Although he is confident that there is no technical problem, the young Boss Gu still chooses to ventilate the close faction first in the first step.

Especially Zhang Yuanfeng, since this middle-aged man came to Kyushu Technology, his family has received "intimate" arrangements.

There are congratulatory gifts on New Years and holidays. The health of the immediate family members and elders is not very good. Taoyao supplies them on time every week. Even Zhang Tianhao, the head of the Titanium Star Department, joked in private that the recuperation of the Titanium Star bionic mechanical prosthesis The park has pre-registered places for the elderly, and they can live in them at any time.

Although Zhang Yuanfeng declined politely, his heart was still warm.

The sanatorium park for bionic mechanical prosthetics of Titanium Star is a separate area opened up in the Park of Titanium Star. People inside can go for a walk in the Park of Titanium Star at any time, but people outside cannot enter.

It has top-notch medical equipment, a 24-hour on-duty medical system, and a medical system that can carry out rescue within 5 minutes. Not only is it supplied by Taoyao, but it is said that there are also some very secret benefits.

Now most of the people recuperating in this sanatorium are elderly people over the age of eighty-five.

The identities of these elderly people are also different. Among them are local tyrants who pay tens of millions of annual fees, and there are also revolutionary veterans who live in for free, but they are all people of clean background and good conduct.

Moreover, what he learned was that most of these old men and grandma's chronic diseases have been greatly improved after staying in this park. A while ago, there was a local tyrant who had completely recovered and wanted to spend another 100 million to stay for another year, but Zhang Tianhao To the "very heartbroken" said the rejection.

From his family to the reality of life, Gu Qing deeply knows that in order for a horse to run, he must not only feed the horse, but also make it live well.

Therefore, Kyushu Technology has much better benefits than other companies from the executives to the employees. Even the five insurances and one housing fund for all employees have been upgraded to at least six insurances and one housing housing fund for regular workers.

The establishment of Kyushu Technology is too short, and the cultivation of corporate culture and the quality of the management team are still too immature. We can only feed the cake first, and then talk about the spirit.

Although the company has recently begun to withdraw its fists and exercise its internal strength, it has not made any big news, but in the eyes of the public, this is a company that needs to be encouraged.

Yes, it is to encourage a private enterprise.

Although Jiaolong phones are hard to come by, the Gonggong system is easy to get.

With the popularization of Gonggong system, consumers are increasingly experiencing what is a simple, intelligent and efficient mobile Internet life.

The linkage of home appliances and electronic devices, just a mobile phone can realize the collaborative modification of a file on multiple terminals.

Open the security center in the system settings, and you can clearly see what software and pages want to transmit information, and how many spam messages and intrusions have been blocked by the system.

There are no overwhelming advertising harassment in life, and the time is increased all of a sudden, and it saves time when facing high-quality information push.

Playing games, stuttering is finally no longer a metaphysical problem.

If the signal channel is not good, the signal is not good. If the CPU of the mobile phone is too rubbish, it is too spicy.

Not to mention those settings that seemed secret, but not secret at all.

Many young people have finally learned that the incognito mode of the browser is not an incognito network, but that the data in the browser is not visible to you.

With privacy protection turned on, all data is encrypted, the browser can no longer "guess" the push news that it has learned, and other input methods other than the system input method cannot remember its secret information.

Even if it is the location of the taxi software, it is just a few meters or even tens of meters away from where you are, and then update the exact location when the driver is about to arrive at the location.

The only downside is that the Gonggong system does not support GPRS positioning. The first sequence of applications is the Beidou positioning service. If GPRS positioning is required, the user must actively set it up.

Whether the shoes fit or not, only the feet know.

The "smart push service" of those software manufacturers and mobile phone manufacturers was beaten to the ground in front of Kyushu Technology's push service.

The former is like a bandit, users can’t use the function if they don’t accept it, the latter is like an old man who has been in the world of mortals for decades, with deep eyes to understand the real needs of users, and never sells redundant things.

After experiencing this kind of truly comfortable mobile Internet environment, I naturally have a good impression of Kyushu Technology, and even trust it.

Moreover, the Gonggong system is not any software, nor is it a separate mobile phone, but a smart phone system!

Xiawei's Hongmeng system currently cannot support all of its own mobile phones, but the Gonggong system can support all mobile phones with above-standard performance in the world.

In a broad sense, there are now two global mobile phone operating systems in the United States and two in Daxia.

And it is also very interesting from the perspective of system application. Xiawei and Pingguo both focus on the adaptation of their own products and systems, while Kyushu Technology and Google are large and extensive authorized applications.

Of course, there are many differences in subdivision.

The Gonggong system is a high-strength and intelligent system that actively adapts to the hardware of major mobile phone manufacturers, while Google's Android is the major mobile phone manufacturers themselves to optimize the system for hardware.

The former naturally allows enterprises to invest less resources in the system and increase profits.

So now there are voices in Rice Company to reduce the expenses of the MIUI department. After all, this MIUI has been in development for so many years, and it is still built on the basis of other people's Android. There are a lot of bugs every year, which affects the user experience too much.

However, Mr. Lei resisted this wave of pressure and said that he would wait and see for another year.

After all, the Android system is needed to protect rice in foreign markets.

Of course, if the Gonggong system also takes up a lot of market share in foreign markets in the future, it will not be certain where the MIUI system will go.

This is why there is such a "little annoyance" now that there is a choice.

In the arena of the operating system, after so many years of fighting so many companies, I thought that Android and Pingguo would divide the world and monopolize the market.

But Kyushu Technology has done it, not only has a domestic market, but also can go out to eat meat.

And as Pingguo was cheated this time, Android was backstabbed, domestic mobile phone manufacturers went overseas, and many economic news reports came out. Some keen people discovered that Daxia’s mobile phone exports this year still have profits earned by the semiconductor industry. Forex has lifted another index.

It is foreseeable that the manufacturers' financial reports will be very good, and the stocks and funds of related companies have begun to rise.

The Christian stockholders who had been "locked up" by smashing into it before found out that they had finally hit the treasure. It was a joy, and then continued to double backhand.

PS: It's cold, windy and rainy. Fortunately, I'm self-isolating, otherwise it would be hard to go out in this weather.

Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, good night~

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