Stupid butchers without brains are best able to deal with scientific researchers who have brains.

Moreover, scientific researchers, mathematicians and engineers who have stayed in laboratories for many years, especially the elites in the Western education system, are more or less lacking in political sensitivity.

But today, after learning that more than a thousand SpaceX Starlink satellites were involved in the accident, even the dullest person noticed something was wrong.

Although SpaceX Interplanetary Exploration Company is nominally a private company founded by Musk, the technology, engineering team, and equipment used by this company are basically the resources of NASA and several other major aerospace capitals. It was founded by Mars Krypton, but in fact many companies and institutions participated.

They were responsible for SpaceX's Starlink satellites and also knew some other secrets. For example, the control of these Starlink satellites is not just controlled by the company...

If it is not handled well, a war may break out.

It is related to one's wealth and life, so naturally handling things will speed up a lot.

Soon, these engineers and mathematicians made new discoveries.

"There is a Trojan horse in our Starlink satellite control system. No, no, no, it is not just a simple Trojan horse, but also a special senior administrator account."

"There is no record of this account in the database. This is not an internal account of our company! How is it possible? This account has been registered for so long, even longer than some senior administrator accounts."

"Why are you still hanging around? We just found out the loophole channel through which this Trojan came in! Ban this account! We must find out the source of this account!"

"Apply for supercomputing permission. I suspect there may be some problems with the design of Starlink satellites. I want to conduct multiple tests and maybe find some technical problems."

"If we have technology like the Spirit Realm Ecological Virtual Experiment Server, let alone satellites, I'm afraid we can all design lunar exploration spacecraft. Jiuzhou Technology's starship design is excellent, and it is obviously optimized using their Spirit Realm Laboratory Server. of."

"God bless, I hope Kyushu Technology's moon landing project fails and the two spacecraft are damaged in the atmosphere. We will still have time to catch up with them."

"Jiuzhou Technology has previously designed and manufactured spacecraft that can carry out space activities independently and can also transport personnel, materials and equipment between the ground and the space station. This kind of spacecraft that flies along the earth's center orbit has been improved to the point where it can Extent of reuse.

Interstellar spacecraft flying to other celestial bodies and cargo spacecraft transporting supplies and equipment, even if they are one-off, may not be so easy to crash in the atmosphere without other external factors. "

"Oh, stop talking. Let's deal with these problems quickly. Also, whoever can find a relationship to protect us all should do it as soon as possible. I always feel a cold feeling on my back. The look that the guy looked at us just now is very dangerous." =

Kebi Lane glanced at the working status of his colleagues around him, but his mood was extremely depressed.

In his mind, science is great and there should be no blood and sin!

But under the heavy pressure these days, he now only hopes that the other party will not hurt them. Even under the heavy pressure, he no longer hopes that the other party will end the moon landing project of Kyushu Technology as they promised. Finally, "let" them go home.

"Mars Krypton, what on earth are you doing?! Are you sending us to death?"

Roaring in his heart, the double-major professor lowered his head with a gloomy look and began to deal with the large and small problems and projects on the screen in front of him.

Next door to this group of engineers and mathematicians, Michelson observed their every move through the one-way glass.

Beside him, there were colleagues in uniforms who said with worried eyes: "They are all top engineers and aerospace mathematics experts in the industry. We have imprisoned them for so long and have already endured a lot of pressure. If something really happens, I’m afraid some things cannot be handled that simply.”

Michelson's observation gaze did not shift at all, but he replied: "Simply deal with it? When Kyushu Technology and Daxia damaged more than a thousand of our satellites, this matter can no longer be dealt with simply.

If an absolute answer cannot be found, many of them will be caught and imprisoned in another place, as well as their former boss. Now it is not just us who are watching him. Once there is a problem, he will be deal with. "

Although no name was mentioned, everyone present knew that that person was Mars Krypton.

If a solution cannot be found, Mars Krypton's business in the United States may really be "one pot". More than a thousand Starlink satellites are not only a disgrace to SpaceX, but also a threat to Uncle Sam.

