“Jiuzhou Technology Company has successfully landed on the moon, and Jiuzhou Technology’s investment in our projects has never stopped over the years. Our students have received excellent jobs at Jiuzhou Technology.

When the Lunar Development Science and Technology Association was originally established, Jiuzhou Technology took most of the risks, provided the most technical resources and data, and was even willing to share those high-precision laboratories with us.

Jiuzhou Technology is worthy of being the backbone of our Daxia technology manufacturing industry. How could it pose a so-called threat to us?

The existence of Jiuzhou Technology only threatens those paper tigers and clowns in the dark!

Don’t go in the wrong direction! "

An important figure in Xia Ke Academy said to his colleagues and relevant persons in charge at a top meeting of Xia Ke Academy with a solemn and excited expression on his face.

After he finished speaking, an old man with white hair, plain clothes, and extremely clear glasses stood up.

"Yes, we are engaged in scientific research and we must serve the people, not other purposes!

Jiuzhou Technology and our team of professors and doctors from Xia Ke Academy have jointly developed more than 1,732 patented technologies, special materials, and space breeding that are of great effect and significance.

The original results of the large-scale project of medical image analysis algorithm of deep convolutional neural network,

(The Pitfall in History Book 801)

Just that new biomedical imaging instrument based on nonlinear response imaging of magnetic nanoparticles has saved countless patient families over the years, and even many of our colleagues have saved their lives because of these achievements. "

There used to be many professors, academicians, and researchers in Xia Academy of Sciences who were wary of Jiuzhou Technology.

However, after deepening cooperation, faced with advanced equipment, huge lunar samples, a large number of space station experiment quotas, the Jiuzhou spiritual realm ecology, and the expectant looks of the younger generations who have high hopes for themselves and others, these old academicians, It has become a "good partner" of Jiuzhou Technology.

In the aerospace, industrial manufacturing and civil engineering fields, Jiuzhou Technology has the highest influence in the world.

Even more powerful than those of so-called developed countries.

Blue Star is the only technology company that has independently built, launched, operated, and maintained a space station and landed on the moon multiple times.

In some turbulent areas in recent years, the performance of its products has received "immeasurable" support.

The next day.

early morning.

Gu Qing opened his eyes.

"Good morning, sir.

It is summer time now, 7:05 in the morning, the air quality is good, there may be some special economic events today, and they have been sorted into the collection. If anything happens, I will report it as soon as possible. "

Gu Qing began to wash up while listening to the chatter in his ears.

The cool liquid that comes out of the filtered faucet washes away the confusion and some fatigue in the early morning.

While eating the breakfast brought by An Hetang, Gu looked at the "morning news" compiled by Xuanwu.

The area around Daxia is known as the monster room, and there are all kinds of weird and stupid forces. This is where Gu Qing asked Xuanwu to pay close attention to.

The Federal Reserve, which used to be closely followed by Uncle Sam, has continued to petition for several years, which has brought the local economy of the Neon Island country to a standstill, and it has to bleed money to support major corporations and American-owned enterprises.

In recent years, the economic leaders of Neon Island Country have also had a lot of problems. Although they occasionally make some contrary "master-eating" operations, in fact, because of the strong dependence and control of the economy on Uncle Sam, so These small operations will be eliminated quickly. .

Even under the influence of Jiuzhou Technology and other companies in Daxia, when the Wall Street financial turmoil intensified and swallowed up those leveraged gambling assets and those companies with high-quality assets, those companies in the Neon Island Country could only reduce production and sell Factory buildings, selling equipment, selling technology, selling brands, trying their best to protect themselves and survive.

It's just that this time the economic storm that came from the distant moon and dimensionality reduction completely made it impossible for these companies to maintain their "strong vitality."

Three years ago, the stock god Buffett waved the banner of investing in the Neon Island Country, pushing the Neon Island Country's stock market to over 40,000 points. It even made the investors of the Neon Island Country feel that their economy was taking off and that the lost thirty years were still there. return.

Countless American capital, European capital, and a lot of personal capital have gone through various channels to the financial market of the neon island country, and it has been like a raging fire cooking oil, impacting the stock market of the neon island country one after another. High Point.

But later on, because US capital and other capital needed to recover as much as possible under their financial crisis, these capitals made a lot of profits from the rise of the stock market. Then these Wall Street capitals began to divide the funds into two parts, and one part was invested in the US stock market. , long those high market capitalization companies whose major product capabilities have plummeted.

The other part is invested in the Daxia stock market to become a high-quality enterprise in Daxia.

Capital is like a ruthless villain, it doesn't care about the so-called issues of nationality and bloodline at all.

But even the major capitals on Wall Street who were shorting the neon island country were still a little merciful and did not "dig out the roots." But this time, these global capitals seem to be out of control.

They roared and went crazy, trying their best to hollow out all the valuable assets of the Neon Island Country.

When Gu Qing finished breakfast and looked at the information for a while, he "happened" to see the latest announcement news of Xia Huashe.

[September 1 (Reporter Zhang Xia Liu Xinqi) The two major stock indexes of the Tokyo Stock Exchange of Neon Island have fallen significantly for 20 consecutive days. The Nikkei 225 Stock Average Price Index fell 26.94% at the end of the trading day, and the Tokyo Stock Exchange Stock Price Index fell by more than 18.03% in total within 20 days.

Affected by factors such as the overall decline of the three major stock indexes in the New York Stock Exchange overnight and the sharp drop in the Nasdaq Stock Index, the two major stock indexes of the Tokyo Stock Exchange opened lower today.

At present, the market continues to fluctuate downward, and the Nikkei stock index once fell by more than 600 points during the session.

Market participants interviewed believe that Uncle Sam's higher-than-expected inflation level and the rise in 10-year bond yields, which are regarded as long-term interest rate indicators, are the reasons for the stock market crash. 】

Although it is not time to close yet, Gu Qing can already see a bloody storm from these words.

Especially after this news, Xuanwu also gave a small label.

[From the perspective of sectors, almost all of the 33 industry sectors of the Tokyo Stock Exchange fell, with the marine transportation industry, petroleum and coal products, insurance industry and other sectors falling significantly. The precision machinery sector also began to fall sharply due to the products of Daxia and Koryo enterprises.]

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