
The stress of countless absences.

Not only do these three astronauts need to adapt to the pressure, but reporters from countless media organizations and industry practitioners also need to adapt to this new pressure.

Gu Qingzai carefully read the file data and carefully compared the physical data of the three astronauts before and after the moon landing. Under the gaze of all the engineers in the command center, he nodded and said: "No problem, let the robot team conduct actual operations with the spacecraft." control data.

At the same time, radiation isolation devices and radiation removal work began.

Ground staff are asked to wear radiation-proof overalls and be prepared. "

Although the atmosphere has been "high-temperature sterilized" for the spacecraft, it still flew for eight days outside the planet and stayed on another planet for that long. At the same time, it also collected more than two tons of alien specialties.

Gu Qing does not hope that there will be some special situations, such as monsters in the spacecraft, outer space viruses, etc...

In the video link, the three astronauts Zhou Jianwen, Li Ying, and Liu Genghong have opened their eyes and are breathing calmly.

When the wind and sand dispersed, the moon landing spacecraft stood quietly on the lawn.

Although it "falled" from the moon to the ground of Blue Star, because Jiuzhou Technology's interstellar landing technology is already top-notch on Blue Star, this lawn did not become ruins.

On the contrary, because the outer shell of the spacecraft has many traces of atmospheric friction, it looks like an exhibition area of ​​spaceships from the old era.

The surrounding tourists have long since become "frontline reporters" on major live broadcast platforms. Live broadcast rooms and videos of Kyushu Technology's moon landing spacecraft have been circulated on the Internet.

There were even tourists at the scene who posted barrages in the live broadcast room and said: "When there is a plane, I throw a stone at the spacecraft. When there is a rocket, I fire a sky cannon in the direction of the spacecraft. When there is a spaceship, I charge immediately to the spaceship." before!"

Planes, rockets, and spaceships are all virtual gifts in the live broadcast room. Although the gifts are virtual, after receiving these gifts, the banknotes withdrawn are real banknotes.

Jiuzhou Technology's robot formation appears together in the public eye.

In the development of these years, these robots are no longer humanoid, but have various strange shapes.

There were also exclamations from the crowd from time to time.

"Zhou Cao, these robots have never been displayed before. How could Jiuzhou Technology hide so many robots?"

“These robots look like they’re in a science fiction movie.”

"If these robots could be purchased, each robot would cost several million, right?"

"Yo yo yo, look, these robots can still find places by themselves. What are they doing? Are they attached to the spacecraft?"

Although Jiuzhou Technology's wireless communication technology has surpassed Xiawei Technology Company, under Gu Qing's insistence, it has been developing wired connection and magnetic contact information transmission technology.

And based on these technologies, many interesting technologies have been developed.

For example, at this moment, after sensing in the exclusive area, Zhou Jianwen, the first commander of the lunar landing spacecraft, saw external information coming in.

[Agree to data connection]

[Permissions approved]

In an instant, the Southwest Command Center of Jiuzhou Technology had the authority to remotely control the spacecraft with lower latency. At the same time, Zhou Jianwen also has the external vision of this team of robots and the internal storage data of this team of robots through the communication array carried by the robots.

The drones flying around were constantly scanning the moon landing spacecraft to ensure that there were no problems with the outer shell.

However, only Gu Qing and Li Jian knew that there were small nuclear bombs inside these robots, and the solid-state batteries they carried could also become special bombs under special circumstances.

Once necessary, this team of robots can easily send uninvited guests to the sky again.

Even Zhou Jianwen, Li Ying and others didn't know that there were similar devices in the robots and some inconspicuous equipment around them.

After waiting for the robot and drone investigation to end, Jiuzhou Technology Southwest Command Center and on-site temporary command branch also obtained their corresponding authority data.

After Gu Qing carefully checked the internal data of the spacecraft and the internal exploration of the pipeline, he let the team wearing protective suits to isolate radiation approach the spacecraft.

"The radiation values ​​are decreasing."

"The surrounding soil samples have been collected."

"The scattered debris of the spacecraft shell heat shield is being collected."

After the team dealt with the surrounding radiation problems, the medical rescue team entered the core area wearing isolation suits.

