"Mr. Zhuang, you have also seen that this rice company is really relying on its own status to forcibly oppress our company. I have no choice but to choose to complain."

Gu Qing's tone on the phone was indifferent and a little bit sad, and of course he even called him Mr. Zhuang.

Zhuang Youwei briefly glanced at the content, sighed and said, "This is an internal problem of Rice Company, right? From the information you found, it was Zhang Lu from the home appliance department who asked the navy to discredit you and communicate with their executives. Have you been?"

"The contact person of their group and our company, that Zhang De, has been plastering the cement, talking about him, I can't do anything about it, so I will complain to you about this, and I will report and complain about it tomorrow. Pass the file up.

If the officials in Rongcheng don't care, then I will go to the higher-ups, there must be a place for reasoning in this world. "

There is even some "innocence" in Boss Gu's words.

Zhuang Youwei's old face froze. Although he started as a scientific researcher, he is also one of the top executives in Harbin Engineering Group. Naturally, he has seen intrigues in shopping malls.

As far as the rice company invited the navy this time, it is really not a big deal, because this matter is usually resolved in private, or ignored. Do you still cooperate? How should partners in the supply chain stand in line?

Moreover, the official end of Daxia will often bring pressure to the industry, which will easily hurt innocent people and cause troubles.

This Gu Qing doesn't look like a stingy character, so what does he want to do?

After thinking for a while, Zhuang Youwei asked: "Then you show me these things just to complain?"

Of course, it sounds like the implication is that there is some meaning to help.

Gu Qing replied: "We have started to cooperate anyway, and the money has been transferred to our company's account. Are you always afraid of losing money? It doesn't matter that the sales of products have declined, but the brand has been stained, and even my reputation has been tarnished. Get dirty and that's a big deal!

In my life, Gu Qing, if I don’t steam steamed buns, I have to fight for my breath!

I also want to communicate with you, can Harbin Industrial Group help out, I heard that you have a lot of factories in the Northeast, are there any vacancies, if I can't get along in Sichuan, I will come to you Hard work. "

"Okay, okay, I'll ask someone to help you find out what's going on, you're also the boss of a big company, don't act like a thorn."

When Gu Qing on the other end of the phone heard this, he went down the slope to thank him, and Zhuang Youwei hung up the phone.

Yanjing Colorful City, the headquarters of Rice Company.

Lei Jun, who had just returned to Yanjing from Shenzhen, was sitting on an office chair, exhausted but in good spirits.

On November 5th, the first flagship store of Rice Home opened in Shenzhen, which marked that Rice will start a new retail road. Rice is no longer just a mobile phone manufacturer, and Rice Mall has now become a top e-commerce platform. It also hatched Mijia Youpin, and today's rice creation ecology is gradually showing its pattern.

During this period of time, Lei Jun has been running back and forth, opening up relationships, and personally contacting major suppliers, just so that the House of Rice can take the first step steadily.

Looking at it now, this step has been successfully taken.

Since deciding to launch the IPO in the first half of 2018, he and other executives have been working hard to optimize the supply chain.

Instead of Zhou Ping, he took up the supply chain himself, went to Korea to visit Han Xing, and invited Zhang Feng, the founder of Zimi Technology, a rice ecological chain enterprise who had worked for IAC, to be in charge of the rice supply chain system. The chain problem was gradually solved.

In order to make more than a single profit-making project, since last year, Lei Jun has joined forces with other executives to develop offline channels, overseas markets, etc. Finally, in 2016, Rice finally achieved a positive profit - a profit of 491.6 million yuan.

And the good progress of several major projects recently, coupled with the excellent performance of Mi 6 this year and the good response of MIX 2 in the mid-to-high-end market.

Although busy and exhausting, a bright future is getting closer.

However, a phone call just now made him feel that the cleaning up of the middle management was still not clean.

As for the company's own problems, he actually knows that the middle management is chaotic and employee benefits are gradually decreasing, but this matter is like scraping the bones to remove poison, which is too troublesome.

At the end of 2016, his co-founder executives cleared out a group of managers. If they cleared out another group at this time, it would inevitably destroy the company's internal stability, and some of the company's internal executives' connections stabilized the supply chain, so this matter is true. It's tricky.

Boom boom boom.

There was a knock on the door.

Lei Jun nodded, and then the secretary went to open the office door.

Zhang Lu walked into the big boss's office calmly.

The first thing you see when you enter the door is the sofa coffee table, and the desk is on the right.

The layout of the office is very simple, it can be said that it is in the style of a pragmatic man of science and technology.

"Boss Lei."

Zhang Lu didn't dare to look carefully at all, his expression was extremely humble.

"Manager Zhang, is this your first time in my office?"

"Well, I just took over from Manager Liu, thank you for the company's trust in me."

Lei Jun rubbed his temples, observing the seemingly humble manager in front of him.

"I used to hope that Rice was a small company, because I had a headache when I saw a big company. When I was in Jinshan, I turned a small company into a big company. The management was very strict, with various levels, KPIs, summaries, reports, and plans.

After I retired a few years later, when I started the company again, I felt that such things were boring. So I set up a company that doesn't brainwash, hold meetings, have no KPIs, and doesn't need to clock in.

But I let go of the supervision and give you a stage to display your talents, not for you to be your own partners behind my back. "

At the end of the sentence, Lei Jun's voice became colder and colder.

Zhang Lu was awakened by the last sentence, and he didn't know that his little tricks in private had been exposed.

He suppressed his inner emotions, took a deep breath and said, "Boss Lei, if I don't do this, our investment in those two projects will be for nothing."

"Then why didn't you report it?"

Hearing Lei Jun's question, Zhang Lu's mind raced with thoughts.

He vented his actions this time to the executives who came last time.

And Boss Lei didn't know? !

So at this moment, should he speak out?

Would it do any good to speak out? Or how bad would it be...

When adults encounter problems about themselves, their first reaction is often from the perspective of benefit considerations.

Zhang Lu even speculated in his heart that his big boss might have known what he was doing long ago, but he didn't say anything. If something went wrong and kicked him out, he could save both face and heart.

If nothing goes wrong, everyone is happy.

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