"Do professional work first, and then do miscellaneous work. You can try to think about my suggestion."

Originally, Zhang Gouxun's eyes were very serious and "loyal", and only his heart knew his intentions.

It's just that after hearing Gu Qing's suggestion, the feeling of clearing away the clouds and mist directly made his eyes shine, and he couldn't help but respond: "Mr. Gu, you are right! We were limited before, honestly thinking about it. What kind of human-like intelligent robot, isn't this setting up a set for yourself?

Multi-form, multi-field, and multi-category of AI logic can not only avoid the drastic changes brought about by the short-term launch, but also promote each project more steadily. When these technologies are advanced enough in the future, we will carry out more High-level R\u0026D is bound to be easier!

Mr. Gu, I don't know what to say about your suggestion, so I'll discuss it with them. "

Zhang Gouxun led Li Song and others to communicate with Gu Qing for a while, then hurried to another meeting room.

And those "students" who were invited to participate in the product display of this project also left the conference room in twos and threes after the meeting was dismissed with the sound of "Teacher Gu".

They have their own work to complete, and there is still a year to submit the manuscript, "there is no rush at all."

Under the leadership of Gu Qing, Kyushu Technology is not only sorting out the project prospects, but also promoting changes and resource adjustments for many projects. Today's meeting is not an isolated case, but this is the first time that someone Gu Such a large-scale regulation of "after-school homework" also made everyone pay more attention to this project.

And the doctoral supervisors and academicians in the project from the outside world also quickly learned about the content of the meeting.

For Gu Qing's views, many seniors expressed their understanding and support. At the same time, many of them have expanded the enrollment of majors in the two major directions of AI and robotics projects when they start projects and recruit students.

The senior officials of universities are also willing to explore such high-end projects, especially in the words of these "old antiques" and "big bosses", knowing that Kyushu Technology is vigorously promoting these two big projects, and their own students will definitely not be bad in the future. When relevant positions are offered.

The students who were struggling for the 1024 and 1025 postgraduate and doctoral exams suddenly saw all kinds of good news about these two big projects and related small projects in their respective circles of friends.

Students majoring in engineering and computer science in Daxia once again felt the arrival of new opportunities.

And those students who are still studying in Kyushu semiconductor-related majors, after looking at the professional books in their hands, more than 90% of them chose to continue their studies.

The more they learn the semiconductor-related skills and knowledge of the Kyushu system, the more they feel that Kyushu technology is terrifying.

"With this semiconductor R\u0026D and manufacturing capabilities, wouldn't it be easy to build a robot? Do you still need to find those graduate students and undergraduates to work? Just kidding, at least you need a doctorate to understand Kyushu Technology's technology."

"Semiconductor technology is the core technology of Kyushu Science and Technology. Now that I have managed to get on the school-enterprise cooperation car, I must not change my mind. Although I studied robotics as an undergraduate, Kyushu Technology can produce "" Is the kind of mecha in Omnic Crisis worse than a robot graduate? I'm afraid it's not for screwing..."

"Oh my god, Kyushu Technology's silicon-based semiconductor chip technology is enough for me to read books for many years, and now we need to develop robotics and AI technology? This company is too good."

Receiving these good news, Daxia Finance's robot section and intelligent AI section ushered in another wave of promotion, and many people were happy with smiles.

Those who advocated that the A-shares should be returned to 3,000 points are getting less and less every year, and this time there is a miracle of zero blowing.

March 9th.

Several major media outlets in the Ryukyu Province of Daxia jointly reported in real time a launching ceremony in Phoenix, USA.

The Uncle Sam in the United States appeared in Phoenix in the midst of all the attention, and "walked vigorously, with a kind and sensible smile", and attended the relocation ceremony of the TSMC factory in front of the cameras of the media.

In addition to this grand event, the senior leaders of Uncle Sam's positive and negative departments, TSMC founder Zhang Wumou, chairman Liu Wude, ASML CEO Wen Peter, Pingguo CEO Cook, and Nvidia CEO Huang More than 900 well-known political and business people including the boss and AMD CEO Aunt Su.

Some netizens joked that if the people at the ceremony suddenly disappeared, the Western economy, technology, and politics would all fall into chaos and even many companies would be shut down and paralyzed.

Just from this joke, we can see how grand the ceremony is.

Uncle Sam also said in his speech: "After several years, this factory has finally successfully developed a powerful four-nanometer semiconductor high-tech chip that is ahead of its peers in the industry and is not a virtual standard process.

Arizona plant set to be game-changer for semiconductor industry

Obviously, TSMC will help the United States win the economic competition and technological war in the 21st century.

God bless America! "

Zhang Wumou, the founder of TSMC, announced with a face of "sincerity and joy": "Our company's originally planned investment in the US of US$12 billion will increase to US$60 billion. We announced two years ago that we will invest in the Phoenix City. Build two factories. According to the plan, they will be put into production in 1024 and 1026 to produce four-nanometer and three-nanometer chips.

And this year, after several years of research and development, the factory will begin to officially produce four-nanometer chips, and two years later, it will begin to produce three-nanometer chips! "

This is TSMC's largest overseas investment outside of Ryukyu Province and surrounding areas, and it is also one of the largest foreign direct investments in U.S. history.

When TSMC announced the construction of a new factory in Arizona, Uncle Sam and American high-tech entrepreneurs made a high-profile announcement: "The return of American manufacturing."

From the difficulty of landing a large investment and all kinds of waste, TSMC was able to carry the pressure to land here, and really produced a four-nanometer chip, and at the same time developed a three-nanometer chip, and announced the technological progress of one or two nanometers. Many people were stunned.

At this event, Cook announced to the media with a look of joy: "Yes, the new Pingguo chip, a more technological future, Pingguo will become one of the first customers of TSMC's Arizona fab.

Of course, including four nanometers, three nanometers, two nanometers and even one nanometer. When our engineers saw the latest technology of TSMC chips, they all thought it was alien technology. "

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