Now the land bacteria on the ground in Daxia already have the world's top drones, mechas, and rockets. The sea bacteria also have nuclear-powered aircraft carriers that are ahead of the times. The air bacteria are even more powerful than other global forces in Blue Star. j20 is displayed like a toy.

This shows a very simple problem. Daxia has better equipment that is hidden away.

This is why, so far, there are so many conflicts within Uncle Sam, but no force dares to really show its gun.

It's not that I can't, it's just that I don't dare.

Once you lose, everything will be lost. Under a capital crisis of unprecedented scale, everyone will become a loser. If they can barely maintain a state of vague confrontation like now, they can still make good economic gains and live well.

As for how many days you can live?

I'm afraid God and Jesus are going to ask Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang of Great Xia.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The engineers and mathematicians in this underground base were frantically typing on their keyboards and working equipment. The engineers at the Jiuzhou Science and Technology Southwest Launch Command Center were also observing the various data on the screens in front of them with a high degree of concentration.

"Pay attention to detecting the decomposition and wear of the atmosphere of each Starlink satellite, and do not allow any danger around the spacecraft orbit."

“Attention all units, attention to all units, please keep the channel signal stable.

The first predicted landing location will be announced ten seconds later.

The east longitude is 101°xx′~100°xx′, and the north latitude is 31°xx′~32°xx′. "

"Ground 1 Space Security Team 1 has received it and is maneuvering towards the predicted landing location!"

"Aerospace Security Team No. 2 on the ground received it!..."

Since the security department of Jiuzhou Technology was transformed into Jiuzhou Security Company, the company's personnel structure has been adjusted, but after the adjustment, the number of employees has only increased.

As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jiuzhou Technology, Jiuzhou Security Company provides corresponding security solutions for each department and project of Jiuzhou Technology Company, and the weapon configuration is very "reassuring".

For the two spacecrafts of this lunar landing project, Jiuzhou Security Company not only configured a drone formation, a mecha formation, and a ground maneuver formation, but also applied for permission for Bifang fighter jets.

As long as there is any abnormal movement, Bifang's fighter jets will arrive on the battlefield in an instant.

At the same time, official agencies in the region where the predicted location of the first notification is located and staff from Jiuzhou Technology and Jiuzhou Security are also beginning to prepare evacuation notifications and emergency supplies.

Through the smart city skynet monitoring system jointly developed by Jiuzhou Technology and Daxia Rongcheng officials, Jiuzhou Technology engineers can look around Xishu without leaving the front door and see the real-time picture of the landing prediction area reported for the first time.

It's not a downtown area, but a suburb.

There are crops in the fields, Chengdu citizens coming out to bask in the sun, and a group of wedding cars driving towards their destination with double flashes.

Although it was still some time before the spacecraft landed, for the sake of safety, staff from Jiuzhou Security and Chengdu Bureau drove vehicles to clear the way for this group of wedding cars.

To a certain extent, it can be described as a double blessing.

Time passed by, and the netizens in the Jiuzhou Aerospace live broadcast room were tired of posting barrages.

However, with a huge user base, even if some people are tired of using barrage, the barrage in the live broadcast room is still like a vast ocean.

Ever since the manned moon landing spacecraft entered the atmosphere, Gu Qing has not distracted his attention to the live broadcast room.

"The entire launch center building was reinforced and radiation-proofed at the beginning of construction. If a corner building really can't bear it and has no strategic determination, we can move to an underground base. What about the astronauts and ordinary people?"

Young Gu doesn't want to play a live-action Fallout game.

I don't know how long it took, but when Zhou Jianwen saw that the signal communication was restored, he already knew that the spacecraft had left the black barrier danger zone, and immediately opened the communication channel.

"Command center, command center, I am Zhou Jianwen, I am Zhou Jianwen. The data of the lunar landing spacecraft are all normal. The data of the lunar landing spacecraft are all normal."

"The command center has received it. The command center has received it. The lunar landing spacecraft data verification is normal. Please pay attention to the data connection. We are determining the predicted landing location."

