone was gentle but broad and firm.

Said: "Relying on our existing scientific, technological and industrial capabilities in Daxia, it is indeed impossible for astronauts to stay on the moon for a long time, let alone low-cost, large-scale transportation of materials to the space planet.

Launching a launch vehicle or using a space cargo ship to sail back and forth between the space station and the moon is currently the best way to transport materials and personnel to the moon.

Incalculable consumption of manpower, material and resources is accompanied by countless huge risks.

This is not a milestone task that a few companies or institutions can accomplish. It is another long march in the history of science, testing the will and determination of a country and its people.

You mentioned, 'In the name of science and scientific concepts, establish a lunar development science and technology association, and use real scientific research strength and industrial strength to obtain resources and development rights. ’

In principle, I agree with the concept of this association, scientific development of the moon, scientific use of technology, scientific utilization of these resources, science, our Daxia characteristics, and human beings.

If possible, I hope you can carefully draft a specific charter to determine the detailed planning of this Lunar Development Science and Technology Association and the planning process for lunar development.

Daxia is not a limited, stingy, or unwilling place for everyone to develop together. From the two river basins to the current territory, we have been pioneering and forging ahead. "

This was the first time Gu Qing saw a look of equality and recognition in this person's eyes.

He lowered his eyes slightly and saw the right hand stretched out.

The young man also extended his right hand.

The two hands have the same warmth, but one is as young as the warmth of the morning sun, and the other is as warm as a warm spring day.

The source is the sun.

In the cubicle with thick walls, everyone in the think tank team witnessed this scene through surveillance video.

Some people were dumbfounded, and although some people were wearing glasses, there was fluid flowing in the pupils behind the lenses, blurring their vision.

Others were in high spirits, thinking about how the establishment of the Lunar Development Science and Technology Association would have a huge impact on Daxia and Blue Star's scientific and technological field.

The bamboo slips are not there, but the memory chip has already left behind a heavy amount of data at this time.

PS: I don’t want to divide this paragraph into chapters.

Happy Double Holidays to everyone! ! ! !

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