At the beginning, Yu Chengdong believed that exploring the moon could provide experience and technical support for human beings to live and utilize resources on other planets in the future, and provide new possibilities for human beings' long-term survival and development.

After Xiawei Technology Company deepened its cooperation with Daxia Aerospace Group, more "confidential" level information was obtained.

In terms of the actual progress of the project, Jiuzhou Technology is even far ahead.

Not only can samples be collected at a high frequency once a month, but also a large-scale, organized robot team can be left on the moon after each moon landing, let alone exploring the moon.

Based on Yu Chengdong's knowledge of Jiuzhou Technology, if Gu Qing told him that Jiuzhou Technology was already developing the moon and building a lunar base, he would believe it.

And there won’t be the slightest doubt.

Facing this blockbuster genius, Yu Chengdong had already put away his original thoughts and chose to reconcile with himself.

But after actually choosing to take another path of self-research on technology, there are many difficulties.

Such as now.

According to the cooperation agreement, they can actually apply to trial the Zhoutian Xingdou engineering satellite and communication system of Jiuzhou Technology. In that case, based on the performance of Jiuzhou Xinghai Company's several moon landings, there should be no data connection lags.

But the meaning of Daxia Aerospace Group is also very clear.

The cooperation with Jiuzhou Technology Company and Jiuzhou Xinghai Company is cooperation, but in terms of technology, we cannot just use one company.

Xiawei Technology, as the communications company currently surpassing Xiaxing Communications among independent companies in Daxia, is "best" able to complete this difficult task with its own technology.

Of course, the technical team responsible for this project of Xiawei Technology have indeed been working tirelessly to develop technology during this period, so that their company can not fall behind in such a highly anticipated moment.

The lunar base is an important goal of Jiuzhou Technology for future space exploration and resource development. It has been developing reliable and efficient communication and navigation systems at an early stage.

How can other companies catch up with Jiuzhou Technology in just a few years after years of hard work?

Currently, aerospace agencies and scientific research institutions in the United States, European countries, the Arctic, Daxia, Indo and other countries and regions are conducting research on a new generation of lunar-to-ground communication technology systems, lunar landmark identification, constellation navigation, inertial navigation, etc. .

At the beginning, NASA also planned to implement a lunar South Pole landing in 1024 Xiayin celestial calendar, and clearly proposed to lead the new international exploration pattern. However, with the arrival of 1024, the launch mission continued to fail, so there was no sound.

After all, leading the new international exploration pattern does not mean how many examples summarize experience and lessons from launch failures.

The European Space Agency has proposed a lunar south pole exploration plan, thinking of gathering the wisdom and materials of scientists from all over the world to build a "lunar village" on the lunar south pole.

It's just that there is a fire in Europe's backyard and chaos in the front yard. Let alone the establishment of a "moon village", it is a good thing if our own country does not "return to poverty".

The Arctic Bear originally formulated a plan for lunar and south pole exploration, and also thought about establishing a "base" at the lunar south pole. However, a resource-rich country that cannot build an ordinary photolithography machine and does not have a complete industrial chain now can't even build a three-acre lunar base. The land distribution has not been completely settled, so how can we talk about setting up a base on another planet?

On the contrary, Daxia originally planned to launch a number of new major aerospace projects. Initially, it was said that it would strive to build an international lunar scientific research station before the Xiayu celestial calendar year 1035, and it did not even talk about building a base.

But now judging from the actual progress of successfully landing on the moon in 1027, it seems that there is a better chance of achieving this small goal.

Gu Qing accompanied the senior officials of Daxia Aerospace Group at the Shuiquan Launch Center, exchanging information and chatting about industry opinions. Occasionally, he would go to the command center to help deal with some minor problems or answer some small data.

After going back and forth, even without relying on robots, he memorized the rough map of Shuiquan Launch Center. As for the structure and conditions of the spaces below these buildings, it was not information that he could collect with his naked eyes.

Even the mimic robots rooted in Shuiquan Base were not able to draw a complete map of the underground buildings. They could only construct part of the underground buildings based on comprehensive analysis of some data.

