Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 183 28nm Lithography Press Conference

NBC, as Murray National Broadcasting Company, one of the three major commercial radio and television companies, is also the show company of Old Friends, White House and Storm, but this time it did not sing the opposite, but followed the leader's speech: Public opinion coerced by the media, Great Summer It is impossible to have a lithography machine and light source comparable to AS1-ML.

The calendar turns pages one by one.

Originally, it was only an internal problem in the industry, but being led by the media who like to chase hot spots has become the most external manifestation of the struggle between the two powerhouses.

The semiconductor equipment production plant of the semiconductor department of Kyushu Technology Co., Ltd. is already producing light source equipment in an orderly manner.

Obviously there is no buyer, but the semiconductor department at the headquarters has new production task indicators every week or even every three days.

But this strange situation is not a bad thing for skilled workers.

Only when they start working can they get more money. Although their current monthly salary has not dropped, who would think that there is too much money?

And Li You and others have been working overtime at Pudong Microelectronics for more than ten days.

Of course, the overtime pay is paid by Pudong Microelectronics. Boss Gu has no money. He just lost 80 million Xia Yuan and is poor on the bus.

The timetable stated that the bus would arrive at 9 am, but Gu Qing's mobile phone showed that the time was already 09:05.

Both sides of the road are lined with shops and high-rise buildings, and pedestrians are in a hurry.

Pudong City and Rongcheng City are two cities with different positioning directions and development levels, which can be seen from the walking speed of pedestrians and the traffic flow on the road.

There is no such congested traffic during the 8:00 morning rush hour in Rongcheng City. There is no doubt that people in Pudong City are not short of money.

Because the public transportation system is safer and more people are loaded.

The driver's expression was also very serious. If he was in Rongcheng, the master driver might be whistling right now.

And Gu Qing is about to be late.

It's just that no one deducts his salary, and he doesn't need to clock in on time.

An Hetang and Zhou Xin were sitting behind Gu Qing, and the other was standing beside Gu Qing. They looked like Gu Qing's friends without sunglasses and suits.

Special forces are not that kind of vicious existence. If you give them some time and equipment, and then sprinkle them in the sea of ​​people, few people will be able to find them.

Due to the special situation in Anxi Province, the training of An Hetang and others is not only to hide themselves in mountain special operations, but also many subjects are trained in cities.

On January 5th, at the press conference of Pudong Microelectronics Company in Pudong City.

As soon as the time came to nine o'clock, the media flocked to the press conference. The press conference, which was originally relatively empty, became a sea of ​​people in an instant.

Due to the particularity of the company, the company's reception department and press conference site are very orderly.

Most of the domestic media present were in high spirits and communicated from time to time.

Although everyone has some guesses in their hearts, if this guess is not announced by the parties and becomes a fact, then everything is guesswork.

So they were very excited, and the hands of the camera brothers were slightly trembling, but after taking a few deep breaths, their professionalism allowed them to stabilize their bodies quickly.

What is obviously special this time is that there are more foreign media.

Some companies may give money to invite foreign media to interview for their press conferences, but Pudong Microelectronics will definitely not do so.

Although most of these foreigners can understand Daxia Mandarin and can speak some common Chinese, they are still in their own small circles.

At a glance, they are all reporters from major foreign newspapers and media.

Unlike the big summer industry, many of the well-known foreign media are private companies, and their reporters also demand more "gimmicks" and popularity.

This time, they gathered together to witness Daxia's "disgraceful" scene.

There is no doubt that as long as there is any problem or error in the press conference, the headlines of the next day will be swiped by this error.

At 9:20, Boss Gu finally arrived at Pudong Microelectronics Company under the escort of An Hetang and others.

After communicating with Professor Zhao for a while, he quietly ran to the conference site and sat in the guest seat.

Compared with two months ago, Boss Gu now looks healthy, his lips are rosy, and the bloodshot eyes have subsided.

Since he has been studying scientific research for many years, his demeanor is inevitably bookish, and he is not too old, and his angular face is somewhat handsome.

"If I'm in the textbooks in the future, will the editor-in-chief deliberately choose photos from the old man's time?"

This concern, while a bit strange, does exist.

There are a few scientific research leaders whose photo images in textbooks can be described as "old-fashioned", but they were really handsome when they were young.

Due to the drastic change in temperament and image, and An Hetang specially put on some makeup on Gu Qing for the sake of safety, the media present couldn't tell that the big boss of Kyushu Technology Company had arrived at today's press conference.

But not long after, the leaders of relevant departments and several senior executives from Xiaxin Technology arrived, which made the press conference start to heat up.

No matter which country you are in, if there are relevant departments leading the platform, the press conference will not be easy.

The flashes flickered frequently, making Gu Qing who was sitting under the stage feel a little tired.

At ten o'clock, after the host gave the opening speech, the big boss of Pudong Microelectronics came to the stage and told some stories.

But the history of these hard struggles is simply scratching the curiosity of reporters.

Knowing that Professor Zhao Xingxia will speak next, the mentality of this group of media exploded.

Although Professor Zhao is no longer young, he is in good spirits.

"Scientific research projects are a long-term, arduous, and unstoppable war.

The lithography machine research and development team of Pudong Microelectronics is just a young player in this war. I am very grateful to Kyushu Technology, Xiawei Electronics, Keyi Hongyuan... and other Daxia companies for their technical and equipment assistance.

It allows us to overcome the difficulties in the development and manufacture of 28nm lithography machines, and also lays a solid foundation for the next step of 14nm. "

It was a very simple sentence, but after Professor Zhao said it, the cameras and cameras in the audience flashed non-stop.

The scene was no longer in an uproar, but radiant.

Professor Zhao slightly closed his eyes in the light.

It is allowed to turn on the flashlight at the press conference, but such frequent flashing is indeed too much for people.

After the frequency of the flashes decreased, Professor Zhao opened his eyes and said in a confident voice: "Daxia will never be intimidated by difficulties, nor will he be afraid of any enemies or persecution.

From scratch, from 90nm to 28nm, we did it.

From 28nm to the most advanced 14nm or even 7nm.

We will keep going! "

As Professor Zhao's voice fell, the red cloth behind him was slowly pulled away.

A container-like lithography machine model was unveiled, and the screen next to it began to play the introduction video of Pudong Microelectronics' new products.

"Damn!!! Really did it!!!???"

"Fa-ke!!! Is this true?!!!"

Several exclamations rang out one after another at the press conference.

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