Gu Qing patiently listened to the report of the person in charge. Although he didn't say a word, it made Sun Jiatuo, the head of commercial cooperation of the space station project, frightened when he gave the report.

The longer they have been in charge of projects at Jiuzhou Technology, the more timid their business partners in charge of engineering projects have become.

Because these projects of our own company are either highly confidential special projects, or they often involve hundreds of millions, billions or even tens of billions of funds. If there are some mistakes in them, it will be a nightmare-like work oversight.

Even after the report ended, before Sun Jiatuo heard Gu Qing's voice, he was already frantically recalling whether he had missed anything or made a mistake just now, trying to make up for it as soon as possible.

"Our space station project is just the beginning, but it is also the best development case. Daxia Aerospace Group has given us a lot of help, so it is appropriate to sign a cooperation memorandum, but astronauts from the International Space Station and other institutions want to enter our The space station cannot be so simple.

The screening criteria are relative. Even if we do not send astronauts to our space station, but only entrust items such as seeds to conduct space experiments, we must check carefully, whether it is the qualifications of the organization or the details of the items, they must be reviewed and inspected.

If the agency has made inappropriate remarks about any of our Jiuzhou Technology projects, point it out when discussing cooperation.

Now the project initiative is in our hands. Only by letting them bleed hard can we have a longer memory.

Since we rely on the Kyushu Space Station as the space home port, we support our company’s brother projects to land on the moon, explore Mars, and fly deeper into the universe. It is necessary to explain the rules clearly to those cooperating astronauts, clearly record their space suits, daily clothes, and facial data, and prohibit them from obtaining permissions for other modules and equipment outside the cooperative project. "

At this point, Gu Qing emphasized: "Don't underestimate those malicious intentions. I don't want to look up and see our company's fireworks in outer space."

When Sun Jiatuo, head of commercial cooperation for the space station project, heard this sentence, his forehead was still covered with thin sweat.

"You need to communicate more with Yang Shixiong, the engineer in charge of the space station research and development project, and the people in charge of other technical engineering projects. The development of technology must achieve our goals.

I've read everything else, and there's nothing missing.

Just make a note of it and give it to Haechi, so go ahead and do it, thank you. "

After hearing these words, Sun Jiatuo breathed a sigh of relief.

After hanging up Sun Jiatuo's connection, Gu Qing's eyes returned to the list of engineers compiled by Xuanwu.

In his eyes, he said silently: "Artificial intelligence will ultimately be unable to make substantial innovations and breakthroughs. The most important inspiration for genius is that you are one of the inspiration gathering groups on this planet."

Not fighting for hegemony or carrying out so-called technological colonization, Gu Qing's goal is very clear and he controls his own destiny.

But Gu Qing still underestimated the malice of people.

At this moment, the regional server leaders of "Cosmic Adventure" of Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch have opened a conference room in the experimental server of Lingjing Ecology by combining online conference rooms and offline conference rooms.

Wang Teng, the head of Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch, was sitting in the deputy chair, looking around at these familiar and unfamiliar faces, his expression as serious as water.

Although he was only thirty years old, none of the highly intelligent and highly educated elites present thought that the young person in charge was easy to fool.

As Lingjing Ecology spreads around the world, Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch has established server managers in major regions around the world, and the identities of these managers are not unique.

Some people are directly under the management of Jiuzhou Technology or the management of Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch, and some are corporate partners within the Jiuzhou Alliance.

In addition, there are also some local "local snakes" or enterprises with considerable resources in the region.

In a sense, these are the pinnacles of Jiuzhou Technology's influence in various regions around the world, providing assistance for the development and growth of Jiuzhou Technology. At the same time, it also relies on the success of Jiuzhou Technology's projects to obtain more benefits.

“A total of fifty-nine minor accidents, one major accident, and no major accidents have occurred so far.

Network data attacks have been growing. At the time of the report, there had been more than 13,000 attacks, but the third data protection wall had not yet been breached.

Although the server room suffered a power outage, it was supported by backup power and no data was lost.

Over 30,000 spiritual landers have been dismantled..."

The conference assistant was making a report on the side.

The atmosphere in the spiritual realm virtual conference room was solemn.

As leaders, they all know how stringent the security measures and incident levels provided by the company are.

Minor accidents represent situations where someone or a force enters the production and operation environment and causes damage, but without causing any substantial impact, and is considered an attempt.

A major accident is when someone or a force engages in a large-scale conflict and enters the production and operation area, causing a considerable impact and causing some problems to production and operation.

Under the protection of a mature security system and cutting-edge security technology products, this kind of thing still happens.

When the people in charge of the servers such as the Yuguo server and the Yuenan server listened to the general briefing of these accidents, they seemed to have pebbles on their minds.

Wang Teng did not take any other action, just waiting quietly for the assistant to finish the report.

Then he said: "From the current point of view, although the Lingjing Ecological Project has encountered some storms, the losses are not large, and everyone has gained experience because of these accidents.

However, this should not be taken lightly. Our overseas market operating environment is becoming polarized. Everyone should also pay attention to safety when traveling. "

Seeing that everyone's expressions gradually relaxed, Wang Teng continued: "The crazier the enemy is, the more correct we are doing, and our greatest advantage is not the servers and franchised cooperative enterprises and institutions all over Blue Star. , but we rely on Jiuzhou Technology and have a stable market in the Daxia region.

As long as our parent company keeps moving forward and keeps providing us with technology that is ahead of its time, we will never truly lose the entertainment market.

Virtual games are our main stage, and now there are no other players in the Blue Star world who can pose a threat to us.

In subdivided fields such as music and novels, we also have the largest number of contracted creators in the world. Now we are only a little weak in the fields of movies and TV series, but this is also a good thing.

