When this technology is powerful enough, it can carry out top-level terrain recognition and map construction, and use it in the lunar base project. The simplest project is to automatically identify terrain features and generate high-definition high-definition maps by analyzing lunar surface images and data. Precision map.

At present, this high-precision map mastered by Jiuzhou Technology can already provide accurate navigation information for lunar exploration rover, intelligent robot, transport vehicle and other equipment. Even in special areas without signal transmission, it can rely on previous positioning and combine the equipment Equipped with cameras and radar, it can avoid obstacles and plan safe paths more efficiently.

Training machines and equipment to be smarter than elite aerospace personnel is one of the current efforts of all engineers working on machine learning projects at Jiuzhou Technology.

And judging from the performance of the data collected so far, they have already achieved it to a considerable extent.

In addition to drawing and converting videos, artificial intelligence can also be used for intelligent signal processing and scheduling. By predicting the status and quality of communication links, it can adaptively adjust signal transmission parameters to ensure the stability and reliability of communication.

The best results of the combination of deep learning technology and artificial intelligence currently have examples on the Blue Star ground.

That is the unmanned intelligent manufacturing factory of Jiuzhou Technology. The autonomy and intelligence of the equipment rely on pattern recognition and intelligent decision-making through deep learning. Based on Jiuzhou Industrial Software, it can better adapt to the needs of different project tasks and products and achieve autonomy. Decision making and feedback control.

These techniques were all chess pieces left behind by Gu Qing.

They are rooted in the earth, not only testing project technology, but also constantly earning money and other resources to support Jiuzhou Technology.

Now, all Gu Qing has to do is combine the huge engineering resources recruited over the years with the semiconductor department, and use pressure to promote the rapid growth of quantum chips and quantum communications.

Of course, the semiconductor sector alone cannot fully bear this pressure.

The pressure to upgrade product technology will also make the materials research and development department struggle and work overtime every day. In the face of the exhaustive method of intelligent program AI, the pressure on server chips has also increased, which has once again stimulated the semiconductor sector to carry out technology upgrades.

As for the correct direction of quantum technology research and development, he has already mixed it in a pile of data. In recent years, Jiuzhou Technology's quantum computers have been on the right track and can even be used commercially.

After seeing one link after another, Gu Qing was curious, what kind of brilliant light would the semiconductor department burst out with?

On September 24, Xiayin 1027, the Shenzhou spacecraft of Daxia Aerospace Group changed from an elliptical orbit around the moon to a nearly circular orbit around the moon.

After successfully landing, the three astronauts successfully completed their mission at the lunar landmark, boarded the spacecraft, safely docked with the aircraft, and embarked on the return orbit.

After anxiously waiting, September 29th finally arrived.

I don’t know if it’s because the technology used by Daxia Aerospace Group is different from the technical solution of Jiuzhou Xinghai Company, so it takes a little longer to return.

However, although the time was extended by one day, the treatment received by the Shenzhou lunar landing spacecraft when it returned to Blue Star was completely different from that of the Kyushu lunar landing spacecraft.

There were no horrific scenes of thousands of satellites falling, and there were no riots or unusual movements.

The Shenzhou lunar landing spacecraft was just like carrying out an ordinary space mission and returning home safely.

Enter the atmosphere and pass through the black barrier area.

Then at a safe height, a landing gear was opened.

The decline rate is getting slower and slower towards the predicted planned area.

Time passed minute by minute.

When landing to a certain height, the captain pressed the release button of the landing device.

The device broke away in an instant, but the landing speed of the spacecraft continued to slow down with the support of the engine.

Daxia Aerospace Group used the same landing plan as Jiuzhou Xinghai Company to provide reaction force under certain circumstances.

However, Daxia Aerospace Group is very "conservative" and the landing time lasts longer than the landing times of Jiuzhou Xinghai Company's recent launch missions.

As for the Daxia astronauts, they all gritted their teeth and took deep breaths.

Unlike Jiuzhou Technology, Daxia Aerospace Group does not broadcast the location of the landing area in real time, so netizens watching the live broadcast can only watch the astronauts in the spacecraft through various public angles, or when the signal is poor At that time, I looked at the picture of the atmosphere of the Blue Star taken by the space satellite.

# Live broadcast of Shenzhou’s return to Blue Star # Under this Jiuzhou community hashtag topic, a reporter from Xiahua News Agency revealed: [The crew of the Shenzhou spacecraft is returning to fly.

It is expected that the Shenzhou spacecraft will adjust its attitude twice more later, and the orbital module and propulsion module will separate successively. The three astronauts will arrive around dinner time. On the way back to Blue Star, I prepared beef jerky, biscuits, chocolate, etc.↓

In this topic, countless netizens from all over the world are contributing delicious recipes of their hometowns.

"Our indigo masala will definitely restore the physical condition of the space heroes instantly! Please be sure to prepare this delicious food for them!"

"Korean kimchi can stimulate the body's appetite and is definitely the first vegetable that astronauts should eat after returning to Blue Star!"

"NO, our British star-gazing dish is the most suitable dish at this moment. We are all looking up at the stars, and the three space heroes have returned from the stars!"

"If you ask me, it's better to drink a glass of bean juice to refresh yourself."

"Haosaosao, do you want the astronauts to celebrate the successful moon landing, or are you thinking about killing these three heroic astronauts? Are you making such comments so popular?"

"Family members, click and dislike! Hurry up and click! Those who are popular are all netizens from outside the Internet. We don't want to gloat about others' misfortunes!"

“I, Li Zilong from Shijiazhuang, step on Marsala according to my real name.”

"If you ask me, it has to be a bowl of egg custard, which is nutritious and nourishes the stomach."

"My Qishan Sauce Noodles are the most appetizing!"

"So, it's better to take Taoyao alone, or add some ginseng and Ganoderma powder to appetize and relieve fatigue, refresh the mind, and enhance physical fitness."

Once netizens' imaginations are opened up, it's easy to lose control.

The comments under this news tag are even more exciting than the barrage in the live broadcast room.

However, as the discussion time went by, a new news tag was refreshed soon after, and it instantly ranked first among the global hot search tags in the Jiuzhou community.

News from Xiahua News Agency: The return module of the Shenzhou manned lunar landing spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng Landing Field.

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