SpaceX's conference room has been "empty".

underground base.

Ma Si Krypton looked at the various pictures on the big screen, his expression no longer relaxed and confident as before.

Beside him, in addition to several high-level engineers and scientists within NASA and the military-industrial complex, there were more middle-aged men in uniforms with shoulder straps, as well as a few aquiline elderly people.

Especially the more than a thousand satellites that were "one step ahead", rushed into the atmosphere, and were broken into pieces by flames and gravitational acceleration. The Starlink satellites were broadcast in close-up in several areas on the big screen.

From a complete satellite, to being disabled, to breaking down into parts, and then bursting into flames and disappearing in an instant.


Mars Krypton closed his eyes with a painful expression.

There were scientists beside him who, like him, were paying close attention to the satellites they developed, which were falling apart in the atmosphere.

But the other people in this room said nothing, and didn't even show any emotion on their expressions.

Kirby Lane let out a long breath as he looked at the more than a thousand satellites that had been burned into small "space junk" that could not be scanned by satellites and radars.

Next to him, someone asked: "According to your report, the operating system of the Starlink satellite has eliminated abnormalities and will not be hacked again?"

Hearing this question, Kerby Lane subconsciously looked at his old club.

Mars Krypton's newly opened eyes slowly shook his head after noticing the look of help.

"I'm just a businessman. Although I know some technology, I'm not Gu Qing. I can't guarantee it."

Kebi Lane also lowered his head in shame.

“We have indeed identified the offending accounts and have re-optimized and strengthened the firewall, but we don’t know whether our SpaceX servers can continue to defend against hacker attacks.

Because judging from previous achievements, some institutions or organizations among those hackers already know that we have separated the servers of Starlink satellites. At the same time, they seem to have the technology to break through the firewall and account system. Although the senior administrator account has been Deactivate, delete, but we cannot thoroughly check every administrator account.

Because according to the original agreement, the management rights of some accounts are not in our hands. "

Perhaps he wanted to fight for a chance to survive, or he wanted to "prove his innocence". It was the first time that Kerby Lane said so many words on such an occasion.

Marx looked at the satellite expert he hired with a high salary from NASA and resigned some time ago, with a somewhat lonely look in his eyes.

He knew that these experts and senior engineers had reservations about certain projects, but he didn't expect that these people would hide these secrets from him...

Although he also had cooperation projects with Uncle Sam Official and several other large capital companies, in the end, these engineers deceived him.

Soon, someone printed out a document and quickly handed it to an older, middle-aged man with a hooked nose.

As this person took the document, everyone in the room focused on him.

There is no need for much explanation, the honors he has received are enough to make everyone unable to take their eyes off him.

Kirby Lane, Mars Krypton, and other engineers and scientists from SpaceX Interstellar Exploration Company also focused their attention on this person, with anxiety, fear, and expectation in their eyes.


"Perhaps this is the luckiest thing in misfortune. God blesses every lamb who returns from his own way. Of the more than 1,200 satellites, none of them caused major damage. Only a few caused fires and car accidents.

Your SpaceX company should be able to pay, right? "

When the slightly older voice appeared in this room, the expressions of Mars Krypton, Kebi Lane and others couldn't help but feel much more relaxed.

"It's affordable, thank God for His mercy."

"Well, you can continue to optimize the system and strengthen defense capabilities. In July, we will conduct an attack test on the Starlink satellite system. If the target cannot be achieved, the Starlink satellite will give us more permissions in accordance with the original agreement. "

There was no tone of discussion.

That's the order.

Mars Krypton did not make any small movements or expressions. He nodded and said: "YES SIR."

The group of people came and left quickly.

When the door to the room was closed, Michelson took the report document handed over by his boss. After reading it quickly, he asked with some confusion: "Sir, the Starlink satellite has been confirmed to have been compromised. Why do we still need to do this?" Give them a chance? What should we do if we continue to be hacked inexplicably in the future?

