Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 1955 Changes in the way of dialogue

Now Daxia officials treat Jiuzhou Technology. In addition to having reciprocal "dialogue channels", they are also choosing this "alternative" way to release certain information.

The theme of the exchange meeting on space science and experimental academics on March 1st is "Exploring the Vast Universe and Developing Space Resources", but the main purpose of the meeting is that Daxia officials want to communicate with Jiuzhou Science and Technology. Without face-to-face meetings When talking, express your thoughts and attitudes individually.

This is the first time that Daxia officials have used this method to communicate with Jiuzhou Technology. At first, they were worried that Jiuzhou Technology would not “understand” it. However, judging from the results, Jiuzhou Technology not only understood it, but also sent out The core executives of Jiuzhou Technology and the person in charge of Jiuzhou Xinghai Company expressed their importance to the exchange meeting.

Daxia officials also truly understood the message that Jiuzhou Technology wanted to convey.

That is - "Cooperation is okay, but there is no longer close cooperation on core technologies?"

A senior executive of Daxia Aerospace Group frowned and muttered softly after reading the information and work logs of this exchange meeting.

“Seeking common ground while shelving differences and expressing our own opinions, Kyushu Technology was willing to share with us in real time the data on all aspects of the moon landing and the risk report documents that may be encountered, and even provided us with solid batteries and buffer landers developed for the moon landing.

Therefore, I personally think that, at least in the aerospace field, Kyushu Technology is still a trustworthy comrade so far! "

"We all thought that there was no aerospace project in this world with a 100% success rate, but Jiuzhou Technology and Jiuzhou Xinghai Company still have a 100% success rate so far. This shows that their engineering teams are very good at learning and summarizing experience. Of course, the reason for this must be the Lingjing Ecological Laboratory Server..."

"The disclosure of the [雛] element has proven that Jiuzhou Technology must have more relevant information on precious elements. With Jiuzhou Technology's style, if it agrees to cooperate closely with the core project, it will definitely choose to disclose this confidential information to us, otherwise the project It can’t go on smoothly.”

Every analysis by experts and professors from Daxia Aerospace Group has considerable reference value.

And there are already some rational people who actually understand the gap between their own group and Jiuzhou Xinghai Company.

Those who can work side by side are the closest comrades. When one party makes leaps and bounds and reaches another commanding heights, although the party behind is still considered a comrade, it is already considered a "logistics"...

If the space agencies of other countries and regions are "far ahead", Daxia Aerospace Group will definitely catch up step by step, and then catch up.

But regarding the progress of Kyushu Technology and Kyushu Xinghai, some people in the conference room even felt happy and tearful.

Because many of their classmates, students, and friends work in Jiuzhou Xinghai Company, they have seen the progress and success of these people and are sincerely happy for them.

As for Daxia Aerospace Group...

At the end of the meeting, the group leader set the tone.

"No matter how the external situation changes, we must stick to our position and move forward with solid steps according to the original plan..."

And the meaning behind his words was obvious.

Almost at the same time, at the internal meeting of Jiuzhou Xinghai Company, Zhou Yi was also doing the summary work after this exchange meeting.

"The 'Tiangong Kaiwu' plan put forward by Daxia officials not only has specific development goals in a step-by-step manner, but also focuses on space entry and exit from outer space, outer space transportation, outer space supply, alien planet mining, and alien planet resource processing technology. .

We have now overcome common key technical difficulties such as low-cost resource return, flight-based resource transportation to alien planets, space resource supply stations, extraterrestrial body mining stations, and space resource processing stations. The Kyushu Space Station has been able to conduct basic research on lunar resources. processing.

When we conduct three more launches, the intelligent robot team deployed on the moon will form a systematic lineup, and with the entry of high-authority astronauts, the formal construction and operation of the lunar base can begin.

Therefore, in response to the olive branch offered by Daxia officials, we all agreed that we can accept cooperation, but we will never accept the conditions for shared R\u0026D progress on core interest projects.

From the perspective of resource input and output, we once received help from Daxia Aerospace Group and were able to achieve rapid initial development of aerospace projects. Then, in the space station operation and lunar exploration and landing stages, we were more of a pioneer. The pioneers have helped Daxia Aerospace Group achieve time-honored achievements and monuments.

The mutual benefit of both parties is based on the content of the agreement and the sense of identity of enterprises of the same nationality.

At this point, I hope everyone can clarify the stakes.

Since the establishment of the lunar base, our Jiuzhou Xinghai Company has essentially become the vanguard of mankind's external development! The moon base is the bridgehead of our Blue Star!

So from now on, we will never allow leakers within us!

Once it is discovered that someone has actively or passively leaked the company's internal information, or has inadvertently leaked the company's internal information, the company will work with the legal department of the headquarters company to deal with it. "

Having said this, Zhou Yi's eyes suddenly changed, and he looked at all the senior management of Jiuzhou Xinghai in front of him carefully.

Staring so hard that some people felt restless, the person in charge of Jiuzhou Xinghai Company, who had been trained by Gu Qing for many years and worked abroad for many years, continued to speak: "Whether it is our Jiuzhou Xinghai Company or the company under our Jiuzhou Technology Company, As heads of other branches and laboratories, we are all happy to see that our engineers can take further steps on their ideal path and realize their ultimate ideal.

But this should all be done in a legal and reasonable direction..."

It can be said that Zhou Yi spared no effort to inoculate these senior executives and engineers of his own company.

Although he had gone through many screenings and reviews, basically no one in this conference room was a so-called "commercial espionage", but he still did not want to make mistakes in any link.

And what the company will do next can be said to be a major event that affects the destiny of mankind.

At this critical juncture, if there are factors that disrupt the progress of the project, Zhou Yi has even made an application for the early release of a special product from an intelligent robot project of the company's Titan star department.

After all, the minds of some human beings are too complex. When it comes to handling many problems, these humans are really inferior to the judgment and action capabilities of intelligent AI.

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