Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 182 Little cold is not cold, red blood boils

Due to the backing of the electric company, Pudong Microelectronics, which is not short of money, bought the first batch of light source equipment with great pride.

Three orders have been placed for the EUV light source components with a friendly price of 20 million Xia yuan, and the research and development of 28nm EUV lithography machine is carried out.

The first cooperation, the DUV light source components with a base price of 5 million Xia Yuan, after testing the performance and safety of these links, directly ordered ten units and started the installation test.

For other worrying chip foundries and memory manufacturers, they stopped selling lithography machines, because at this time Pudong Microelectronics needs to concentrate manpower and material resources, change the design plan and manufacturing plan, and replace the light source of the original 90nm lithography machine with Products for installing new light sources, as well as research and development of 28nm lithography machines.

From September to December, within 100 days, Hanxing Semiconductor's global share of semiconductor chip foundry expanded again.

Before the acquisition of GlobalFoundries, although in the field of wafer manufacturing, it was cheated by Daxia because of its cost performance, GlobalFoundries is also one of the top ten chip foundry companies in the world.

Looking at the chip foundry companies as a whole, TSMC is well-deserved first, and its volume is more than twice that of the second-ranked Han Xing.

After that, there are companies such as Hanxing Semiconductor, GlobalFoundries, and UMC.

Due to the rapid development of Xiaxin Technology 15 years later, it is now in the middle, competing with companies such as Hua Hong Semiconductor.

Behind these semiconductors, US capital is still reaping the benefits of the fisherman, whoever loses and who gains, they will not lose.

Xiaxin Technology, which had a strong momentum, was also banned from the sale of light source equipment, and the purchase of the latest lithography machine was blocked, which cut off its upward potential.

What is very divided is that the mid-to-high-end mobile phone market, which relies heavily on chips, is getting hotter.

The sales of Xiawei's new flagship Mate 20 continue to rise, and the current monthly sales volume is the first in the world. Since Pingguo also supports [Boundary Monument], sales have begun to rise steadily.

Rice’s MIX 2 once again hit the high-end flagship, but due to the conflict between brand image and product positioning, it still failed to sell at the price of the high-end flagship. Although the sales volume was gratifying, the executive team shook their heads even more.

If a listed mobile phone company fails to occupy a position in the high-end flagship business, it will have no room for greater appreciation and no future.

A high-end flagship is not just a high-end flagship because of its high price.

Pingguo relies on the closed-source Pingguo system and the original intelligent program. Although it is nicknamed the fruit arcade, its brand image has already been established.

Relying on the shape design of the mobile phone and the extremely high-quality screen, memory and feel, Han Xing was once able to touch Pingguo in the high-end flagship mobile phone business.

Xia Wei, from the very early D series to the Mate series, focused on business and "performance buckets". At the beginning, he took the group of middle-aged business people as the main target, and later on, with the improvement of technology and hardware strength, he stepped up to the High-end flagship.

The mobile phones of these three companies have their own advantages and disadvantages, but they can also reflect some of the world's trends.

Once leading the fashion, the world's financial technology cultural center has moved from Europe to the United States, and now gradually to Asia.

However, among them, Hanxing has its own chip manufacturing plant. As a giant, Pingguo Company, does TSMC dare not make chips for it?

Xia Wei, on the other hand, does not have a truly stable source of chips.

Ordinary people only feel that mobile phones of the same grade are getting more expensive every year, but if they carefully sort out the sources of components of these mobile phone manufacturers and changes in international power, they can feel it.

The war never stops.

This sense of fragmentation is even worse among domestic semiconductor practitioners.

Ordinary people, no matter whether they slander or cheer up, can't change the feeling of powerlessness.

The semiconductor industry is not digging a pile of dirt or moving bricks, as long as you work hard and work hard.

The progress of the "tiankeng" majors in basic physics, basic materials, and optical applications, as well as the upgrading of equipment manufacturing in the industry, can make the lithography machine a step forward.

However, these industries have worked hard for ten years, and they are not as profitable as real estate in one year...

Therefore, other lithography machine components and equipment technology of Pudong Microelectronics rely on companies with Xia Guo’s asset background, such as Xia Microelectronics’ etching technology, and the excimer laser light source system made by the Institute of Optoelectronics of Xia Ke Academy.

Ordinary entrepreneurs and private capital will not invest in this kind of black hole industry.

Capital is profit-seeking and short-sighted.

But on New Year's Day, January 1, 2019, Pudong Microelectronics' secret project was reported by the media.

It was a moment of negligence. This was a young researcher in the research and development team. Because his parents urged him to marry and buy a house, and the daily research and development tasks were heavy, he didn’t want to do professional psychological counseling. The emotional bloggers who watched poured out.

Of course, he did not ignorantly say that he is doing the latest research and development of lithography machines, but from the repression between the lines, coupled with his record of posting scarves, this emotional blogger is very "tactful" to think that he may have met a big news.

Of course, this is a bit speculative, but when the public has been worried about the restriction of lithography machines for a long time, the news that the leading domestic lithography machine will make a big move still earns a lot of traffic.

Then the people who eat melons saw the announcement of Pudong Microelectronics the next day.

The title is not serious - "Small cold is not cold, red blood boils".

But the content is very appetizing.

Xiaoxue is January 5, 19.

Three days later, Pudong Microelectronics will announce its first new product in 2019.

Now it is the short board of Daxia lithography machine that has been exposed, so that everyone can see the Daxia science and technology industry that is "strong outside but capable in the middle".

At this moment, the leading company of Daxia lithography machine is about to release new products.

In just half a day, platforms such as Bibo, Tieba, and Mouhu were flooded with relevant news.

Afterwards, the news spread abroad. After "translation" and "translation" by many media, it even spread the news that the Daxia lithography machine will completely lead the world.

However, the man immediately tweeted: Fiknius! (referring to fake news)

But in any case, at this moment, the eyes of the world are focused.

At this time, the lithography machine project is no longer a single project leading or not. Under the mutual influence of the media and the masses, it has been regarded by many people as a competition between Daxia Technology and American-funded technology.

And the most important thing is that Da Xia can lose and endure.

But America can't lose. He is the boss, and the boss can't lose a move. If you lose a little, you will be easily discouraged and gradually collapse.

The British news agency and Lutou News Agency, one of the four major news agencies in the West, also held high the banner of science and technology at this time. The headlines on the front page gave a big question mark, and described in detail the bottom layers of the semiconductor industry in Daxia that "couldn't get on the table". technology.

The Times' news is much more neutral, but the words are also much less optimistic about Daxia's semiconductor industry.

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