What is the core of the moon base?

The experts and professors in the association hold different opinions.

Some think it’s energy, some think it’s food, and still others think it’s communication.

But Gu Qing simply summarized it as a life support system.

Greenhouses, air purification, and water circulation systems used to maintain life support for astronauts. Construction equipment that provides energy for communication satellites, remote sensing satellites, robots, and many technological equipment at the base can all be classified into this system.

Of course, in addition to this, energy can also be classified into an independent category.

He doesn't take classification and naming too seriously.

Because Jiuzhou Technology and Jiuzhou Xinghai Company do not need to be named after others. After all, their own companies already have independent technologies and products.

If other students, ordinary graduate students and doctoral students heard the theories and plans that this group of people argued about, they might feel confused, they might feel excited, or they might have already thought of a bunch of topics in their minds.

But after Gu Qing listened carefully, he just felt a little "boring".

“Research in the field of Earth-lunar communications covers issues such as network topology, link allocation, and communication protocols.

These issues require a comprehensive consideration of factors such as limited resources and propagation delays. Domestic and foreign researchers have proposed a series of algorithms to improve the efficiency and performance of communication links through competitive decision-making ideas, simulated annealing methods and other methods. "

Xia Wei, a senior engineer at Technology Company, proposed a solution based on the long delay of long-distance communication in the Earth-Moon space, intermittent link connection problems caused by lunar backside occlusion, and the comprehensive utilization of network communications in the Earth-Moon space with limited resources. The networking communication scheme of the space communication link is believed to be able to meet the data transmission requirements of various application services.

Gu Qing clapped his hands and applauded.

Zhang Tianhao, Li Jian and others also applauded and approved.

The engineers of Zude Navigation also came up with a navigation plan.

"The navigation and positioning system is a key component of the lunar base. It must ensure that the space equipment, astronauts and various intelligent robots in the lunar base can accurately determine their own coordinates and achieve target navigation. The global planning algorithm is the top-level motion planning logic .

Based on the environment map pre-recorded by the robot and combined with the current position of the robot and the location of the task target point, the fastest path to the target point is found on the map.

Considering the dynamic characteristics of the lunar working robot and avoiding obstacles by evaluating candidate trajectories at different speeds and directions, based on the principles and software algorithms of the navigation and positioning system, combined with the technical differences between lunar navigation and positioning and our Blue Star ground navigation and positioning, we re- Develop new systems, use new ground data..."

I don’t know if it’s because he has been working in the navigation industry for so many years, but the person in charge of Zude Navigation talks about data one by one and never leaves the system.

However, the solution proposed by the other party is not bad, it is a very satisfactory solution.

Therefore, everyone present also gave the other party warm applause.

Gu Qing clapped his hands and applauded.

Zhang Tianhao, Li Jian and others, together with their CEO, applauded and approved.

This is one of the meetings of the Lunar Development Science and Technology Association.

Since it is necessary to use real scientific research strength and industrial strength to obtain resources and development rights, it is natural to discuss technology and disclose the future project planning plans of myself and the team I lead.

If any association member feels that a certain solution is excellent, they can also choose to find the other party for investment or technical assistance, so that after the project results are released, the income dividends will be distributed according to the agreement. .

And Gu Qing, or every participant from Jiuzhou Technology and Jiuzhou Xinghai Company, was a ruthless applause machine at the recent meeting.

As long as there are no problems with the technical direction of other people's proposals, they will applaud them.

If there is a problem with the technical direction and no other member points it out, Jiuzhou engineers will mention it in a timely manner. If the other party is willing to sort out their opinions and make modifications and optimizations, then everyone will be happy. If the other party is not willing, Jiuzhou engineers will have nothing to lose.

As for applying these solutions?

So far, the engineers of Jiuzhou Technology Company and Jiuzhou Xinghai Company have not encountered a technical solution that makes them very excited at the meeting of the Lunar Development Science and Technology Association.

Occasionally, when I hear about some good solutions, I subconsciously check the company's technology library, and I can 100% see similar technical solutions, which are more advanced and complete than the other party's semi-finished products.

