Regarding Gu Qing's proposal to establish a Lunar Development Science and Technology Association, Daxia's scientific and technological circles, academic circles, education circles, aerospace fields, industrial manufacturing fields, and civil engineering fields began to have extremely confidential and high-level consultation meetings. .

From the establishment of Jiuzhou Technology to the science and technology currently mastered by Jiuzhou Technology, to the current scientific research capabilities, resources, and technology research and development directions needed to develop the moon, there are many debates about this in every field.

Although these debates were forcibly confined to very small circles, the voices of the debates were deafening.

"Jiuzhou Technology Company is only a private enterprise. As a private entrepreneur, Gu Qing has not had a complete and excellent education to improve his management quality, market awareness, contract awareness, compliance awareness, social responsibility awareness and other important qualities.

Moreover, Jiuzhou Technology is a legal economic entity with private investment, private operation, private private investment income, and private private business undertaking business risks. Compared with our self-operated enterprises in Daxia, it operates independently, is responsible for its own profits and losses, and bears its own risks.

The creation and establishment of the Lunar Development Science and Technology Association is, to a certain extent, a way for Jiuzhou Technology to share the unknown and terrible risks of a huge plan to other enterprises and institutions in society.

I'm crazy how many years older than everyone else, I eat more than everyone else, and I see more things. Jiuzhou Technology's behavior is kidnapping our scientific and technological community and making all scientists and engineers work for Jiuzhou Technology's "self-interest". Although the slogan is loud, it has not been implemented in reality. "

A certain heavyweight from the Charcot Academy said this with a solemn expression at a certain meeting of the Charcot Academy.

But his voice doesn't speak for everyone.

An old man with white hair, simple clothes and extremely bright glasses stood up.

He looked at everyone, and although his tone was a little changed, he enunciated the words clearly: "Is this before the Sui Dynasty? Are people still judged by their birthplace?

In my opinion, the content of your statement is just as bad as the essays and diaries you have written in recent years.

We are engaged in scientific research. We neither know social management nor understand exquisite economic and financial theories, so we should not go beyond our own majors and guide others in other fields.

A gentleman does not care about his heart when discussing his deeds. There is no perfect person in the world when it comes to his heart. We should look at the scientific field and what contributions Kyushu Technology has made.

In the fields of agricultural science, botany and zoology, Jiuzhou Technology has cooperated with us in Xia Ke in recent years in six sub-fields: food science and engineering, plant genome and editing, animal infectious diseases, healthy diet, plant evolution, and plant disease resistance research. A team of professors and doctoral students from the institute jointly developed more than 129 patented technologies and special seeds that are extremely effective and significant.

Among them, in the fields of food science and engineering, plant genome and editing, although Jiuzhou Technology has no technical contribution, it has provided financial and equipment support.

in Chemistry and Materials Science.

Projects in cutting-edge fields such as organic synthesis, advanced materials, and biochemistry led by Jiuzhou Science and Technology have produced more than 300 important results in five years. Our academicians and doctors, relying on some materials and technologies obtained from cooperation, have released He has published more than 30 articles in the first area and applied for more than 4 billion in research funds.

In the fields of condensed matter physics, high-energy physics, theoretical physics and optics, the value of the funds and equipment invested by Jiuzhou Technology in cooperation with us exceeds 10 billion.

The success of projects such as superconductivity research on infinite layer nickel oxide, graphene solid-state batteries, and fuel cells was entirely led by Jiuzhou Technology and promoted by investment.

Of course, some people may say that success in these fields has brought huge benefits to Jiuzhou Technology, so they are so enthusiastic.

So how do we calculate the progress made in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics of our Xia Academy of Science and Technology over the past few years and the investment of Jiuzhou Science and Technology?

Research topics such as gravitational waves, fast radio bursts, the relationship between black holes and dark matter, the properties of neutron stars, maps of the Milky Way, exoplanet searches, and the formation of stars and planetary systems. Although the output of major related research in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics has had a profound impact from a disciplinary perspective, has Kyushu Technology gained substantial benefits because of these articles?

Some people took dozens of people from the project team, wrote a speculative article, and asked Jiuzhou Technology for hundreds of millions of funds. After a year, it was all used up. Jiuzhou Technology reviewers were still concerned about whether the project needed to expand investment. For those who made false reports What are people talking about about the funding gap for high-value equipment use?

Jiuzhou Technology is also in the process of researching and developing these equipments, and soon we will be able to use self-produced equipment without having to pay high prices to see other people's opinions.

Look at the attitude of the engineers in the Titan Star Department of Jiuzhou Technology, and then look at the faces of some of you.

How can you be so embarrassed?

When I learned the news, I felt so ashamed!

Also, you should all be aware of breakthroughs in the field of mathematics, right?

Bi-phase anisotropic variation problem, analytical research on optical soliton transmission characteristics, medical image analysis algorithm based on deep convolutional neural network, etc., complex network analysis of nonlinear time series in the field of statistics, these large projects, which one is not Jiuzhou Achievements spearheaded by technology?

(The Pitfall in History Book 801)

A new type of biomedical imaging instrument based on nonlinear response imaging of magnetic nanoparticles breaks through the limitations of existing in-vivo imaging instruments and enables for the first time the ability to conduct highly sensitive, high-resolution, fast and three-dimensional wide-field in-vivo observations of key molecules of organisms. Establish a world-leading magnetic field line-free and inertia-free magnetic nanoparticle imaging system with independent intellectual property rights.

Just this equipment, combined with other technologies from Jiuzhou Technology, has built a magnetic nanoparticle imaging system with the largest imaging field of view in the world that maintains high resolution and sensitivity, which has enabled our comprehensive prevention and treatment capabilities of malignant tumors in Daxia. Its capabilities are far ahead of any other forces, institutions, and hospitals, and it also plays a pivotal role in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cell tracing, and surgical guidance.

Can this kind of equipment that cures diseases and save lives just be bought with money?

I am old and cannot go to the laboratory to work often, but every time I go to the joint laboratory, the scientists, engineers and programmers of Jiuzhou Technology are often the most united and work the longest!

Some of our researchers still complain that their workplaces are far from home and there are traffic jams on their way home every holiday. However, the researchers of Jiuzhou Technology have been living in the dormitory of the joint research room, working from dawn to dusk every day. "

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