Human beings are irrational most of the time.

For example, when the three astronauts Zhou Jianwen, Li Ying, and Liu Genghong appeared on the lawn together and waved to the staff and tourists in the distance, the atmosphere was so heated that the staff had to work with the robots to stop the excited crowd. Otherwise, the one-meter-high protective fence would not be able to stop those anchors charging forward with their cell phone lenses in their hands and faces full of excitement.

Even though the staff said that there might be radiation in the lawn area, which would have an impact on health, these anchors screamed and rushed forward when they saw the wealthy people buying gifts.

It was Jiuzhou security who turned on the signal jamming device to prevent these anchors, large and small, from live broadcasting. Official law enforcement officers from the Chengdu City Bureau showed off their explosion-proof shields and various equipment, which calmed down the group of people.

"Please pay attention to the safety of the surrounding environment and take care of your children and your luggage..."

As soon as official law enforcement officers, fully clothed and equipped, appeared, order was restored again.

"Captain Zhou, please keep taking a deep breath. Our medical vehicle this time will have a training room to adjust the pressure and change the air. Please lead the team members over, one person per vehicle."

Zhou Jianwen saw that team member Liu Genghong's physical data was a little poor, then nodded, and then said to Liu Genghong in the voice channel: "Genghong, don't hold on, go back to your seat."

Although young people tend to be young and energetic, Liu Genghong was naturally not the kind of person who couldn't listen to orders to be selected into the moon landing team.

The young man, who had never taken off his space suit, nodded, waved to the staff beside him, and sat directly on the electric chair.

Li Ying looked at the medical vehicle about fifty meters away from her and others, took a deep breath, and chose to rely on the mechanical auxiliary device of the space suit and the medicine she had just taken. She opened her legs and walked steadily towards the medical vehicle step by step. Go.

When the staff and medical staff on the side saw this, they did not urge the other person to sit on the chair quickly, but followed him step by step to prevent any accidents.

They were in charge of Li Ying full-time, so they naturally knew that this heroine had spent a full six months at the Kyushu Space Station, which is 400 to 450 kilometers above the ground. She was an out-and-out veteran.

Since the space station rotates around the Earth with the first cosmic speed of about 8 kilometers per second, this process generates centrifugal force, which balances with the gravity of the earth. In addition, the space station and astronauts have gravity themselves, and the entire effect creates a microgravity environment with only about 0.000001 to 0.01G.

Humans living on the surface are affected by the gravity of Blue Star and will not adapt to the microgravity environment in space. For example, long-term floating state makes the cardiovascular system of astronauts prone to muscle atrophy and bone loss. , a condition that leads to osteoporosis.

According to data provided by Daxia Aerospace Group, all astronauts around the world, including Daxia astronauts, will lose about 20% of their muscles within half a month after entering the space station.

In a weightless environment, skeletal muscles no longer need to be stretched, and these muscles will automatically atrophy.

In addition, when astronauts stand, the muscles in their legs and back no longer need to fight gravity. The force on the muscles and bones is reduced, and the stimulation intensity is insufficient. These muscles will also become weak, leading to calcium loss and muscle atrophy. .

If you don't exercise, you may even lose half of your muscle mass.

In addition, there are conditions such as cardiovascular system disorders, body fluid redistribution, and space motion sickness.

The reason why Zhou Jianwen, Li Ying, and Liu Genghong chose to rely on their own physiques to get out of the moon landing spacecraft was also to conduct experiments in this area.

Generally, at the beginning of a spaceflight, as the human body is adapting to space, astronauts will feel stomach discomfort and nausea. This is because the microgravity environment interferes with the vestibular system in the astronaut's inner ear and disrupts the sense of balance.

When astronauts return to Blue Star, the vestibular system needs to readjust to the changes in gravity. In this process, it is likely to cause reentry motion sickness, with clinical manifestations of dizziness, instability, dumping, and nystagmus.

"Can't exert strength and can't stand up" is a difficulty that engineers from the Aerospace Department of Jiuzhou Science and Technology and scientists from the Life and Health Department and Titanium Department of Jiuzhou Science and Technology are working hard to overcome.