But it was the scale of this small part of the underground buildings that made Gu Qing look at Daxia's engineers in a new light again.

"This is an underground parking lot. The thickness of the load-bearing wall is probably a place that can withstand a nuclear explosion."

He had just glanced at the latest underground building modeling, but before Gu Qing could take a closer look, he heard the senior executive of Daxia Aerospace Group finish speaking in the conference room.

“Establishing a base on the moon has been a subject of human thought, planning and analysis.

And with the rapid development of our science and technology, the originally sci-fi concept of a lunar base is gradually becoming realistic and feasible.

Previous lunar exploration missions and activities were limited to the use of robotic landers and lunar orbiting satellites, as well as assault-type operations using astronauts. In the next stage, our Daxia Aerospace Group’s primary goal is to achieve human presence on the moon through sustainable methods. permanent residence on.

However, unlike terrestrial communication, positioning and navigation systems, the long communication distance between the moon and the earth and the special environment on the lunar surface, such as lunar dust that can interfere with communications and temperature changes affecting equipment, all affect the reliability and stability of the navigation system. Put forward higher requirements.

Therefore, we believe that ensuring a stable communication link and accurate navigation system with the Blue Star ground is the cornerstone for the smooth construction and normal operation of the lunar base.

As for the key technologies for lunar base communication and navigation, our group and the project teams of various companies have developed a lot of technologies in recent years.

Xiawei Technology's communication protocols and algorithms solve the communication delay problem for us. Jiuzhou Technology's communication technology, sensor technology, autonomous navigation algorithms, and satellite communication systems not only meet the mission requirements of our lunar exploration, but also provide necessary support for the subsequent construction and operation of the lunar base.

At the beginning, we established the Lunar Development Science and Technology Association in the name of science and scientific concepts, hoping to use real scientific research strength and industrial strength to obtain resources and development rights.

Now it seems that the official work of our Lunar Development Science and Technology Association is about to be put on the agenda.

Our Daxia Aerospace Group is very grateful to all partners for their support and efforts. After the completion of this lunar landing mission, we will also share lunar samples and some key confidential data with you to promote harmonious development of everyone. "

After the words fell, there was naturally a burst of applause.

Then, a voice came: "Next, we invite Jiuzhou Technology, Gu Qing..."

Seeing everyone's gazes, Gu Qing nodded.

This meeting of the Lunar Development Science and Technology Association held at Shuiquan Launch Base can be considered an optimal plan.

After all, there are not many opportunities to find an opportunity to bring together the powerful core executives of Jiuzhou Technology Company, Jiuzhou Xinghai Company, Daxia Aerospace Group and a number of high-tech companies.

When Jiuzhou Technology's moon landing spacecraft was launched, the core senior management of Daxia Aerospace Group did not come out.

After sorting out his thoughts for a while, Gu Qing was not in the habit of beating around the bush, but went straight to the point: "Thanks to the person in charge of Daxia Aerospace Group for his speech, and thank you all for your united efforts and technical support during this time. We can see that Daxia Aerospace After the dangerous extravehicular work on the moon, the crew embarked on the road of safe return. This is a blessing.

During this period, everyone should also know that our Jiuzhou Technology has been conducting high-intensity lunar launch missions. Not only has it brought back tons of lunar samples, it has also used astronauts and intelligent robots as much as possible to conduct research on the lunar environment and the moon. Base construction to explore. "

Hearing that Gu Qing was doing such a big job as soon as he came up, the senior executives of Daxia Aerospace Group suddenly restrained their thoughts and concentrated on participating.

None of the invited senior executives of technology companies are willing to be "negligent" in this situation. After all, in this era, if you leak a piece of information about Jiuzhou Technology, you may lose millions or even hundreds of millions. Benefit.

No one wants to be unlucky at this point.

“Engineers and scientists from Jiuzhou Technology and Jiuzhou Xinghai agree that the construction of the lunar base must meet the needs of astronauts in their daily lives, conducting experiments, and conducting scientific research.

