Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 273: Two Kings and Four Twos at the Opening

"What Mr. Gu said is absolutely true!"

The expressions of the senior executives were suddenly enlightened,

So how to roll out the system in Daxia?

Being closed like Pingguo is too monopolistic, and it must not work.

Gu Qing stretched out a finger.

"Gonggong system will open source part of the authority, and only charge 1% of the software profit on the system platform for management and optimization fees every year.

Relying on the Kyushu compiler, domestic programmers no longer need to deliberately learn the language and system architecture, and perform system conversion with zero burden.

Moreover, we can write in the contract that if there is a systemic problem, or the system is hacked, and the permissions are tampered with by users other than the partner.

Once we find out, we will compensate the partner one billion Xia Yuan.

If the problem cannot be solved within one natural month, five billion Xia Yuan will be directly compensated.

It even offered a reward, released a template of the Gonggong system, and gave global hackers, red hackers, and white hackers a chance to practice their skills. As long as the system is broken, the organization or individual will be rewarded with one billion Xia Yuan immediately! "

For free, Gu Qing would not think that these spooky domestic manufacturers would be willing to do it.

After all, there is a wise saying in Daxia that is deeply rooted in the hearts of all business people - free is the most expensive.

At this moment, the outside friends and businessmen are in round after round of meetings, and they don't know that a sweet trouble is about to hit their heads.

Of course, the most miserable are the programmers and engineers of various system application companies and mobile phone manufacturers.

Because of an announcement, the overtime work they just started may become useless work?

Of course, not all manufacturers are willing to accept the Gonggong system. After all, no matter how good the Gonggong system is, it is impossible for Kyushu Technology and domestic suppliers to provide them with "tasteful" mobile phone parts.

And now that consumers are frantically putting pressure on them, a lot of resources have been spent on new system projects, and sunk costs cannot be ignored.

This may be the party that sacrificed in the Warring States period.

Public opinion is coercing manufacturers.

Before using the Gonggong system and seeing the powerful functions of the Gonggong system, the smartphone users in Daxia have the most requirements for the mobile phone manufacturer's system, such as not to have big bugs, and not to have a black screen in seconds. Require.

The advent of the Gonggong system, combined with the powerful performance and recognizable styling of the Jiaolong series of mobile phones, immediately ignited consumers' desire to buy.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

Colleagues and friends have changed to Jiaolong. With the help of smart devices at home, many people clearly feel that they are living in two eras.

And those up masters and short video platform anchors also began to show "high-tech future life" after the supply stabilized.

The ecology of Kyushu Technology is more powerful and intelligent through the connection of the Gonggong system.

If it is a family with a smart housekeeper, then don't be too leisurely.

According to the user's physical condition, the system will contact experts for consultation, formulate nutritious and delicious recipes, and then place an order by itself, and the smart butler will cook, and locate the user's location in real time, so that the user just steps into the house, and the smart butler just puts the last dish on the table .

Clean up garbage, separate garbage, wash dishes? There is no need for users to do it themselves. All they need is to enjoy their leisure time after tea and dinner, relax and experience the massage-massage service of the smart housekeeper.

Moreover, the powerful data screening defense function of the Gonggong system will forcibly block or delete all spam calls, spam text messages, and pop-up advertisements.

Android is full of holes and has no privacy system, can you come and touch it?

Pingguo? Can the old-fashioned design and the ancestral leaflet thread compare to the Jiaolong mobile phone?

The market may fool everyone briefly with marketing hype, but the actual user experience is real.

If you take out Pingguo on the street, it will be said to be an arcade machine; if you take out Xiawei, it will be said to be an IQ opportunity; but if you take out the Jiaolong mobile phone, spread the display screen at your fingertips, and work calmly and calmly.

The damn charm of money will make those gossiping women cut their tongues into small pink tongues, and then: "Can this mobile phone be loaned in installments? How long will it take to increase the supply?"

And foreign trendsetters, smart phone enthusiasts, and local tyrants who like to chase high technology have once again seen what is the big summer of everyone's scalpers.

Everyone hates scalpers, but as long as they snatch Jiaolong's mobile phone, that person will instantly become a scalper.

The basic selling price of 30,000 yuan has now been sold to around 90,000 yuan on certain fish channels.

Those who have obtained the customization qualification will directly start at 100,000.

After all, Jiaolong E1 can not only customize the folding mode, but also can choose jewel inlaid diamond craft, laser printing pattern or text on the body shell.

Customized, exclusive, the most high-end technology...

After word of mouth fermented, foreigners all exclaimed OMG, buy it, buy it!

Even the spokesperson of Saudi Arabia proposed at the diplomatic conference whether it is possible to order a batch of Jiaolong mobile phones.

"The royal family and people who have made outstanding contributions to Saudi Arabia like this high-tech product of your country."

What is high technology?

When the news came out that day, it was quickly pushed to various hot search lists.

If Kyushu Technology and Suiren Company are listed companies, the stock price may rise again.

At the same time, certain forces were naturally outraged.

Saudi Arabia is getting more and more out of control, and now it still wants Daxia's mobile phone manufacturers to do their high-end market?

You don’t use Pinguo or Android, how can we monitor, cough, how can we cooperate?

The think tanks of the White House saw that there was something wrong with the gentleman's demeanor, so they rushed to find experts in related fields and Chinese from Daxiatong to "discuss major issues together."

"TSMC must immediately stop production orders from those companies!

To disassemble the parts of Jiaolong's mobile phone, as long as there are parts that we can intervene, we must intervene!

All EUV lithography machines of AS-ML continue to be impounded! "

The air in early spring is full of vitality in the cold wind.

The crisis is secretly accumulating, ready to erupt.

Of course, Xia Wei's Ren Zong has already made psychological expectations at this moment.

At the beginning, Xia Wei just wanted to cooperate with Kyushu Technology to produce products, so as to express to the western forces: If we continue to get stuck in our supply system, we, Xia Wei, can also directly get rid of your supply chain and still survive. Very well, this strategy of ending war with war.

But no one expected it.

Kyushu Technology not only actively participated in this battle, but also directly played a double-king four-two explosive nuclear bomb flow operation in the first confrontation.

How does this make teammates pick up?

How can the opponent fight?

How can there be such a game in the poker game?

Therefore, Mr. Ren spoke at the company's internal meeting, asking everyone to prepare for a protracted war.

No way, it was originally just a strategic deterrent, but in the end, a stunned man came up and played an operation that was enough to make the opponent flip the table.

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