Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 290 Users who vote with their feet

From the Internet era brought by electronic computers to the mobile Internet era brought by smart phones.

The number of users has become traffic, and user data has changed from garbage to money.

Due to various reasons, Baidu and other established portal websites and search engines are experiencing an unstoppable decline in traffic.

Among them, mobile communication devices, that is, smart phone APPs, are the new entrances for these lost traffic.

Moreover, a lot of things such as user data leakage in recent years have caused the trust of Baidu and other Internet software in the market to plummet. Trapped in a cage of information.

This cage is also called the information cocoon room, which is a phenomenon in which the information field that people focus on is habitually guided by their own interests, thus confining their lives in a "cocoon room" like a silkworm cocoon.

Short video apps such as Douyin will perform targeted video delivery according to user preferences and tag attributes, so that users do not need their own thinking space and become slaves to data.

The information push of all social platforms of Kyushu Technology is controlled by the logic program written by Xuanwu. It will give users a certain amount of new data experience. Although it will reduce the immersion, it can improve the freshness and expectation of users.

The search data is divided into two dimensions.

In the normal use of ordinary users, all search content is authorized information in cooperation with relevant departments, and information that is publicly available for major search engines.

However, when highly personalized and professional users log in, their search content is more accurate on industry-related points, so that too many "headline parties" will not appear in front of users.

These settings are actually "normal people's ideas", but in today's network environment, normal behaviors are particularly abnormal.

Listed companies such as Baidu need good-looking financial reports, and they cannot do without a large number of advertisers' banknotes. If they rely too much on advertising, things like Putian Hospital will appear.

If Baidu learns the attitude of Kyushu Technology, then it needs to cut off most of the advertising revenue, then streamline the staff, rewrite the engine logic program, and sort out the massive garbage data in the Baidu database...

And these operations are all a way out for Baidu's half-life, so Baidu can only watch Kyushu Technology divide the traffic market again.

Of course, the search engine of Kyushu Technology also has many limitations, such as the restrictions on the external network and the strictness of the advertising traffic after the database is streamlined, so the monetization ability is not strong.

so what?

Yunzhong Jiulong Big Data Industry Development Co., Ltd. has a father who is willing to lose money and is very happy to see this situation of losing money.

Including the cooperation with many relevant domestic data departments, it is also led by the military, which is why the contract can be signed so vigorously.

Internet bosses see traffic and money, while military think tank leaders see citizens' data sovereignty and public opinion guidance.

Advertisements selling fake medicines and unscrupulous hospitals can be placed majestically on the largest search engine in the Great Xia Kingdom for a long time, that is a mistake at all!

Of course, due to the different departments, the military think tank bosses could not end directly.

The setting of think tanks has actually existed for a long time, and it is not a fiction.

After the founding of Daxia, the policy research service institutions that emerged along with the rapid development of social modernization and democratization have further enhanced their role in promoting scientific and democratized policy decision-making.

In the new century, favorable conditions for the construction and development of think tanks have been created from the perspective of national policies and social environment, and Daxia Think Tank has entered a period of opportunity for strategic development.

And for this reason, the relevant departments also issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of New Type Think Tanks with Great Xia Characteristics" to carry out pilot projects for the construction of high-end think tanks, and then more than 30 think tank institutions entered the first batch of pilot units for the construction of national high-end think tanks.

But it is also because of the military's large-scale intervention that it has also led to the almost stagnant development of Kyushu Search abroad.

You can't have your cake and eat it too, but Boss Gu accepted the situation calmly.

After all, even if the military does not intervene, Kyushu Search, as a search engine of a big summer company, will definitely meet the joint boycott of Google and its younger brother and the violent bombing of legal affairs as long as it dares to expand overseas.

The right to speak in the world is determined by many factors, but as long as you have the strongest hegemony, you can really do whatever you want during the period when the hegemony is exercised.

The domestic public opinion platforms in Daxia are undergoing a new reshuffle, and Google is also paying attention to this.

Page would ask his assistant to bring him the latest news about Kyushu Technology almost every morning and afternoon.

On his desk are the resumes and public and some unpublished files of Gu Qing, Dong Qi and others.

Page is a very smart Jew. When he studies business affairs, he often starts his research from the most basic leading characters, and explores the changes and decisions made by characters in different situations.

This is very helpful for those who have experienced elite education since childhood.

But when he got the information of Gu Qing, Dong Qi and others, he was really a little unpredictable.

First of all, during childhood and adolescence, the resumes of the executives of Kyushu Technology and the comments given by others were too "cookie-cutter" or one-sided.

"Cheerful, enthusiastic and lively, always actively participates in various activities of the class, has a good team spirit, and gets along well with classmates. Can speak out about bad things, and works hard in professional studies..."

"Being good at communicating with people, so he is loved by the majority of teachers and students, and has good organizational skills..."

After reading a few copies, he can even recite some high-frequency vocabulary.

And the comments of the university counselors are all praises or affirmative comments in the same way. The substantive contributions and scientific research achievements made by Gu Qing and others during their school days are almost spring and autumn, without mentioning a word.

"Damn it, could it be that these people were struck by lightning and then became elite geniuses?"

The distressed Page seems to have forgotten what is called the characteristics of Daxia.

In Daxia ordinary school, a class teacher basically has to manage the life and study of about 50 students, and also serves as the subject teacher of other classes. It is impossible to be meticulous enough to write accurate comments for each student.

The number of students that the university counselors deal with is even greater. In addition, Gu Qing, Dong Qi and others were basically invisible people in college, and there is only one Huang Chaoren in dormitory 404 who is an active member and organizes and participates in all activities.

A wise man is bound to make a mistake if he thinks about it, and he is as smart as the founder of Google Page, all of which are set aside by Daxia's special education situation.

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