The right to vote, or the right to vote and to be elected, is one of the basic political rights of citizens.

After Gu Qing uttered these words, the meeting room, which was originally somewhat dignified, fell into dead silence.

Obviously, Mr. Gu is not optimistic about the long-term vision that Li Song and others have drawn for this project. It can even be said that it is not that he is not optimistic, but that he is very worried and opposed.

Can robots really become "citizens"?

Totally impossible!

Those who support the idea that robots become "citizens" are, in a sense, "human women", who betray the human group and compete for the interests of the human group for other groups of people.

But there are still many high-level technical leaders who are thinking hard.

According to the current development direction of artificial intelligence technology, there will definitely be robots with a high degree of anthropomorphism in the future. If our company does not do it, will we blame others in the future?

Isn't that a different kind of Uncle Sam?

Moreover, our company is not like Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam does not have the technology and energy to do it now, but our company has the technology and the resources to do it.

Sitting at the top of the conference room, Gu Qing looked around, and all the scientific research geniuses were scratching their heads about the future prospects of intelligent AI technology. And the part of the middle and high-level people with high emotional intelligence is also not very good-looking.

Obviously, everyone has become anxious.

"If the content of today's meeting is announced, I think many people in the public may think that we are worrying unfoundedly, but we will show these experimental products, go to variety shows and fall in love with ordinary people, go to play chess, and participate in sports. Competition, with the powerful performance of these products, they will only be the first, not the second.

The more projects you participate in and the closer you are to the general public's career, the more anxiety you will have.

The smarter it is, the more terrifying it is.

I can even think that at the 1025 Daxia Smart Manufacturing Conference, these robots of our company will definitely win countless certificates and titles for our company.

But can we really put these products out there? Can society accept this leapfrog technological advancement?

Since you can enter today's meeting and understand the products of these projects, you can naturally guess it. I am personally full of worries about this aspect.

So today is also a brainstorming within the company, how to use artificial intelligence AI technology? What is your opinion on the development of intelligent robots? Exploring the relationship and impact of scientific and technological progress and the development of human society, etc. are all available.

No word count is required, nor is it required to give clear opinions, but it must be well thought out or implementable.

The deadline is just before the end of the lunar calendar this year. "


Many executives who were still thinking about it suddenly became stunned.

Do you need to write "feelings" after participating in the project meeting? How many years have I and others graduated from university!

On the contrary, many master and doctoral students have accepted this "assignment" very naturally.

Moreover, the research topics on artificial intelligence (AI) technology and intelligent robots have always been golden hot topics in the past ten years. Many people in the conference room had the experience of writing similar research reports when they were students.

The field of artificial intelligence AI technology research is very extensive.

To make artificial intelligence AI smart enough, it is necessary to start from the most basic "substantial brain" of the hardware server, as well as the logic algorithm of artificial intelligence AI, such as the LSTM sequence learning that Gu Qing has been working on before he came up with Xuanwu. Algorithms such as product neural network and deep learning.

In addition to these basic ends, there are also application ends, such as computer vision, speech recognition and interpretation engineering, natural language processing, enhanced learning, statistical capabilities and analytical capabilities of big data analysis, which are all areas where intelligent AI is good at.

The greater the simultaneous progress in these two directions, the more powerful specific technologies such as speech recognition and translation, image recognition and processing, intelligent management of urban traffic, and intelligent diagnosis and treatment will become.

After receiving the "homework after class", Gu Qing also made a brief evaluation of the intelligent AI robot project in charge of Zhang Gouxun and the virtual girlfriend project in charge of Li Song.

"Research and development of scientific research technology is hard power, and integrating scientific research technology and commercializing it is also a skill. There is nothing wrong with developing technology, and there is nothing wrong with integrating technology to contribute to the company and human society.

But as creators, we should not just think about the beauty of creation, but ignore the harm caused by creation.

We are human, and as human beings, we will make wrong decisions. Companies have always controlled the direction of technological development, and I think so too.

But when I read the research report articles of the two of you, I also understand that technological leaps cannot really be suppressed to the point of no progress.

Whether it's your "Research Report on Special Alloy Equipment Substituting Biological Internal Organs and Affecting Endocrine Hormones, etc.", Director Zhang, or your "Research Report on Virtual Girlfriend and Artificial Intelligence Technology Stimulating Biological Reproduction", Director Li, let me read them all. It's time for everyone to explore in this area.

Therefore, the application of technology in this area can continue to be promoted, but the technical information and related confidentiality rules must be further optimized and strengthened.

The outside world can know that we are conducting research in this area, but they cannot know the direction and progress of our research. This is one of my requirements.

In addition, there is that I want to give you a suggestion, of course it is just a personal suggestion. "


Many of Zhang Gouxun, Li Song, and the project staff behind them swallowed unconsciously, and their hearts were finally relieved a few centimeters.

It's good to have suggestions, they are really afraid that their boss Gu will be displeased, so they will cut off the project. At that time, although I and others will be transferred to other projects and will not lose their jobs, but wasting so much energy and suddenly going to other projects is definitely a solution that everyone does not want to accept.

"Mr. Gu, you are right, we will keep it secret while continuing to conduct scientific research.

Your suggestion. We will definitely study it carefully. "

Even if he was very optimistic about the project, Zhang Gouxun didn't dare to talk back.

Seeing how this group of people treated them with such seriousness, Gu Qing did not tease him, but said with a slightly expectant tone: "The future of our company must be the stars, the ocean, and the universe, so in the lonely travel universe, there is an emotional solution. seen.

But you don’t need to determine the direction of the model and intelligent AI logic on the human form, we can develop intelligent robots with various shapes and functions.

They don't need to be really human-like, nor do they need to have powerful performance, they just need to perform well enough in specific projects. "

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