“As regional server leaders, your rights come from your responsibilities.

To open up payment, there is no need to pay directly, but players must have a way to pay, and it must be a legal and compliant way.

With reference to game platforms such as Steam and Orange, your ideas can be bolder. If the task cannot be completed, the company will conduct a new round of evaluation of the areas where the task has not been completed, and either reduce or increase investment in the area, so that players in the area can enjoy the convenience of opening up payment channels as soon as possible. "

These words instantly silenced some of the small groups of people in charge who were still frantically making complaints.

No one will ignore what Wang Teng said, and no one is willing to bet that the company will not reduce regional investment.

Thinking of the company's large investment in the aerospace industry during this period, and the high investment and low income of "Cosmic Adventure", everyone's emotions could not be calm.

But Wang Teng didn't give everyone much time to think.

He continued: “The second section in the commercial field is the sales of spiritual realm ecological derivative products.

In addition to dolls, audio and video products, and major entertainment peripherals, the company also needs more revenue. At present, we plan to start operating businesses in the spiritual realm ecology, such as super supermarkets in the virtual world, and virtual dressing rooms connected with clothing brands. There are ticket charges for some in-depth virtual world tours, and some feedback loops for spiritual ecological game tasks.

The company plans to select certain small servers to conduct experiments on the above commercial services. All regional server leaders can compile a report and sign up to participate in this project. "

Faced with this matter of making the cake bigger, all the regional server leaders who were thinking deeply about how to solve the payment problem with the capital behind them a second ago suddenly frowned and relaxed.

Although they know that this business method of strengthening the online virtual world will definitely affect the offline business market, there is no doubt that this kind of "monopoly" business is the most profitable.

Some people are even thinking about whether the company will start to sell the spirit realm lander at a reduced price if it makes such a big effort to develop the online virtual world.

After all, only if there are enough high-quality users of Lingjing Ecology can it generate sufficient revenue.

All for those players who rely on Titan processors to enter the spiritual realm?

=The person in charge of servers in some areas actually don’t have much expectations for this group of people who are willing to take advantage of their skin every day but are not willing to spend money to buy it.

Only by greatly reducing the price of the Lingjing Lander, a device that allows people to immerse themselves in the virtual world, and allowing more people to buy the Lingjing Lander can the person in charge of these servers determine the strength of the company.

And Wang Teng did not live up to the expectations of these people.

Facing everyone in the virtual conference room and the real offline conference room, Wang Teng said: "The head office has mastered the commercial mass production technology of high-end carbon-based chips, and there will be new Titan processors and more powerful Lingjing landing in the future. The server will be released.

At the same time, the overall cost of mid- to low-end products has also dropped significantly, and specific sales strategies will be differentiated based on the economic environment, production, transportation and operating environment of each region.

I have repeatedly warned everyone not to mix things up, and not to ignore the problems caused by frequent changes in players' login IPs.

The company will update the security protocols more stringently in the future. Players who frequently change their IP addresses due to business trips and travels will be subject to stricter supervision. Once someone is found to be reselling Titan processors and spiritual realm lander, the company will transfer the information to the company. Provided to the legal department of the head office.

Therefore, we also ask you to cooperate with the company's work and issue relevant announcements to remind players not to resell or sell bound devices and accounts at will. "

Although there are more restrictions on server players, and even this decision means that the company will strengthen supervision of some remote servers, everyone's attention is focused on the fact that the head office has mastered the commercial mass production technology of high-end carbon-based chips and New version of Titan Processor and Spirit Realm Lander.

In the small group that was originally cool, a lot of chat quotes and emoticons burst out in an instant.

Wang Teng didn't have the time or thought to continue checking the communication information of these small groups. After all, after the meeting, Haechi would provide him with a collection of chat records.

Having said this, Wang Teng looked around, imprinting the faces of each regional server leader in his mind, and then softened his tone and said: "In order to cope with the difficult environment that is likely to arise in the future, I hope everyone can conscientiously implement these two major tasks. Section's business, and use the company's resources and copy to take active action.

Of course, in order to reduce the occurrence of accidents, the company will cooperate with the head office to conduct a global Blue Star maintenance and update of our spiritual environment ecology.

This maintenance update will not change the player account, the permissions of each account, and the items owned by them, but it will improve the defensive shield capability of the data protection technology, and at the same time optimize the game world NPC character logic program of the spiritual realm ecology "Cosmic Adventure" to provide players with Create a more realistic, comprehensive and safe spiritual virtual world.

After this maintenance update, the space station mission of "Cosmic Adventure" that breaks out of the main mission of Blue Star will also undergo an overall competition across the entire server. The company will invite experts in the aerospace field to teach teams, institutions, companies and players. We voted together to select the top ten space station designs.

Although the entertainment and user consumption rate of "Cosmic Adventure" are not as high as other games in the spiritual realm, I believe that you will not ignore the importance of this task.

Of course, I would like to remind everyone that the competition time for the "Omnic Crisis" Global Martial Arts Conference will be determined soon.

"Cosmic Adventure" and "Omnic Crisis" are the two most important competitive projects of our company. Subsequently, the company may conduct some regional expansion based on the performance of server players in these projects in various regions, as well as the geo-economic and security environment of the region. After the merger, the main server room of Lingjing Ecology is also gradually expanded and optimized. "

After continuing to listen to Wang Teng's talk with an explosion of information, the brows of the regional server leaders who had been relieved continued to frown again.

The number of complaints in the small group also increased instantly.

Even if Wang Teng didn't read the content of the small group chat, he knew that many of these people were already cursing himself and the company.

He was not judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart, but he saw some very harmonious words after just a few casual glances.

"Threat, is this threatening us?"

