
Click, click...

After waiting for a while, I saw on the surveillance camera that Xia Wei Technology Company and his party were walking away, while Gu Qing was still holding the tea cup in his hand.

"Haizhi, check the environment and focus on detecting whether there are unregistered electronic products and monitoring equipment."

With the gentle instructions, other staff members in the conference room subconsciously held their breath and stopped making any big moves.

Soon, a slightly mechanical and magnetic sound sounded in the conference room.

[The detection is over. No unregistered electronic products and monitoring equipment have been found so far. Do you need to continue the low-power detection?]

"Well, keep it as it is."


Even in Shuiquan Launch Center, this special place, Gu Qing never let down his guard.

After completing this operation, he turned his head and looked at Li Jian, Zhang Tianhao, Zhou Yi and others.

He took the initiative and said: “In the construction and operation of the lunar base, it is undoubtedly crucial to ensure the autonomy and sustainability of earth-moon communications, communication and navigation systems within the lunar planet.

The autonomy of communication and navigation systems means that these systems need to be able to operate on the moon for a long time without relying on the support of Blue Star ground command centers and communication base stations.

This means that the lunar base needs to establish an independent energy supply system, and it will not be low-power solar power generation.

According to our actual monitoring data, if these projects are to be implemented, three launches will be required based on the load capacity of our spacecraft.

Although Daxia Aerospace Group's spacecraft does not need to transport so many intelligent robots to the moon, their space capacity is not large, so the number of launches cannot be less than three.

It seems that Daxia Aerospace Group has similar ideas to us. "

Zhang Tianhao nodded and said: "Repeat the moon landing and build a permanent base."

Li Jian also said: "The energy source on the moon is very single. Judging from our current detection results, we do not yet have the conditions for large-scale energy mining. Therefore, solar energy and nuclear energy are currently the main energy sources.

However, if you want to safely use these resources for energy storage on the moon, you also face a series of technical challenges. "

“The performance of solar cells, the technology mastered by Daxia officials is already far ahead, but to adapt to the power consumption of a base, the panels that need to be installed are not small-scale.

The safety of nuclear energy cannot be guaranteed stably on the Blue Star ground, let alone on the moon?

Moreover, due to the extreme environment and closedness on the moon, communication and navigation equipment are being tested all the time and are constantly affected by factors such as dust, high temperature, and low temperature on the lunar surface, which requires engineers to perform regular maintenance and upkeep. . "

Starting with Gu Qing, these engineers soon began to discuss, and as the content of the discussion changed, the topic became more and more in-depth.

However, after all, it was at Shuiquan Launch Center, not Kyushu Southwest Launch Center, so when everyone was discussing it, they were very tight-lipped about their own secret technology, and there was no leakage at all.

However, they know a lot about the technologies of the American NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Polar Bear Aerospace Department.

High-bandwidth, low-latency and wide-coverage communications, autonomous navigation and location services, artificial intelligence deep learning...technical projects were mentioned one after another.

However, the serious expressions on everyone's faces did not change.

Because they all know that these projects are no longer Jiuzhou Xinghai Company at this time, or in other words, they are no longer lunar engineering problems for Jiuzhou Technology.

And as the lunar exploration missions performed by Jiuzhou astronauts and those intelligent robots become increasingly complex, and the exploration and utilization plans for lunar resources continue to expand, the scientific and technological fields involved will become more extensive.

Geology, astronomy, physics, materials chemistry, communications, quantum... countless disciplines have been unified on the project of building a lunar base.

High-resolution terrain images, lunar crust composition analysis, and space astronomical observation data all require large-bandwidth transmission.

The remote control operation of lunar intelligent robots and lunar work vehicles requires low-latency communication so that operators can respond to terrain changes or obstacles in a timely manner.

For data transmission between the ground control center and the lunar base, optical communication and quantum communication are required.

Autonomous navigation technology is an essential function for lunar probes, lunar rovers and space suits. It relies heavily on technological equipment such as lidar, cameras, and gyroscopes to obtain information about the surrounding environment.

And by processing and analyzing data, real-time position and attitude estimation is achieved, increasing the safety of lunar exploration missions and reducing the risk of mission failure.

Jiuzhou Technology has already decentralized commercial versions of these technologies.

Those who are the best in the professional field who have used the commercial version cried bitterly and chose to come to cooperate. The aerospace version technology above the commercial version is naturally even more exaggerated.

Just like Jiuzhou Technology’s first sweeping robot-Xiaohao.

The first smart home product created by the team led by Zhang Tianhao, Xiaohao's sweeping robot technology has gone through several iterative upgrades and has been applied in Jiuzhou Xinghai's lunar rover and lunar intelligent robot.

After the discussion, Gu Qing tidied up and then tapped his index finger on the desk.

“In terms of mechanical projects, we can only wait for the upgrade and innovation of material projects.

So next, I hope that we can make great strides in the two directions of deep learning and artificial intelligence, in conjunction with the research and development of new products in the semiconductor department.

Over time, the "Omnic Crisis" Global Martial Arts Conference will have the application of intelligent AI, and all of us here will participate more or less, so.

Next, everyone's work projects can be modified appropriately. After collecting enough data, I believe that we will hit a higher peak again. "

Higher peak?

Really build a permanent base and carry out lunar immigration? !

Gu Qing's words made all the engineers think even more.

Within Jiuzhou Technology, the two technologies of deep learning and artificial intelligence are not used for drawing, converting text and videos, and developing language search models.

For example, deep learning is about learning the inherent patterns and representation levels of sample data. The information obtained during this learning process is of great help in the interpretation of data such as text, images, and sounds.

Its ultimate goal is to enable machines to have the same high-level analytical learning capabilities as humans.

Through various sensors equipped on the machine, the ability to recognize data such as text, images, and sounds is achieved.

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