It's just that when Zhang Tianhao teaches problem solutions, there are still some "childish" aspects.

That is his use of these resources, perhaps because he has worked in the Titan Star Department of Jiuzhou Technology for a long time, so he basically "picked them up" and ignored Xia Wei Technology's embarrassing identity problem.

Jiuzhou Technology’s Zhoutianxingdou Engineering Satellite is indeed not specially designed. It does cooperate with departments, institutions and enterprises such as Daxia Aerospace Group, Daxia Meteorological Department, Daxia Military and Military Theater, and even Xia Xin Technology’s mobile phones. There are also chip components and receivers for Zhoutianxingdou satellite communications.

But those are Xia Xin Technology's cooperation for civilian and commercial use.

Originally, Xia Xin Technology cooperated with Daxia Aerospace Group in order to be able to "overtake in corners" and compete with Jiuzhou Technology in one-third of an acre of its old territory.

But now, if the Zhoutian Xingdou satellite project is used to solve the current problems, what is the point of comparison?

The cooperative relationship between Daxia Aerospace Group, Jiuzhou Technology and Jiuzhou Xinghai is not stronger than that of Xiawei Technology Company in terms of aerospace projects? deeper?

Why do people choose Xiawei Technology over the near and far?

Isn't it just to put more eggs in the basket?

Isn’t it just to be able to have independent capabilities on the basis of cooperation?

However, although Gu Qing saw this, he did not stand up and say anything.

Instead, he smiled with a smile on his face as he watched Zhang Tianhao explain and instruct the engineers of Xiawei Technology on how to use the Zhoutianxingdou engineering satellite to realize the most rudimentary space communication solution ever proposed by Kyushu engineers.

The communication engineers of Xiawei Technology were also quite embarrassed at this time.

Although intellectually, they know that these technical solutions are unlikely to be approved by their own company, their technical curiosity makes them diligently listen carefully to these technical knowledge that cannot be heard anywhere else.

The same is true for Yu Chengdong.

He is a talented person who studies communication technology. In addition to leading the project team and holding conferences everywhere, he has also been deepening his studies in these years.

"These technologies are indeed the exclusive technologies of Jiuzhou Technology. The reason why Manager Zhang dared to say it so directly is that the other party's character may not be too restrained, but more importantly, these technologies are strictly dependent on Zhoutianxingdou engineering satellite of Jiuzhou Technology.

Only such high-performance satellites can meet the actual needs of this solution. There are no other companies or institutions comparable to the Zhoutian Xingdou Engineering Satellite. Even if they obtain this solution and technology, it is simply impossible to achieve stable earth-moon communication connections.

Jiuzhou Technology’s Zhoutian Xingdou Engineering Satellite and SpaceX Interstellar Exploration Company have both suffered a lot. So far, they have not developed Starlink satellites with the same specifications and technologies. We, Xiawei Technology and Daxia Space Satellite, may only be disappointed. . "

Yu Chengdong's thoughts turned into his actual actions after waiting for a moment.

After hearing Zhang Tianhao's brief introduction to a technology, he quickly raised his hand.

When Zhang Tianhao saw the project department president of Xiawei Technology raise his hand, he stopped talking and asked, "Mr. Yu, what do you think? Is there anything you don't understand about this technology?" ? Or suggest a direction for us to optimize? Or do you think there are any technical loopholes in this technical solution? "

This series of questions, like machine guns, hit the hearts and faces of Yu Chengdong and Xia Wei Technology's communication engineers, making everyone feel heartbroken.

Some of them can no longer keep up with the progress of explanations. How can they still propose optimization directions and technical loopholes?

However, the other party's attitude when asking questions was serious and not as pretentious as others.

Yu Chengdong nodded.

"The solution you provided is indeed technically feasible, but the agreement signed between Xiawei Technology and Daxia Aerospace Group has resource restrictions on some projects, so we cannot simply use these satellite technologies.

Do you have any other technical solutions?

Without the need for too high-performance satellites. "

When treating such a talented person, Yu Chengdong always said "you", and his attitude was not as majestic as a senior executive of a company, but was very "simple".

Zhang Tianhao didn't feel this difference.

After listening to Yu Chengdong's words, he thought for a moment.

Then, he subconsciously looked at his teacher who had been sitting next to him.

Gu Qing still had a gentle smile on his lips and nodded in response.

With Gu Qing's consent, Zhang Tianhao came up with a new plan.

"If we do not use the Zhoutian Xingdou engineering satellite, but use the communication satellite provided by you, the antenna materials and the entire system need to be optimized and upgraded. You should also know that the communication link with only one antenna changes every few minutes. It will be interrupted for a few seconds.

The main base is equipped with two antennas. Although it can ensure continuous connection and use two antennas in parallel to achieve higher data transmission rates when needed, the power consumption increases while the dual antennas are enhanced. In the lunar environment, there are Somewhat unsatisfactory.

Our joint research between Jiuzhou Technology and Jiuzhou Xinghai Company shows that a communication station antenna with a power of only 7 W and a diameter of 1 m can achieve a communication rate of 61 Mbit/s for orbiting satellites at a frequency of 2 625 MHz, and the power consumption is estimated to be approximately is 72 W, which includes the power consumption of the amplifier device and some other hardware devices.

When communication requirements are not very high, well-tested radio communication equipment can complete communication without lag. However, the lunar environment is not static. Even because the moon has no atmosphere and there are too many fine particles of lunar soil and lunar dust, we suggest that your company consider building communication base stations on the moon and use laser communication as much as possible to adapt to communication. need. "

After hearing this plan, Yu Chengdong and others nodded subconsciously.

But soon, they became convinced.

Building a communications base on the moon?

This project sounds like a great communications project?

Perhaps only Jiuzhou Technology would be so wealthy as to develop so many intelligent robots for Jiuzhou Xinghai Company, and be willing to increase the payload and precious space of the spacecraft to send them to the moon.

Yu Chengdong thought for a while. If he goes according to some of the information given by Daxia Aerospace Group, even if his company miniaturizes the communication base station, it will probably take two moon landings to complete the miniaturization of the base station. The equipment was carried up.

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