At the end of the meeting, Xue Xuqiang, the commander-in-chief of the Daxia official manned space project and the commander-in-chief of the manned lunar landing mission, made a concluding speech.

"With the rapid development of our Daxia aerospace industry, the lunar base will become a new highland for Daxia's aerospace technology. Through the construction of the lunar base, our Daxia country will further consolidate its position in the international space race and advance in space technology. , resource development and exploration will play a more important role.

Compared with the current world-class level and the requirements of aerospace powers, our aerospace industry has made great progress, but there are still certain gaps and deficiencies.

I hope that all members of the Lunar Development Science and Technology Association can realize their own shortcomings and climb to the top step by step.

This concludes today’s meeting…”

Fortunately, the video of the meeting will not be exposed on the Internet, otherwise academician Xue Xuqiang's remarks may be "attacked" by countless netizens.

Daxia Aerospace Group is the second aerospace giant with manned moon landing technology and real records in the new century.

Also within the association is Jiuzhou Xinghai Company, an outrageous technology company that has achieved a "monthly update" landing on the moon.

Other companies can still recognize their own shortcomings. How can Jiuzhou Xinghai Company recognize this?

No matter how big the problem is, if the engineers and scientists of Jiuzhou Xinghai Company cannot solve it, they can directly apply for assistance from the head office and all problems can be solved immediately.

After the meeting, the other members left the meeting with their familiar friends in twos and threes.

Academician Xue Xuqiang also rushed to the launch command center on the ground after sorting out his documents.

There is a special point in aerospace engineering. On an aircraft, astronauts are never truly safe for a moment.

Even ordinary training is full of dangers.

For example, go to the bottom of a pool with several meters of water and adapt to the pressure. Sit on the big pendulum and adapt to the impact of acceleration on your body organs. There are also anti-allergy and other anti-stress training.

Li Jian looked at Xue Xuqiang's back as he walked away quickly, with a faint emotion in his tone.

"Old Xue is still so hardworking. Alas, after all these years, his legs and feet are still so nimble."

When Zhang Tianhao heard this, he looked at the senior engineer of his Xinghai Company in surprise.

In his memory, Engineer Li personally climbed up to the launch tower a few months ago to check the installation of various components. The strong wind blowing from the tower, and the distance from the ground to tens of meters, Even though he was a strong young man, his steps seemed a little weak.

But this old engineer, who is said to have passed his destiny long ago, has no influence at all...

Thinking back to the meeting just now, Academician Xue had white hair at the temples and an aging look. This was simply a different kind of blow.

I don’t know if Academician Xue heard it, but I hope he didn’t.

While Zhang Tianhao was still praying to himself, Gu Qing smiled and shook his head.

The voice was clear and clear: "The Shenzhou spacecraft has returned. After the shift, Academician Xue was still able to find time to hold a meeting. His energy was naturally very good. Speaking of which, some of the technical solutions at today's meeting were quite constructive. After we go back, Maybe you can refer to it.”

If other people heard what Gu Qing said, they might think that he was talking about going back and talking to the team that proposed the plan, and then put it on the Jiuzhou Xinghai Company project.

But Zhang Tianhao knew that his boss Gu probably wanted to go back and check to see what level the relevant projects had been upgraded to.

If you are really too far ahead, tell the other company or institution directly, and then go directly to the person in charge of the other party to persuade the other party not to invest too many resources in this technical direction to avoid losing all your money.

At first, some companies and institutions thought that Jiuzhou Technology was "bullying" them, and some research institutions even believed that Jiuzhou Technology had "changed" and was no longer able to live in peace and harmony as before.

After all, it is too overbearing to prevent them from continuing to invest resources in promising projects.

But later, when they saw the technological achievements of Jiuzhou Technology being transformed, these companies and research institutions consciously put away their arrogance.

From then on, even if Jiuzhou Technology advised some overseas companies, the other party would directly close the project after a short senior management meeting, and then communicate with Jiuzhou Technology to seek technical cooperation in this area.