Gu Qing's voice rang in the ears of Zhou Jianwen, Li Ying, and Liu Genghong. Although the voice was clear and not as "magnetic" as Li Jian, it gave the three of them a sense of security.

Among all the employees of Jiuzhou Technology, the one they admire the most is their founder.

Moreover, Gu Qing would often be with astronauts like them, guiding them in their training and reminding them of the conditions brought about by changes in various body data.

After several days of flying, Li Ying's condition was already not very good, but after hearing Gu Qing's voice, she immediately became much more energetic.

Some of the worries in her heart also disappeared at this moment.

The sound came from the headset again.

“Attention all units, attention to all units, please keep the channel signal stable.

The latest predicted landing location will be announced in ten seconds..."

The update time of the latest landing location is very fast. After updates again and again, the originally huge suburbs outside the city have become smaller step by step.

Jiuzhou security staff on the ground listened to the command center's instructions and at the same time carried out personnel evacuation work according to the map instructions displayed on the vehicle's tablet.

"Thank you for your help."

The groom's friend, who was following the wedding car at the end, took out a cigarette and a red envelope.

Although it is strictly prohibited to collect cigarettes, alcohol, and red envelopes during the execution of tasks, this prohibition is relaxed in situations such as weddings and funerals.

The Jiuzhou security staff took the red envelopes and cigarettes with both hands, "Congratulations, may we have a happy marriage and may you have a baby soon."

Then he and the official staff from Chengdu waved goodbye to each other.

Today, if the staff of Jiuzhou Security and Herongcheng officials were so stupid and unkind and directly pulled the ban line, the newlyweds would probably not be in a good mood.

Because the wedding car convoy cannot turn back or go to a dead end.

Just watching the rookie convoy leave, the Kyushu security staff member immediately covered his helmet and replied to the command center: "Ground 1-3 Space Security Team has received it and is maneuvering to the latest predicted landing location!"

In this voice channel, there are still many teams receiving replies.

On the factual large map drawn by Jiuzhou Technology's Zhoutian Xingdou Engineering Satellite and the precise map supported by the Daxia Beidou satellite map, Gu Qing and Jiuzhou Technology Aerospace engineers can clearly see the specific coordinates of each aerospace security fleet. location, accurate direction of travel, and implementation status of the latest predicted landing site area.

UAV formations and bionic robot formations have already conducted all-round searches.

Although Chengdu is an area where Jiuzhou Technology has been operating for many years, it is impossible for Jiuzhou Technology to "plough" in other areas except the Xinke District, so this screening has really screened out some.

The staff of the Chengdu City Bureau who were accompanying me were in a very good mood. After receiving these unexpected deliveries, although they had serious thoughts about the safety of the area, they also knew in their hearts that it was impossible to clean this kind of equipment completely. Being able to clean it up today is also a "credit".

It was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

No rapid landing plan was used, and the landing speed of the lunar landing spacecraft was "very normal."

On the roofs of each aerospace security fleet, either the drone platform or the radar array is turned on, and real-time 3D modeling is performed on the already clear area. And the data information collected by these radars will be shared in real time with UAV formations and bionic machine formations, making UAVs more intelligent.

Deep in the mountains not far from Chengdu, under the cover of cover and jamming radar, several Bi Fang fighter jets adjusted their posture and headed straight towards the predicted landing site, bomb loading, and flight runways, all of which were checked one by one.

Once an order is given, Bi Fang's fighter jets will take off immediately and complete the mission quickly!

"The spacecraft's instruments and equipment are operating normally, the landing system is testing normally, and the heat insulation layer is currently 80% durable."

"The command center received it, Zhou Jianwen, please pay attention to the status of the equipment and instruments at all times."

"Ground security reports that the radar array has captured the lunar landing spacecraft. The heat insulation layer of the return module is intact, the landing speed is in line with expectations, and the flight attitude is normal."

In this series of reports, the Jiuzhou moon landing spacecraft is getting closer and closer to the Blue Star ground.

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