If all virtual ecological materials are used to make movies and TV series, due to the particularity of the technology, we will no longer need a large group of actors, directors, screenwriters, and prop groups. This will lead to the loss of TV series and film industry practitioners around the world. A real boycott of us.

After all, this is indeed robbing them of their livelihood. Everyone must also be able to withstand the sugar-coated bullets thrown by the capitalist entertainment market. "


After hearing Wang Teng's words, several people's original solemn expressions changed to laughing a few times.

Everyone knows more or less what Wang Teng calls the sugar-coated bullets thrown by the capitalist entertainment market.

It's nothing more than a place like the Golden Cave and Paradise Island composed of fine wine, delicious food, beauties and handsome men, and various entertainment projects.

A middle-aged man sitting diagonally across from Wang Teng suddenly said at this moment: "I think that in addition to resisting these attacks, we should also take the initiative.

Fierce market competition not only means that our development path is correct, but also means that the entanglement of interests is so great that these forces are willing to take risks to sabotage our projects.

Just like when our head office led Daxia mobile phone manufacturers to the global market, an optimization software ushered in many intrigues.

In the end, we stabilized the chips and systems, and then used this to overtake us. This allowed large mobile phone manufacturers such as Xia Wei to survive, and allowed mainstays such as Xia Xing Mobile to continue to develop.

Of course, we should not show mercy to companies like Rice that are so stubborn that they eventually lose market share. "

After hearing the management's words, some of the responsible groups were already "whispering" in their own small groups.

"Does this mean that if we don't cooperate, we have to pack up and leave?"

"Looking at today's situation, the direct-operated senior management can say that they are one family after all, but what about us people? We pay some protection fees to Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch every year. Now it seems that the plate is as big as this The protection fee is no longer enough.”

"I'm just wondering right now, which region's server person in charge was so negligent in his duties that he caused a big accident, and we didn't even realize it. If there hadn't been a report at today's meeting, I would have been kept in the dark."

"Brother, you learned Daxia dialect very well. You used three idiom words in one sentence. It seems that even if you kick someone out this time, you can still sit still."

"Brother is making me laugh again. We in Malay have a Daxia language environment. Our company can now use Daxia language and text for office communication. But I am really curious. In addition to our server room, there is In addition to the security personnel, there are also security personnel dispatched by the head office, security robots, and the layout of the cameras. I asked other professionals to look at the layout, but they all shook their heads and refused. There was no way to add more.

And the protection of the server room, I heard that it takes a lot of effort to bombard it with big artillery. What kind of monsters can do this? "

"God knows who it is. I guess it is a collaboration between inside and outside. It is most likely a partner company. After all, we and Jiuzhou Direct Management are on the same boat. Although those partner companies are highly loyal, there will definitely be bugs in the company. Say no. It must be one of the traitors who caused trouble, causing us all to be punished."

"I don't think this is a reprimand. Listen carefully to what Mr. Wang and the executive said. If the two of them are playing tricks on each other, then the drama may be a bit big."

"Alas, I haven't seen Mr. Gu come to a meeting for a long time. Although Mr. Wang has great authority, he always likes to do some twists and turns in meetings. He is not as simple and direct as Mr. Gu. He will never waste everyone's time."

"Looking after Mr. Gu? I wonder if I can see Mr. Gu at this year's corporate annual meeting. Since the last Global Cooperation Conference, I haven't communicated directly with Gu Qing for a long time."

These people in charge did not know that the small chat group they opened privately could not escape the data detection of Jiuzhou Technology as long as it was held in the office built with the help of Jiuzhou Technology.

As the general person in charge of the Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch, Wang Teng does not have data monitoring authority over all Jiuzhou technology offices of Blue Star Global, but he still has similar authority over the offices of those responsible for the servers in the Lingjing Ecological Region.

While watching how these people complained about him and Mr. Gu behind their backs, he said: "Director Zhang's idea is very good, and it is also in line with the next stage of development plan of our Jiuzhou Entertainment Branch.

In addition to strengthening the security of servers in various regions, our company's next focus is to focus on two major areas in the commercial field.

First the first section.

Although we are no longer able to provide recharge and payment payment services in some areas, we still have a considerable number of loyal users in these areas, so we are temporarily allowed to turn a blind eye to the cross-regional play of these users. .

At the same time, we will strengthen the soundness and legality of the payment management system, strictly check any account transactions conducted by players in private, and resolve any cases as soon as they are found. An announcement will be made in the regional server to let players know that this is a high-voltage line and cannot be touched at will. .

For the exchange and circulation of Yuanbao and Tongbao copper coins, try to reduce service fees and wear and tear fees. For example, the "Cosmic Adventure" game of Lingjing Ecology has only opened the jewelry purchase service, and players are currently unable to get the money in the game. Exchanges in life can only be done through the circulation of property in the spiritual realm, so for some players, their game income is actually reduced.

Although we have completed the game revenue commitment we made when the game was released, more than 10,000 people in the "Cosmic Adventure" game have achieved the standard of making money in the virtual world and supporting themselves in the real world, but this does not represent other players Can.

Therefore, the payment link must be strengthened. As the person in charge of servers in each region, everyone must take this matter to heart and strive to achieve it within this year. If it cannot be achieved within this year, at best, a charter must be given, otherwise the company will have to Send a professional team to review the area's performance. "

Although his voice was still so young, what Wang Teng said still made the leaders who were already relying on fishing and chatting in private feel a little heavier.

It sounds simple to open up regional payment links, but there is no simple option to do it.

Now who doesn’t know that the focus of the digital economy is virtual assets and credit assets?

Get this from official agencies in these regions?


It's really difficult.

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