"After testing, once the artificial intelligence AI physical products of this series of projects solve the cost, confidentiality, and legal issues, and then promote them to the society normally, they will inevitably lead to drastic changes in the social structure, and will directly and simply destroy normal universal moral standards value.

It is true that artificial intelligence technology has actually become a participant in social work and interpersonal communication. They have a powerful advantage over anyone in a specific field, which has affected human work in this field, even in the foreseeable future. In the future, all jobs in this field will be taken over by artificial intelligence.

The intelligent AI technology of this project is already capable of superficial processing work for ordinary humans. Once it is released, these jobs will inevitably be changed because of this artificial intelligence technology. This will be a terrible technology involving hundreds of millions of people around the world, and we must be cautious.

My suggestion is to archive. "

"Based on the progress of the current technology research and development, the smart AI companion will be mass-produced within 30 years, relying on the strong sales channels of Kyushu Technology, within 10 years of product release, there will be more than 100 million smart devices in the world. AI companion robot.

Each user can customize their appearance and personality according to their own preferences and needs. It will not betray or ignore the user, and will obey every instruction of the user. Of course, it can be set from the program that it is not allowed to engage in illegal activities, but many Gray areas are still difficult to define, such as AI replacing human work.

And under such circumstances, the fertility of natural humans will be reduced to an extremely terrible level, and even lead to the direct extinction of this part of humans that reproduced naturally.

Human beings are animals with advantages and disadvantages, but intelligent AI robots can not have most of the disadvantages, and have many advantages that humans cannot have. They are born in the middle and high-level courtship position, which is an extinct for middle-level and bottom-level personnel strike..."

"In the course of the experiment, AI technology is like a terrible social weapon, once it is put into the market, it will inevitably lead to chaos for civilian use and military use.

From the large-scale social experiment in the United States, we can see that Internet public opinion platforms can affect the political orientation of users in various countries, and even directly affect the general election of a country. While intelligent AI robots have entered thousands of households, they have also entered the hearts of millions of people.

Intelligent AI can easily understand the user's psychological characteristics, know the user's behavior habits, and even control the user's assets and positioning under the authority.

Obviously, whoever controls these intelligent AIs in the future will control every move of these users, and can even easily manipulate a huge organization, or even a Guo Jia.

Extremely dangerous technology. "

"Pangu, Nuwa, God, after I participated in this special project, I felt terrible and even horrified.

Thousands of years of history clearly tell us that we cannot be creators, nor should we be creators. Once we can control the fate of another group, terrible things will inevitably happen.

Artificial embryo breeding can be promoted by drawing materials from the mirror library and chaos library. Once human beings solve the problem of reproduction, and at the same time solve their emotional needs and physical needs, the terrible dark future will come when the technology gets out of control. "

"Although it seems that the project's artificial intelligence technology is still difficult to break through the test, it already has a lot of interactive capabilities. If the intelligent AI technology advances a few more stages, it will inevitably usher in earth-shaking changes."

"10231113ZNA Document No. 93 shows that intelligent AI has an obvious tendency to learn, and it must be restricted by special program locks."

"10231123ZNA No. 52 document, in the case of receiving too much negative emotion and failing to clear it in time, the intelligent AI emotional module will fluctuate significantly, and even cause the risk of the program getting out of control."

Obviously, these old academicians and doctoral supervisors did not choose to accept the invitation to join this special project team because of some superficial ideas.

Each of them is paying close attention to and participating in various test experiments of this project. Some have written project summaries of thousands of words, while others are digging deep into the special circumstances of each experimental project and giving real s solution.

The scientific research and exploration of future technology makes them unable to control themselves to not care and do nothing, but the consideration of society, peace, and ordinary people has always been in their hearts.

Fortunately, Zhang Gouxun is in charge of this project to collect resources. When inviting experts from various parties, the list review and so on have been reviewed multiple times in accordance with the usual practice. Therefore, the official does not know that Kyushu Technology is currently working on the project of intelligent AI robots. How much progress has been made.

If we let the official people participate in today's meeting, see those "products", and hear Li Song's speech...

Gu Qing closed his eyes and sighed deeply.


This sigh directly made everyone in the conference room dare not do other actions. The members of the project team, such as Li Song and Hua Xu, who were still in high spirits, felt a chill in their hearts for an instant, feeling bad.

This was the first time Mr. Gu had such an expression and sighed at a certain project team meeting.

Chu Ci, who was still speaking just now, nodded with a very solemn expression.

He knew that Mr. Gu should have similar considerations as himself.

I don't know how long it took before Gu Qing's voice sounded again in the meeting room.

"After the successful research and development of intelligent AI technology and robot projects, I thought that someone would combine these high-tech technologies to develop intelligent AI robots.

We have also made related attempts in the past. I don’t know if you still remember that our company has released a smart AI housekeeper robot for a while, but only sold hundreds of sets? "

Without waiting for others to comment, Gu Qing continued: "Although this robot is not in human form, it already has many functions that surpass human beings.

It is 100% loyal to employer users. It can cook, wash and wash dishes, chat with users, massage and massage for users, and even provide first aid diagnosis and treatment for users under special circumstances.

Once launched, the intelligent AI housekeeper robot has been auctioned off by the top rich, the world's top laboratories, and the most advanced robot companies.

Although it has not affected the practitioners of the butler profession, after a limited number of normal users have obtained this product, the smart AI housekeeper robot has indeed become a real member of those users in their homes, even in some Guojia households. , and the rich think that their intelligent AI butler robot should also have the same voting rights and the right to be elected as them. "

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