[The internal and external pressures have been balanced, please keep breathing deeply to allow your body to continue to adapt to the environment]

[The life support system of the space suit has been turned on, please relax]

With pharmaceutical assistance on one side and technological assistance on the other, the three astronauts' bodies and minds are slowly adapting to the Blue Star ground environment.

After everything was ready, Zhou Jianwen asked his teammates.

"Are you all ready?"

"It's ready." X2

After glancing at the physical data of the two team members and confirming that there were no problems, Zhou Jianwen started pressing the door-opening procedure on the console in front of him.

"You go to the transfer cabin. I'm here to help you open the spacecraft door."

The lunar landing spacecraft has a transit and isolation cabin, so if you want to walk from the cab to the Blue Star ground, you also need to go through a transit and isolation process.

Li Ying and Liu Genghong did not hesitate. After hearing the arrangement, they began to remove their seat belts.


After scanning their pupils and confirming their identities, Li Ying and Liu Genghong slowly entered the transit cabin with the help of the exoskeleton equipment of their space suits.


Disinfection and radiation-killing spray immediately filled the cabin.

[Remaining disinfection time 00:11-00:10]

After watching Bai Wu go up, Li Ying. Liu Genghong heard Zhou Jianwen's voice from the headset.

"I am about to open the hatch. When exiting the hatch, I must pay attention to the environment under my feet and take a deep breath."

When Li Ying heard this voice and looked at the physical cabin opening button beside her, she felt her heartbeat speed up.

"Astronauts, please pay attention. Astronauts, please pay attention. The medical team will enter the landing module. Please cooperate with them in the exit process."


Li Ying took a deep breath when she heard the clear male voice from the command center.

Zhou Jianwen pressed the cabin opening button.

When the hatch slowly opened, a specially trained medical worker and two Kyushu Aerospace staff entered the landing module one after another.

"Please hold on to the handrails next to you and come over as slowly as possible.

The gravity on the Blue Star ground will make your body feel uncomfortable, which is normal. "

Walking from the cab to the landing module, Li Ying and Li Ying felt that their bodies had adapted to the gravity of the Blue Star, but they both knew that this was an action performed with the help of exoskeleton equipment.

Their bodies must have not adapted to the Blue Star ground environment.

And now going out of the cabin, in a way, is like a baby's birth canal.

Although a caesarean section is possible, with the help of staff and equipment, it is possible to return to the Blue Star ground in a wheelchair.

But if you want your body to regain its perception of the Blue Star ground as soon as possible, the best way is to use your own body strength to perform movements with the help of the spacesuit exoskeleton equipment.

Although, it's a bit difficult.

Li Ying took a deep breath, then supported the armrest of the landing cabin and walked forward slowly with her own strength.



Liu Genghong left a resolute figure.

"Please watch your step, you'll be stepping onto the grass soon. We've hardened it here, don't worry."


Although the floor of the spaceship is also very hard, even much harder than soil, for some reason, when Li Ying stepped on the ground, she felt a sense of solidity from the bottom of her heart.


Solid ground.

The eight days in outer space were not as long as the time she spent working on the space station.

But to put it bluntly, it was also the first time she had lived and worked on an alien planet for such a long time.

It's like a lifetime ago.

The spacesuit quickly collected sound waves not far away.

Li Ying could hear people shouting and cheering.

"Yeah! Long live! Long live!!!"

"Successful moon landing!!!"

"Thank you boss for the rocket! Boss is so awesome!!"

"Jiuzhou Technology Cowhide!"

"Trench! Dig!!!"

"Please don't hit the guardrail! Please keep your emotions stable! Please don't hit the guardrail!"

Hearing this noisy sound, Li Ying took a deep breath.

Then, she raised her head, faced the tourists in the distance, smiled and waved her right hand several times.

It's like a girl who just came home and said hello to her neighbors.

At this moment, the netizens in the Jiuzhou Technology Aerospace live broadcast room could no longer hold back their ancient strength and began to frantically output emotions on the keyboard.

"Church!!!! Cowhide 1!!!"

"Never before, never before, lying on the bed is so exciting, I have to do thirty push-ups today!"