The spacesuits worn by the three astronauts are all customized and optimized special spacesuits. Not only the bionic exoskeleton system inside is dedicated to that person, but even the ingredients of the medicines they drink and inject are also different.

In order to ensure the health of space heroes, other international space agencies generally carry them around. Within a period of time after landing, astronauts need to undergo examination and recuperation, receive various functional recovery training, and fully adapt to the Blue Star ground environment. .

But Gu Qing didn't want to be so fragile when moving between planets.

The landing area is a safe and controllable place, so that's okay.

If the landing area is a dangerous area and it is difficult to move, wouldn't it be a human target?

Therefore, the astronauts of this lunar landing project have the task of walking as much as possible while ensuring their health.

Every movement and posture of the three astronauts and detailed real-time body data will be recorded, allowing scientists to conduct research and find a health plan suitable for astronauts on space missions.

Reporters from Xiahua News Agency were on the side. Not only were photographers recording every move of the three astronauts, but there were also cameras filming Kyushu Technology's moon landing spacecraft.

This spaceship is not similar to the space battleships in science fiction movies. Generally speaking, its main body is more like a super-enlarged large capsule. In addition to the main body, it is a related spaceship with aerodynamic design. Wings and some external components.

Moreover, the painting on the exterior of the spacecraft also turned into graffiti under the intense friction of the atmosphere.

As the reporter who filmed this exclusive interview with Xiahua News Agency, he naturally knows that this is due to changes in material insulation and impact resistance. Of course, this reporter also knows that the materials used in various parts of Jiuzhou Technology’s spacecraft are different.

In just a few moments, the shape data of Jiuzhou Technology's moon landing spacecraft had been scanned.

Although he knew that Xiahua Society sent several photographers here, they must have some ideas, but Gu Qing had no intention of stopping them.

What is the use of spaceship modeling data?

What matters is the materials and processing technology of each component, the spacecraft power system and driving system, as well as the working performance of each sensor and sensor.

Hollywood has shot so many science fiction blockbusters, but why hasn’t it designed an aircraft capable of landing on the moon?

Afterwards, Gu Qing made arrangements for the recovery work in the command center and just continued to work overtime.

The moon landing spacecraft landed successfully and the astronauts are in good health, which is naturally good luck.

But at this moment, the lunar exploration spacecraft in the sky is still going through the return and landing process!

There are still more than two meals of souvenirs to receive.

Although Li Jian and several other aerospace project engineers were able to coordinate the work, Gu Qing always hoped to end it all.

In the observation room of Jiuzhou Technology Southwest Launch Center, those invited users who had seen the official perspective of Jiuzhou Technology and the lunar astronauts landing safely did not have so many thoughts at this time.

Just because Gu Qing didn't show up didn't mean they didn't need to work.

The senior executives of Xiawei Technology withdrew their attention after seeing the three astronauts entering the medical vehicle.

Although neither of them spoke, the solemn look in their eyes could be clearly discerned even by surveillance cameras from the last century.

But it didn't take long, and soon there was applause.

Snap, snap. the sound of.

Mr. Ren said with a pleased look on his face: "It is indeed Jiuzhou Technology. It is truly a blessing to be able to see our Daxia astronauts land on the moon in my lifetime."

Yu Chengdong took a deep breath and said sincerely: "Congratulations."

Several other senior executives also had their own feelings.

After competing and cooperating with Jiuzhou Technology for so many years, Xiawei Technology's senior management has always had many ideas about the success of Jiuzhou Technology.

It's just that in the past few years, it's been a little better because Mr. Ren has promoted cooperation, cultivated his own technology, and reduced side-effect competition.

And now, Jiuzhou Technology's successful moon landing has brought an end to this series of competition and cooperation history in the minds of these senior executives of Xiawei Technology.

After waiting for a while, he found that Gu Qing was still working in the command center. Mr. Ren waved his hand to the successors he had trained, "The consistent style of doing things is not just acting.