If there is a problem in the communication channel, the leakage of intelligence information will never be dealt with easily. "

The scarred eyelids were covered, and the man sighed with a faint expression.

"The reason is simple. I can execute five elite cadres in one day, but I can't change the situation of the war.

SpaceX's Starlink satellite is already an important part of our communication security, and we can only support it and make it go further.

Especially at this important moment, what we need is stability and excellence, not turmoil and failure. Let them do it, and if it doesn't work, maybe we'll have to wait. "

At this point, the person's tone paused, and then he continued: "A lunar exploration spacecraft and a lunar landing spacecraft, both carry a lot of lunar samples.

Judging from the research of staff and industry experts, Jiuzhou Technology is likely to already have the industrial capabilities and technology to build a lunar base.

NASA's internal design plan is being completed by a large private company.

We need change. If SpaceX cannot fulfill our demands, then it no longer needs to be controlled by this group of people. "

Although he didn't say it clearly, Michelson heard some bloody stories from the officer's mouth.

At this moment, as a top figure in the world's technology companies, a top rich man, the founder and actual manager of SpaceX, Mars left the room with a little urgency.

He knows a lot of secret information that these scientists and engineers don't know.

I originally planned to spend the day in the basement of my home, but I was invited to this strange underground base.

It is said to protect personal safety, but in this underground base tens of meters above the ground, personal safety is guaranteed to a certain extent, but personal freedom is also restricted by thick layers of soil, rocks, and concrete.

In the corridor, Mars Krypton looked up at the ceiling light.

He suddenly missed his beachside villa and the beauties in cool and sunny clothes who made people feel happy at first sight.

As for the Starlink satellite systems and firewalls, they need to be optimized to the point where no one can break through them.

If it was ten years ago, he would still have some confidence.

But now, he has no confidence at all, and he even wants to sell the hot potato of SpaceX Interstellar Exploration Company!

"Haha, we all know that the attacker is Jiuzhou Technology, and you even ordered us to control the Starlink satellite, and now you are turning your back on us?

You want to put all the blame on us, but you continue to sit back and relax with a high budget.

Even the devil and Satan are not as good at doing business as you are. "

His heart roared, but Mas Krypton's footsteps were very calm.



The senior executives of SpaceX Interstellar Exploration Company continued to walk towards the familiar room.

If nothing else happens, they will live in this base for a long time.

Two young men who have been compared by netizens around the world.

A person in an underground base dozens of meters underground looked solemn. A man in the brightly lit command hall on the ground with a serious expression.

This moment is just like that moment.

It was so similar to what it was four years ago.

Jiuzhou Science and Technology Southwest Launch Command Center.

On the big screen, the descending lunar lander suddenly threw out seven black devices. These devices instantly unfolded into small umbrellas after leaving the insulating outer layer of the lunar lander.

Watching these parachutes open, Zhou Jianwen looked a little nostalgic.

These parachutes were the first active device that he opened to slow down his descent when he made a four-hour rapid descent. Four guide parachutes and three auxiliary parachutes made of graphene material can slow down the landing speed of the return capsule within ten seconds. About 20 percent.

Of course, the cost is also high.

The cost of making a small umbrella is more than 10 million. If it is to be sold, the price of a single umbrella will be at least more than 1 billion.

According to engineers, the materials of these parachutes have been optimized several times.

Seeing that the guide chute and three parachutes were opened normally, and the descent data of the lunar landing spacecraft began to decrease immediately, Li Jian, one of the commanders of the lunar landing mission, couldn't help but relax a little.

After smoothly passing through the black barrier and experiencing severe friction after a high-speed descent, the guidance parachute and auxiliary parachute of the landing system opened normally, and the spacecraft will soon enter the safe landing zone.

At this range, it can be said that even if the spacecraft is detonated, the lives of the three Kyushu astronauts will be guaranteed.