At present, we are focusing our experiments on the environment inside lava tubes. If we can build the lunar base in lava tubes, we can avoid many problems caused by geological reasons. "

Although today's meeting of the association was to discuss practical issues, no one expected that the General Manager of Jiuzhou Technology would be so "direct" and directly state the direction and focus of the next phase of construction.

Generally speaking, there are three important landform features on the lunar surface, namely impact basins, craters and lava tubes.

The first two are very easy to understand. As the name suggests, they are terrains formed by impacts, while lava pipes are very special. They are naturally formed pipes inside lava flows: when liquid lava flows flow, due to the rapid cooling of the surface, a solid hard shell is formed. , under the heat preservation effect of the surface hard shell, its internal temperature is high and the flow rate is fast, thus forming a pipeline.

Considering that none of the people here are newbies who need to popularize the concept of science, Gu Qing continued: "Because they are protected by the lunar surface covering and will not produce temperature changes, their temperature range is roughly within the range of our robot detection in the Kyushu Xinghai. is -20 to above zero 30℃.

And a more stable lava tube. Generally, they are six meters below the lunar surface, which can provide radiation shielding to a certain extent, so that our instruments and astronauts can be protected from the effects of solar wind and cosmic rays.

In addition, lunar lava tubes have been a long-standing landform on the moon, which also proves that their structure is stable enough to resist normal moonquakes.

Taking into account various considerations, as well as the influence of factors such as terrain and water distribution, our functional engineers from Jiuzhou Technology and Jiuzhou Xinghai believe that compared to building a base on the lunar surface, building a base in a lunar lava tube has obvious advantages.

And our Jiuzhou Xinghai Company has also collected some data about the lunar lava tube. When the materials and project technology are mature, actual operations will begin. "

Although robots have already started construction underground, Gu Qing still artificially "delayed" it.

Of course, he was not afraid of anyone exposing this white lie.

All three astronauts from the Daxia Aerospace Group have launched into space, and no one else on the moon can "stop" these intelligent robots. Competitors such as NASA and the European Space Agency will not be able to land on the moon during this period.

Even if these two organizations really plan to carry out moon landing work during this period, Gu Qing will let them know what a space accident is.

After all, since it’s the first day of the lunar month, we have to figure out how to spend the fifteenth day.

After listening to Gu Qing’s explanation, everyone else looked thoughtful.

"The construction of a lunar base is not like building a house on the ground. In addition to the stability of the building, the construction plan must also take into account the requirements of communication and navigation. In this regard, it is said that Jiuzhou Technology has also selected and operated a construction team internally after cooperating with a certain construction bureau of Daxia in the early years. Perhaps..."

"The construction of a lunar base needs to take into account both the unmanned and manned stages, and when the subsequent base is built, there must be a sufficient and stable supply. In addition to scientific exploration equipment, energy stations and communication station components, there must also be necessities such as food and medical care to provide infrastructure guarantees for subsequent construction."

"Energy supply is the core link of the lunar base. Solar panels cannot be used as the real main energy system. Other power generation projects are required to ensure that the power demand of the base can be met.

And to provide a stable energy supply for various activities of the base, it is likely that a power plant will still need to be built."

"The lunar communication levels from low to high should be lunar-earth communication, long-distance communication, short-distance communication and internal communication within the base.

For long-distance communication, rovers and solar panels can also be achieved through satellites, while short-distance communication can be achieved through small dipole antennas, because due to the environment and terrain of the moon, they can only send a maximum of 10 km signal. Internal communication in the base can be achieved through standard Ethernet cables.

But in front of Jiuzhou Technology and Jiuzhou Xinghai Company, the movable intelligent robot seems to be a mobile base station, and they seem to be able to form a large communication base station.

I just don’t know where the upper limit of this technology is. "

These experts and professors analyzed the various difficulties in the construction of the lunar base in their minds.

When it came to the second half of the meeting, some experts even believed that if we want to break through the limitations of conventional communication capabilities and solve the problem of weak stability of communication signal transmission, we can use the overall solution of Earth-Moon laser communication technology and quantum communication technology.

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