Many people say that Jiuzhou Technology has been able to develop to its current scale because of the hard work of Jiuzhou Technology engineers and scientists, coupled with the official support of our Daxia government.

But after so many years, the companies supported by the government are like crucian carp crossing the river. How many of them have become Jiuzhou Technology?

Even we, Xia Wei, have so many laboratories and branches and work closely with major universities and official research institutions, but we still cannot match the development speed of Jiuzhou Technology.

In my opinion, to a certain extent, it is because I cannot compare with Gu Qing, the founder of Jiuzhou Technology, and it is because our management cannot compare with the management of Jiuzhou Technology.

Therefore, in the coming time, everyone must study hard, not to mention being on par with Jiuzhou Technology, but we should also continue to move forward instead of standing still. "

Having said this, Mr. Ren's eyes shifted to his daughter.

He didn't care at all that the place he and others were in was an observation room built by Jiuzhou Technology, and there were cameras clearly visible in the room.

He said bluntly: "The future of the company must be the future of technological innovation, not the future of intrigues. Only people like Gu Qing who have in-depth and detailed understanding of the industry and can lead the team to make new discoveries and overcome technical difficulties are suitable to become leaders." .”

When he said this, Mr. Ren's eyes gradually shifted from his daughter's face to Yu Chengdong.

He continued earnestly: "Next, we at Xiawei Technology will continue to break through the sky and fight to the bottom. We must have strategic determination and endurance.

Jiuzhou Technology has pioneered a new path, with a vast universe and great potential.

Our summer work should also be used for climbing. The next work requires everyone to work together. "

Although he said it was "everyone", everyone in Xia Wei's senior management knew that his chairman was entrusting a certain person...

Yu Chengdong did not expect that this old man who refused to let himself build cars and refused to be the enemy of Jiuzhou Technology would actually say such things to himself and his colleagues on such an occasion.

He was suddenly nervous.

Because even if analyzed literally, the chairman is conducting a "handover work" in a sense.

According to the old man's statement, there will be no other surprises in the future development of the company, so the next actual leader of Xia Wei will be himself.

Facing Mr. Ren's gaze, Yu Chengdong pondered for a moment, and then nodded.

"Chairman, you are right. Jiuzhou Technology is just like Siemens and Motorola, it is the mountain in front of our Xiawei Technology. The latter have all been climbed by us, and Jiuzhou Technology is no exception.

It is also a good thing for us to have a direction and a goal to move forward.

This means that as long as we move in that direction and persevere, we will surely achieve success. "

Hearing this, the other senior executives of Xiawei Technology, although their eyes were different, all nodded and clapped gently in agreement.

Although Yu Chengdong is a bit impulsive and sometimes tends to talk big to customers, his flaws are not concealed. Yu Chengdong's technical development capabilities and leadership of the technical team can be said to be the strongest person in the company now.

Now Xiawei Technology needs such courageous people to lead the rise of the next era.

Although the chairman's daughter has experience and courage, she is still a little too weak in terms of technology.

Of course, the department presidents and project elites sitting here all know that the current chairman only has this idea, and when the idea does not fall into the inheritance agreement and the company handover agreement, it can only be said to be an idea.

They still have a chance.

If you can lead a technical team and develop cross-generational technologies in the past few years when the chairman still holds the veto power and the power to appoint and remove senior executives, or lead a project that becomes the next cash cow of Xiawei Technology, then the leader A person's position may not necessarily belong to whom.

Amidst the applause, Xiawei Technology executives have taken the first step in their campaign to become the next generation leader.

At this moment, Huang Chaoren also witnessed this scene happening through the monitoring system.

Although it is unethical to monitor other people's meetings, Gu Qing did not prohibit the monitoring of public areas.

The observation room is also a public relations area.

It's just that the isolation process has been implemented so that the senior executives of various companies and institutions can have more freedom.

He looked at the senile old man Ren in the picture and felt filled with emotion.

Just this aging face and the countless age spots on his face show that this old man has not undergone medical aesthetic surgery, nor has he frequently consumed Taoyao and other derived health products in recent years.

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