"I have worked hard for the company and made so many contributions, and now I am turning my back on him? If we really want to kick us out, I will definitely go to Mr. Gu!"

"The fox's tail is finally showing. We have been making a deal with the devil by opening up the market over the years."

When people in the small group were complaining, a regional person in charge stood up and said: "By merging regional servers into one large server, in fact, as long as the distance is not far, players will be able to have a better gaming experience. After all, this way By doing this, players do not need to conduct cross-server transactions, and system handling fees and ingot fire consumption costs will be greatly reduced. It can also promote player transactions, which is extremely beneficial to the economic innovation of the spiritual realm ecology.

Crisis is an opportunity. Our small servers can be merged into a large server. Even if we encounter some bad local solutions in the future, we will still have room for change, and players can rest assured to recharge the game.

I support the company's decision. "

Wang Teng glanced at the server person in charge.

As expected of the person in charge of the server in the Seiya region, he is tall and broad-minded at the same time. Unlike that group of people, they only focus on the three melons and two dates and calculate personal gains and losses in the short term.

Wang Teng smiled and nodded to the person in charge, and then said a "little thing" with a smile.

"The person in charge of Seiya has a long-term vision. In fact, the server merger is not a so-called power withdrawal from everyone. I just said that after the next maintenance update, the account permissions of players and managers will not change.

Merger is not only to integrate resources, but also to facilitate management.

The company is discussing that in the future, our Lingjing Ecology may join the management of another party. At that time, the company may gradually open up our Lingjing Ecology and allow users to log in to our Lingjing Ecology through other electronic devices that meet the Lingjing Ecological login conditions.

And in contrast, the parent company will gradually decentralize some of the authority of Lingjing Ecology and Titan processor technology. This is a preferential treatment given to those companies that signed a technology cooperation licensing agreement with the parent company during the previous Global Cooperation Conference.

If you have an impression of the Global Cooperation Conference, you should know that it is not just one or two companies that have signed these agreements. A total of more than five companies at home and abroad have signed this agreement.

Internet media always talk about the first year of the virtual world. Judging from the number of virtual game users, this year is likely to be the real first year of the virtual world.

In this way, even if Blue Star shuts down our Spirit Realm Lander and Titan Processor in some parts of the world, there will still be other electronic technology products that can log into the Spirit Realm ecology for these players to choose from.

The parent company lost the high-end market in electronic products and gained a real blue ocean of business for us.

Therefore, I personally suggest that after the meeting, you should think of more ways to handle the payment issue and strengthen security protection.

Welcome the upcoming virtual prosperous age, the real spiritual world! "

It can only be said that the information Wang Teng told is too dense, and each one is more important than the last.

Especially when they hear about decentralizing technology and licensing it to other companies, some server managers feel distressed.

Exclusively selling Titan processors and spiritual landers is a very big profit.

Now in the black markets in their areas, the profits earned by reselling a spiritual realm lander are quite generous.

But after only feeling distressed for a few seconds, these people thought of more ways to make money.

It is very easy to investigate the information of companies that have obtained technical authorization. After the meeting, although I cannot rely on this inside information to go to these companies to discuss distribution cooperation quotas in my own region, I can definitely ask my relatives, friends, and close employees to go there. Find these companies to discuss distribution cooperation quotas!

At that time, I will be responsible for the spiritual realm server in my own area, and I will be able to control all the high-end electronic equipment in this area that can log into the spiritual realm ecology.

How could it be possible not to make money? !

Not long after everyone sorted out the thoughts in their minds, Wang Teng continued to speak: "Today's meeting is a confidential meeting. Please pay attention to information security and not leak relevant information.

The company’s subsequently updated safety protocols are not only for players, but also for us management personnel.

That’s all I want to talk about. Next is everyone's free speech and communication time. We are all far apart and have many things to do every day. The virtual laboratory has a new function. Everyone can interact and enter the small conference room. The company will be directly responsible for data security. It will be handed over to Jiulong Big Data in the cloud for storage. "

After saying this, Wang Teng also began to pack up the content on the virtual screen in front of him.

In the virtual meeting room, the heads of various regions participating online saw that when Wang Teng was sorting out these documents, they gradually became blurred and then slowly disappeared from everyone's sight.

When the last bit of Wang Teng's image disappeared, the atmosphere in the conference room gradually changed from quiet to a lively classroom scene after class.

"Brother Wang, what we talked about last time, while several brothers are here today, why don't we go and deepen our understanding?"

"William, do you want to taste the collector's edition of red wine in the virtual world? Believe me, this is the most fragrant red wine I have ever smelled. Although it cannot be drunk, it is intoxicating."

The several regional server leaders who heard this middle-aged French man talking next to them felt a numbness in their backs.

Burning buns endlessly, looking for the taste of red wine in the virtual world.

Of course, they also know that this is just the opening remarks of a small meeting invitation.

In this way, in groups of three, three, five and six people, the person in charge of the participants in the virtual conference room gradually left.

After the meeting, Wang Teng sighed.

He looked at the direct administrators and close partner leaders in the offline meeting room with a smile on his face.

"Of course, our offline experience is much better than online. You can communicate at will. The company canteen is open 24 hours a day. Don't worry, we also have free accommodation arrangements.

If you want to consult with the project department of the head office, you can make a report through Haezhi. As long as it is passed, there will be a prompt on your pass. Then you can just take the subway directly from our entertainment branch. "

After declining the invitations of certain persons in charge, Wang Teng left the conference room alone.

Walking out onto the grass outside the building, the wind blows majestically.

Looking at the vegetation in the distance, Wang Teng remembered what Mr. Gu said in front of him.

"The decentralization of technology will bring about business sublimation. The spiritual realm ecology will become the spiritual realm universe, and the virtual world represented by the online world will have greater weight."

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