There was a bang.

Three more main parachutes were opened.

The descent speed of the lunar landing spacecraft was significantly slowed down again.

Zhou Jianwen looked at the data on the screen and said, "We are approaching the target altitude. Turn on the recoil engine array in three seconds!"

"Three, two, one!"

Kyushu astronaut Liu Genghong heard the order and immediately started the recoil engine.


Nuclear energy pulse technology provided strong power to the moon landing spacecraft at this moment.

Zhou Jianwen and others immediately felt the counterattack caused by the landing buffer again and again.

If an ordinary person experiences the force of this kind of recoil, he will instantly suffer internal injuries, concussion, and even if his physical condition is poor, his life may be in danger on the spot.

At this time, Zhou Jianwen looked at the screen in front of him solemnly, and raised his hearing as much as possible.

He must listen to every instruction clearly and see every change in data.

The closer you are to the ground, the more concentration you need to increase.

Because in outer space, he only needs to consider the dangers of the space environment, but when it comes to Blue Star, there are too many factors to consider.

While reporters from various media outlets around the world were paying attention to the moon landing spacecraft falling from the sky, encrypted commands were issued one after another in rooms that ordinary people would never be able to enter.

"I am the Daxia Air Force. You have approached our air defense identification zone. Please indicate your nationality, identity and flight purpose."

"Leave now! Leave now!"

Under the illumination of the fire control radar, there were familiar voices.

On an island somewhere.

Yamada, a senior member of the Neon Fungi side, did not need to listen to the persuasion of those around him as he once did, and simply ignored the orders coming from the communication channel.

As long as there is a first step in human compromise, there will be a second step and a third step.

And this time, he acted more decisively than before.

Someone in the family has successfully immigrated to Daxia. As long as he works out the remaining working hours, he can rely on the family members' surrender principle stipulated in Daxia immigration and settle in Daxia without any difficulty.

Next to him, an adjutant smiled and said: "I heard that the princess of Yamada-kun's family has obtained the official qualification for a certain company in Daxia Nuclear Energy. Congratulations."

"Well, although I did not successfully enter the nuclear industry project department of Jiuzhou Technology, it is rare to have this opportunity. Thank you for your help."

Yamada Kazuhide also learned through his own intelligence channels that the core of Kyushu Technology is these industrial technology project departments. If outsiders want to join, they can only join in when the project expands for the first time with hard abilities that are much ahead of others. .

Otherwise, there is no way to enter these science and technology project departments as soon as possible. You can only start from the most basic level, and you must also consider certificates to be eligible for promotion.

In addition to this sea area, there are other places around Daxia where similar situations occur.

It's just that some forces really care about eating rather than fighting.

When all wireless communications have lost their connection, wired telephone calls have changed from being interfered with to being cut off, network cables have been damaged beyond repair in a short period of time, servers are down, and missiles cannot be launched normally, they He also started sliding and kneeling very skillfully.

"Our system has failed. We are very sorry. We will definitely compensate your company for the economic losses caused by its local operations..."

And in addition to verbally apologizing, they actually raised funds to discuss how to compensate.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The descent speed of the lunar landing spacecraft has become slower and slower. When it landed at a certain height, Zhou Jianwen pressed the parachute group release button.


In an instant, the parachute group detached, but the landing speed of the moon landing spacecraft did not change much with the support of the nuclear power engine.

Only a few Kyushu engineers knew that the parachute group this time was only added by the engineering team for the safety of the spacecraft and astronauts. In fact, it is possible to land without this thing...

100 meters/second!

90 meters/second!

80 meters/second!

"After landing at the predetermined height, the power of the power engine continues to increase."

[The power of the power engine is increasing...]

When they saw the intelligent program AI Sinan uttering this paragraph of text on the screen, Zhou Jianwen, Li Ying, and Liu Genghong immediately gritted their teeth, closed their eyes, and took a deep breath.

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