When Gu Qing returned to the ground and was about to go to the temporary office to handle some business, Mr. Ren quickly walked up to him.

"Mr. Gu, good afternoon. In the meeting just now, our Xiawei Technology engineers have some questions that we would like to find out about from your company. I wonder if you, Engineer Li, and Mr. Zhang have time?"

Perhaps due to proper maintenance, Mr. Ren's condition is much younger than last year.

Although there were indeed some matters at hand to deal with, considering that Mr. Ren was coming in person, Gu Qing still agreed.

"Then let's talk in our office. There is some equipment available there as well."

Mr. Ren was shocked when he heard that Jiuzhou Technology Company actually had an exclusive office in Shuiquan Launch Center.

After all, even if it is a communication project partner of this base, Xiawei's own company only has some workshops and does not have an office with a high degree of confidentiality.

Walking to the office with the Jiuzhou Technology Company logo, Xia Wei Technology's team was once again surprised by some of the official authority of Jiuzhou Technology.

These large areas of hundreds of square meters are all arranged by Jiuzhou Technology.

And there are no official base security personnel here, all are maintained by Jiuzhou Technology staff.

This is simply outrageous.

However, Gu Qing didn't care about the expressions of Xia Wei and others, and even treated a certain person in the boss with equal eyes.

Everyone sat down and the staff of Jiuzhou Technology served tea.

After chatting, we got into the topic.

Knowing that the other party was here to "learn lessons", Gu Qing's eyes narrowed slightly.

"This time the Shenzhou spacecraft landed on the moon, some communication links that we were responsible for inevitably had some failures, so we want to communicate with your company's engineering team to avoid falling into a situation where the authorities are confused and the onlookers are in the dark."

After hearing this, Gu Qing raised his eyes again after thinking for a moment.

"I guess you have also signed an agreement with Daxia Aerospace Group. Communication data is confidential and cannot be transmitted to us. So show us the non-confidential part of your technical plan."

Facing Gu Qing's statement, Mr. Ren nodded.

Afterwards, Gu Qing, Li Jian, and Zhang Tianhao saw a bunch of mosaic documents on Xia Wei's tablet.

Just when the project leader of Xiawei Technology thought that after the management of Jiuzhou Technology had read it, he would take it to the corresponding person in charge to review the plan, and that actual technical exchanges might be possible tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, Gu Qing handed back the Xiawei tablet computer Gave it to Yu Chengdong.

Then, Gu Mou looked at Zhang Tianhao.

"Do you see the problem?"

Facing Teacher Gu's quiz, Zhang Tianhao's expression immediately became serious.

"There shouldn't be much wrong."

Then, Zhang Tianhao snapped his fingers.

And he said: "Tiangong, open the simulation image of the earth and moon, precise crater."

Immediately afterwards, a virtual reality projection of the earth and moon appeared above the desk, surrounded by other planet models, shining brightly.

At this moment, the lighting in the office gradually dimmed.

Then, Zhang Tianhao pointed at the moon and magnified it with both hands.

“Considering the motion of the moon, the landing site of the Daxia Shenzhou spacecraft should need a communication station located around 91° N.

Using the concept of Lagrange points, direct communication with our blue star ground is used as much as possible, otherwise L2 and L4/L5 satellites will be used as relay stations.

Calculations based on your company's current satellite technology level show that considering the satellites moving around the lunar surface and L2, when the communication station is located on the datum, communication cannot always be guaranteed. A 2.5Km high communication tower is required to maintain smooth communication.

If a direct communication link is not feasible, a lot of construction work will need to be done in the early stages away from the main base, so my personal recommendation is to use our Zhoutianxingdou satellite.

It is much easier to place several main communication satellites in lunar orbit than to use antennas directly at the main base. This is the minimum preliminary guarantee for establishing a base.

Moreover, satellites can be placed in orbit independently of the ground status. Coupled with our independently developed satellite maintenance technology, it can also effectively reduce post-operation and maintenance work. "

In front of engineers from communication industry giant Xiawei Technology, Zhang Tianhao "taught lessons" with a serious look on his face.

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