"Waving, it's a real person! It's alive!"

"It's Cao Tama's fault. The whole process is broadcast live. Surely no one would dare to say that our moon landing was fake, right?!"

"I want to ride the wind back home, but I'm afraid it's too cold in the high places..."

"After waiting for a long time, I finally waited until today. After waiting for a long time, my dream finally came true..."

"Mr. Gu cowhide! Kyushu technology cowhide! Daxia cowhide!"

"What about those people who say that if you go up to Jiuzhou Technology and you can't come back? Get out! Don't take a piss and look at yourself!"

"Zhoucao, will Jiuzhou Technology sell any limited edition gifts? I want to buy it! I want to buy it!!!"

"(Arabic) Jiuzhou Technology is really an amazing company."

Countless languages ​​all declare one meaning.

Jiuzhou Technology, cowhide!

Although Li Ying could not see the barrage content in the live broadcast room, she knew that she was being watched by hundreds of millions of people at this moment.

At this moment, some engineers in the Southwest Command Center of Jiuzhou Technology subconsciously looked at their boss, Mr. Gu.

Well, if this heroine confesses her love to Mr. Gu at such a time when everyone is watching, it should be the moment with the highest success rate for any lady on this planet to confess her love, right?


Although Gu Qing noticed that some engineers were looking at him strangely, he didn't think much about it.

Checking Li Ying's body fluctuation data and checking the trajectory of the lunar exploration spacecraft, Gu was operating on multiple lines.

Surprisingly, Li Ying didn't say much.

In this way, with the help of the staff, she moved forward.

Although her walking posture was a little unstable, every step she took was very firmly moving forward.

After Liu Genghong took a deep breath for a moment, accompanied by the staff beside him, he slowly moved forward towards the outside of the spacecraft cabin.

Like injured patients undergoing rehabilitation training, the new generation of astronauts who had completed the optimization of the Future Warrior project walked out of the landing module tremblingly.

The helmet visor of the space suit is not complicatedly labeled at this moment, but only displays simple information about the surrounding staff and the environment.

[Location: Daxia Rongcheng Feng…Guandi Temple]

[Liu Shengtao: Male, the ninth medical team of Jiuzhou Technology Titanium Star Department...]

[Zhang Pandao: Male, employee of Jiuzhou Security Company...]

At this moment, Liu Genghong seemed to be in a trance and saw his parents waving to him among the tourists in the distance.

The reunion across the planet made this wanderer who had left his hometown suddenly feel hot in his eyes, and the corners of his eyes sparkled.

Zhou Jianwen was in the control room, watching the two team members safely leave the landing module, and then took a deep breath for a moment.

He was relieved.

Even if the lunar exploration spacecraft had a landing accident, this lunar landing mission had been a complete success.

After all, the technology used by the lunar exploration spacecraft was also developed by the Daxia Aerospace Group, and the rockets, spaceships, and landers used by me and others to land on the moon this time were all Kyushu system technologies and equipment.

Wait until the two of them left and walked to a safe area.

Zhou Jianwen then opened the voice channel and said: "I am going to activate Sinan's hosting mode and carry out the disembarkation work."

[Si Nan is about to be hosted, please authorize Si Nan...]

[Permission verification is successful, Sinan is conducting hosting operations, please select...]

Although he was only a few steps short of returning to the ground, Zhou Jianwen moved very smoothly and gently.

It's like he's not in a hurry at all.

Afterwards, Zhou Jianwen untied several seat belts that restrained him and left the cab.

Enter the transit isolation cabin and undergo disinfection and radiation treatment.


During this series of actions, Zhou Jianwen was taking deep breaths.

As a perfect practitioner of multiple landing missions, he deeply understands that the more important the moment, the more calm, calm and meticulous it is.

Open the hatch.


"Please hold on to the handrails next to you and walk over as slowly as possible..."

Hearing these familiar words, Zhou Jianwen looked calm, nodded in agreement, and slowly followed the instructions.


When Zhou Jianwen walked independently and stepped on the ground, all the tourists "sightseeing" in the distance cheered crazily again.


"Long live!!!"

“Jiuzhou Technology Cowhide!!”

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