This academician trained by Harbin Institute of Technology, after many years of cooperation with Jiuzhou Technology, is not as "fierce" as before. In many cases, he has restrained his sophisticated edge.

There is no need to use one's own connections to help Jiuzhou Technology develop projects in Dongshan Province.

But this time, after Kyushu Technology successfully landed on the moon, Professor Zhuang Youwei became even more reclusive, rarely even going to his own laboratory, and he was very ready to retire.

After hanging up the call from Yanjing City, Zhuang Youwei looked at the bright moon outside the window and felt emotional.

"At the beginning, I had no doubt that Jiuzhou Technology could independently develop rockets and nuclear energy technology. After all, even when nuclear fission had not yet succeeded, this company dared to conduct theoretical discussions on nuclear fusion, and even the direction and results of its discussions were very correct. , lead.

The separation of cooperation is the most clear-cut statement Gu Qing has ever made.

Last time, you listened to the advice and got more, didn't you?

This time, whether you will listen to the advice or whether you feel the need to deal with unstable factors is all your business, so don’t bother me again...

Old classmates, are you envious when you see so many satellites and spaceships in our country in the sky, which are even able to land on the moon and transport countless tons of lunar samples back?

Ha ha.

After so many years of hard work, it has finally yielded good results. So many suspicions are not only due to safety, but how can they not be due to interests?

The interests related to Jiuzhou Technology are too huge, and many people are dissatisfied with the fact that this young man, who has not yet reached his forties, has such huge interests.

This huge team of engineers and scientists, ordinary national institutions and regional forces do not have such resources.

Fierce fire cooks oil. Do you think Jiuzhou Technology will be tempered in this fire and become indestructible like Sun Monkey, or will it be burned to pieces by the flames of interests and people's hearts? "

Boom boom.

"Please come in."

There was a crisp knock on the door, and Zhuang Youwei immediately put back his scattered thoughts. After answering, he continued to lower his eyes and picked up the tea cup.

The thick tea was shaken and made waves, just like the fluctuations in the old man's heart.

"The teacher, the principal and several deans invite you tomorrow morning at seven o'clock..."

"Seven o'clock? I have a headache recently. If I can get up, I will go. If I can't get up, I will postpone it until the afternoon."

Hearing this, the doctoral student who knocked on the door hesitated.

But seeing the tired look on his tutor's face, he still nodded and agreed, "Well, okay, I'll talk to Dean Liu."

Then, his eyes fell on his mentor's tea cup, and he advised thoughtfully: "Teacher, the doctor has said that you are older now and it is normal to sleep less. Don't drink strong tea anymore, it will affect your heart." Cerebrovascular."

"I got it, talk like a bad old lady, go make a phone call.

After reading these articles, I went to bed. "

They say that the older a person gets, the more like a child they become.

Professor Zhuang Youwei was so stern in the past, but now he is so willful.

The doctoral student who was scolded did not look angry.

Instead, he responded: "Look, I'm right next door."



The office door was gently closed.

Zhuang Youwei looked at the documents in front of him and sighed.

"What else can we do? There is only cooperation, only cooperation."

While sighing, he signed and kept a record of cooperation agreements related to Jiuzhou Technology.

Zhuang Youwei clearly knows that not to mention the current Harbin Institute of Technology and Harbin Institute of Technology, even the current Daxia cannot leave Jiuzhou Technology, nor can it bear the "leave" of Jiuzhou Technology.

Under the "active invitation" of ASEAN companies, Jiuzhou Technology did not even need to take the initiative to pay when it went to the country and other places to inspect branches and establish bases!

The countries where these ASEAN companies are located can be said to be demanding of Jiuzhou Technology, and some projects are even more "licking" than the Chengdu Bureau.

In this case, we can only use more cooperation to hold Jiuzhou Technology.

Even if the other party is carrying out a clear division of responsibilities and powers, this does not affect the signing of new cooperation.

After signing a thick stack of documents, the energy brought up by the strong tea gradually faded away.

Professor Zhuang Youwei subconsciously looked at a small safe on the bookshelf not far away.

He knew that this small safe contained a healthier Jiuzhou drink, a new health product that was much better than ordinary Taoyao, and had even sold nearly 10 million units on the black market.

But Zhuang Youwei only glanced at it, and then picked up the enamel tea cup.

After taking a sip of strong tea and looking at the red portrait on the enamel teacup, Zhuang Youwei felt refreshed.

"Qia is a classmate of a young man who is in his prime of life; he is full of scholarly energy and scolds Fang Qiu. He points out the country and inspires writing, and the filth of thousands of households is lost.

Have you ever remembered that when you hit the water in the middle of the current, the waves stopped the flying boat?

No matter what, I, the Chinese clan, have succeeded. No matter how good Jiuzhou’s technology is, how we are will be judged by future generations! "

After thinking about this, Professor Zhuang Youwei's eyes became firmer.

He picked up the next document, reviewed it very quickly, and wrote: "Asking for technical support, how can we cultivate our self-research capabilities? From now on, cooperation must continue to deepen, but learning capabilities must match self-research capabilities. !

Forging swords for the country, we must be strong and self-reliant, so that we can continue to have the qualifications to cooperate!

Jiuzhou Technology originally approached us for cooperation, not because of our cooperation, but because of our strong scientific research capabilities!

The Harbin Institute of Technology students currently working at Jiuzhou Technology Company have never given up on their research and development capabilities..."

While Professor Zhuang Youwei was up all night, there were professors, academicians, outstanding young people, and talents from many universities such as Harbin Institute of Technology, NPU, Xia Ke University, Xia Fang University, Military University, etc. who had many cooperation with Jiuzhou Science and Technology. We also received various calls and began to stay up all night.

Either because of the project, or because of one's own development, or because of the future of relatives and friends, or because of the present...

When Gu Qing proposed the establishment of the Lunar Development Science and Technology Association, the scientific and technological circles, academia, education, aerospace, industrial manufacturing, and civil engineering fields in Daxia began to have extremely confidential and high-standard consultation meetings. , there are many arguments for each project area.

But these debates are being steered in a good direction.

And now, Jiuzhou Technology has successfully landed on the moon, carrying people and cargo, and even doing routine landings every month...

Each of these successful projects has gradually affected the perception of these university professors, academicians, and outstanding young people towards Jiuzhou Science and Technology.

From the beginning of equality and friendship, many university professors have begun to "worship" Jiuzhou Technology in a subtle way.

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