Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 73 Boss Gu's painting style is unique

"It's really well written!"

Sitting in the office, Gu Qing couldn't help but applaud.

This is how the pen should be used. First stir up the water, and then someone swipes the pen, standing on the commanding heights of morality, waving the banner, and the navy takes the lead in charging. Afterwards, the "simple" consumers respond with the simplest emotions.

Some of them will definitely have doubts, what exactly does this Kyushu technology company do, is it really a counterfeit product?

Then a small number of people will search independently, but most people will be skeptical, take the content that the author of the article wants to output as the real content, and leave an impression.

If a related situation is encountered, the memory of this impression will be immediately extracted by the brain and applied.

In the Internet age, with the uneven quantity and quality of users and the erosion of the entertainment industry, there will only be a small number of people who can think independently.

Of course, the Big Brother users who have participated in the Daxia Intelligent Robot Industry Expo are basically these small number of people.

They have seen the market, and are willing to go out to participate in activities in order to understand the latest developments in the industry, and to understand the industry ecology and emerging brands.

However, in front of the organized navy, the voice of reason was quickly drowned out by the torrential flood like a wave.

If the reply to the explanation gets a lot of likes, then delete the post, ban it, block it, and report a set of dragon services.

Thanks to the "smart" ban system, basically all public platform users will enter the black room for a few days without reason as long as they are reported enough times.

And the strategy of the rice water army is very comprehensive. Some people throw dirty water, and some people will play good people.

"Buying Kyushu products is patriotic!"

"You dog lickers, if you don't support domestic production, what do you support?"

"Although Titan Star sells a dishwasher for 20,000 yuan and a robot vacuum for 10,000 yuan, they have mastered the core technology!"

Below these remarks, there is often a classic reply: "War Wolf."

"I use Xiawei's mobile phone, and the Titan Star robot at home sweeps the floor and plays domestic games. I am a war wolf!"

Overtly praise and secretly criticize, and if there are too many eccentric replies, the public opinion will naturally be skewed again.

Ordinary tourists see this kind of reply too much, and they will inevitably feel disgusted with these brands in their hearts.

If there are more people who hate it, the sales volume on the platform will naturally decrease.

Although the current sales data chart is not a direct cliff dive, it is also going down step by step, and there are some unstoppable trends.

"Okay! Just do it!"

Zhang Lu was very happy in the office. According to the document in his hand, the sales volume of small rice appliances had increased significantly, while the sales volume of his new rival was like a drop.

"Just do this for a month, and Kyushu Technology's reputation will be ruined."

"Then, I would like to congratulate Director Zhang." Wang Yan winked at the side.

But at this moment, Gu Qing, the unscrupulous boss of the "cottage product", shook his head and smiled wryly.

"I didn't want to cause trouble so quickly. Let's grow up in harmony. Is it okay to make trouble next year when I get the number of users and reputation out?

Why do you want to mess with my mentality and not let me make money? "

It should be noted that money is something outside the body, whoever steals his money must be prepared to be beaten back bloody.

Especially when the robber's own identity is very dirty.

Senior executives such as Dong Qi and Luo Songtang sitting in the office heard what their boss said, but did not interrupt.

With the hot sales of the product and a series of cooperation negotiations with Harbin Engineering, Gu Qing, a young man, has gradually become quite dignified in their eyes.

"All kinds of brainless gangsters in the water army, and the manipulation of public opinion on these platforms, our company's previous flooding army should not come out, all of them should be safe, and honestly do customer service. In this regard, Huang Chaoren, you have to keep an eye on them. lock them up."

Since you want to fight foreign enemies, your own defense should be higher, so be careful.

"Regarding the company's factory, Director Luo, please make a relevant statement today, and then introduce the specific situation, as well as our investment and R\u0026D team in recent months, and remember to include people from Harbin Industry.

In the evening, I will hold a meeting to communicate with the management below, make products well, ensure the quality, and take care of the employees' emotions. Recently, the sales volume has dropped a bit, and it is just time to stock up. The warehouse department stores half of the excess production, and the rest is stored in Taobei. The regional warehouses provided by these shopping platforms of Jindong.

Being disturbed by this kind of public opinion is like a spring being squeezed. When the public opinion is clean and consumers' guilt and fame spread, sales will naturally increase in revenge. "

Gu Qing came up with countermeasures, and Huang Chaoren and the others, who were still a little impetuous, relaxed a lot.

Starting a company is like leading an army at a time like this.

The general has a well-thought-out plan and has a way to deal with it, so the young soldiers and generals below will naturally feel much more at ease.

But this wave of rice with shrimps and pig hearts is out-and-out Sanlu.

Don't compare the final quality and technology of the product with you, but "wear a hat" and discredit it.

For such situations, only the iron fist of justice is the most useful.

Fortunately, [Xuanwu] is already a sensible AI, who can look up information and write documents by himself.

So when Boss Gu drank a cup of wolfberry tea, a few reports were written.

From the composition of Rice's shares, to the evidence of inviting the navy, as well as malicious competition and smearing of friends and businessmen, they are all clearly written.

Then these few letters are ready to be cast, as for how to vote...

Daxia officials actually have many channels for complaints, including but not limited to the "Network Information Office", complaints on the websites of relevant departments...

Among them, if the complaints and reports are genuine, they will be retained by the system and distributed to relevant units. The first processing time is within one week, that is, for the report, the reporter must reply within one week. How it was handled, or where did the process go.

If the whistleblower is strong enough to keep saying that he has not dealt with it, and this is indeed the case, then the report letter will eventually be delivered to the central government.

It's just that there are some small problems. The person who dealt with it in the first round was dealt with coldly and threatened. Because it involves specific handling, he can grasp the basic information of the complainant, so there will be room for manipulation.

In fact, from a realistic point of view, Gu Qing did not have too many expectations for these reports, but he did have confidence in Harbin Engineering Group.

"Old Zhuang, do you know that someone is discrediting our company recently?"

"Which one is overeating and messing with your company?" The genuine professor Zhuang spoke with a beautiful tone.

"I'll send you a few report letters I wrote, and you'll know after reading it."

"Report letter? Kid, who are you?" Zhuang Youwei, as an old man in Northeast China, was a little stunned when he heard the report letter.

This kid has a really cool painting style...

PS: good night

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