Although many people have doubts about the system introduced by Gu Qing, the usefulness of this system also makes them feel emotional and excited.

Great Xia's drone manufacturing technology is not bad, and it is even at the top of the world in terms of cost control.

In the system of Kyushu Technology, the advantages of the UAV system are also obvious.

First, the intelligent system can judge and issue instructions at any time based on the data, and can also accept manual intervention, and has strong data protection and will not be interfered by hackers.

The second is to be able to occupy air supremacy, and it is all-weather and all-round occupation, and the drone formation is intelligently patrolling.

Just like trenches in the air, soldiers will have greater combat advantages if the trench defenses are placed in the air.

The third is that UAV combat has gamification attributes, so it can reduce the psychological burden of soldiers on the battlefield. Of course, UAV combat can also reduce casualties.

Next, Boss Gu left the podium after being asked about some issues and solutions.

His demeanor is calm, but inside he feels good about himself.

Why did he fly so far away to come here?

It’s not that certain departments in Rongcheng and Pudong have been obstructing the progress of the project. Although Jiuzhou Technology is half of its own people, they still have many biological sons and godsons.

The project of smart city is too big. From the infrastructure construction of public facilities to the installation of network communication devices, and then to the addition of people's livelihood service equipment, it is not something that can be played with hundreds of millions.

Not counting the whole city, just an administrative district, not counting technology investment, just manpower, material resources and equipment need tens of billions of advances, affecting tens of billions of assets is not just a joke.

So come here to sell the concept and seek the opinions of the big guys.

After all, the relationship between Anxi Province and Sichuan and Sichuan Provinces has always been very close. Now these people are all powerful people. When the time comes, just blow the wind and the project will progress much faster.

Seeing the thoughtful expressions of the bosses, Gu Qing felt quite comfortable.

But it didn't take long for the feeling to go away.

"If the operating platform is combined with artificial intelligence assistance and then involved in a large number of military staff, can it form a real-time tactical command and decision-making system in a short period of time?

But such an important matter, have you considered, as a private company, can Jiuzhou Technology allow it to do so on this land? "

Mr. Zheng's earnest words sounded the alarm in Gu Qing's heart.

Unlike the United States, everything can be privatized in Daxia. National defense and military-civilian cooperation are possible, but they are limited to ordinary equipment, once the level involved is high.

At worst, a company with a state-owned background needs to appear, and then the two parties will cooperate from this.

This project can be done in a certain area because that area is in the circle and is a "special existence" area.

Where is Rongcheng?

The two situations are fundamentally different.

"But in fact, Rongcheng also has this idea, but there are still concerns about data security, unless you can prove that your system is reliable."

What, reliable?

When the old man flicked, Gu Qing instantly felt that the clouds had cleared up.

The people from the emotional organization are waiting for this move.

Gu Qingnian nodded and said as if smashing garlic: "What you taught is that I have realized it, and I have realized it."

Mr. Zheng has a teachable demeanor, "If you have something to give, you can actually learn more from Xia Wei and Xia Xin."


A few reminders made the young Boss Gu deeply understand his own shortcomings.

Then at the end of the meeting, Boss Gu got on the plane back to Rongcheng after having a special barbecue in Anxi province.

After the meeting, some bigwigs sent people to him to find out the situation, but there were too many people.

And Mr. Zheng still had a meeting, so in order not to offend others, Boss Gu chose to run away from his heart.

Anyway, with the technology in hand, Kyushu Technology will not be appreciated by no one.

After safely arriving in Rongcheng, Gu Qing held a slightly lengthy meeting with the executives.

During the meeting, Mr. Gu brought up the issue of the implementation of the smart city, and asked the executives to discuss how to implement it as soon as possible.

During the meeting is also turbulent.

At the beginning, everyone was still discussing in terms of resource investment for technical implementation, but as a result, the discussion continued, and the slightly 404 topic did not know how to come out.

Of course not bribery! This is not in line with the core values ​​of socialism, but it is moved with emotion and understood with reason.

After all, if the public security environment in the jurisdiction is good, the business and working environment will improve, and political achievements will naturally follow.

And if the project of Jiuzhou Technology Company cannot be implemented, then for the development of the company, Jiuzhou Technology will choose other cities for cooperation.

The first-tier cities can't afford it, but the third- and fourth-tier cities can't do it?

Gu Qing watched these executives sing "Your side, I'm on stage, but they only thought about the external environment and didn't think about what the company should do, so I was deeply moved.

The authorities are confused by the onlookers, and this mistake will be made no matter how highly educated or how high the IQ is.

When executives and technical backbones have been talking for a while, most people feel that something is wrong.

Why doesn't your big boss say a word?

So the discussion gradually stopped.

Seeing that everyone stopped, Gu Qing smiled and shook his head.

"My ancestors said, 'If you want to take, you must first give'.

We hope to apply the core system of smart cities to real life, which actually involves a concept other than technology that we have never thought of.


A country has both financial sovereignty and data sovereignty.

Data sovereignty includes citizen information, road traffic data and all information recorded using data.

Smart cities are obviously inseparable from data sovereignty, so whether it is a first- and second-tier city or a third- and fourth-tier city, abruptly promoting the smart city system is a kind of "violation" of Daxia's sovereignty. Our company is a native Daxia company, otherwise we would have been investigated long ago. "

When Boss Gu said this, everyone was instantly speechless.

Yes, everyone has fallen into a blind spot of thinking.

No matter how good the technology is, there are some fields that private enterprises cannot get their hands on.

How does this work?

Boss Gu watched some executives scratch their heads and sighed.

"It is said that warm water boils frogs, have you forgotten one of the cores of smart cities, our Gonggong system?

Whether it is a mobile phone operating system or a computer operating system, the most important thing is to establish an ecology.

And what is ecology?

Various functional software such as taxis, phone calls, online payments, and entertainment hobbies that rely on mobile phone systems, do these software have the ability to collect user information innately?

If we rely on the Gonggong system and build a harmonious ecology based on the market of all smartphones in Daxia, will the implementation of smart cities be a matter of course? "

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