Technology Communication System

Chapter 619: Land safely

The Orchid landed very quickly, especially the terrifying sight of a full-speed descent. With the third acceleration of the Lanhuan, the planet underneath sent a terrifying gravity. Then, the spacecraft instantly accelerated in the opposite direction, and at the same time, the orchid propped up a powerful energy shield outside.

Then Luo Xiu threw several energy blocks in his bracelet directly into the combustion chamber to increase the power of the energy shield. It is indeed the horror caused by the friction between the planet’s atmosphere and the spacecraft at this huge speed. He was caught off guard at the high temperature. If it were not supported by an energy shield outside, it is estimated that the spacecraft would instantly be transformed into a huge fireball as soon as the two touched each other.

Looking at this huge planet with an ugly expression, Luo Xiu clenched his fists and his expression was particularly tense. It was because he had such a means to add the energy shield of the Orchid, and the energy blocks he kept throwing in. There is no guarantee that the energy shield will last forever. At this moment, Luo Xiu lamented in his heart that if he couldn't slow down, what awaited him would definitely be the end of the ship's destruction.

"The system can't go on like this anymore. If you want to continue like this, the speed will get faster and faster, and the friction will get bigger and bigger. By that time, we will really be unable to hold it." Seeing the speed of the spacecraft As he continued to accelerate, the situation continued to worsen. Luo Xiu had no choice but to speak to the system in his mind.

"This, you think I can’t see it, I have been trying to control the warship so that it can have some cushioning, but the gravity of this planet is too big, and now we are out of orbit, under this independent orbit. All dimensions are in the huge orbit of this planet, and the acceleration will only get faster and faster. If this continues, you must be prepared to escape." The system can obviously feel Luo Xiu's tension at this moment, but he can do nothing. , At such a fast speed, even the Orchid turned on the engine with all its strength. Running at a high speed in the opposite direction with the strongest power would not be able to reduce the falling speed of the battleship. Under such horrible circumstances, if not prevented, the battleship under Luo Xiu would definitely disintegrate.

It's just that he didn't have any good solutions. After all, he had previously miscalculated the horror of this planet. If the system had asked Luo Xiu to replace it with a slightly larger battleship, it would not have such an impact.

It’s just that these are a bit redundant now. The only way before Luo Xiu right now is to speed up the energy block. Otherwise, if an accident happens to the battleship, Luo Xiu is sure that he will instantly be evaporated into one. Mummy.

"Then you should think of a way quickly. If this continues, it will really cause serious trouble. Is there any way to instantly increase the power of the spacecraft so that the spacecraft can explode to 300% speed? It can only be done now. Let’s do it, and use strong power to curb the descent speed of the spacecraft. This is the best way I can think of.” Because of the general knowledge of the Earth Federation, Luo Xiu also knows that under this situation, he The only thing in front of him was to fight, so he couldn't wait to ask what he wanted.

"Are you sure you want to do this? This can only last for more than ten seconds, and if there is an accident, the huge movement caused by your kid will also attract the attention of the powerful existence of this world, well, it's just still No, the distance is too far, I can only hold on for a few minutes." The system in his mind said to Luo Xiu in a daze at this moment.

Looking at the fast-disappearing energy block in front of him, Luo Xiu sighed. He knew that there was nothing he could do. If he started to accelerate the spacecraft now, then he would be in big trouble next. It can be topped for a period of time, and as for the energy blocks consumed, I can't take care of that much for the time being.

"I'm sure, I can't take care of that much now. I can only do this first. As for the warships to run by themselves later, the big deal is that I will directly hide in the body world and wait until the wind and waves are calm before coming out." Luo Xiu also knows his situation at this moment. , So he was a little calm and terrible. If before, he still looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, then Luo Xiu now has completely let go of the messy thoughts in his heart.

Next, Luo Xiu kept throwing pieces of energy into the combustion chamber in front of him. Finally, he had no choice but to put the compressed immortal stone into it.

This scene made the system in my mind distressed, grinning, but he had no good way. If he didn't want to be evaporated directly, Luo Xiu could only do that. At this moment, Luo Xiu also had a distressed expression on his face, and his mouth twitched. ~ Twitching.

The continuous input of energy allowed the Orchid’s defensive cover to completely stabilize. As the previous events made the system dare not care, the spacecraft exploded with greater power and began to accelerate in the opposite direction. The terrifying speed finally stopped the falling speed of the battleship and continued to accelerate.

However, the price paid was extremely heavy. Compared with this small battleship Orchid, his three combustion chambers, including two nuclear fusion reactors, all exploded at full power at the same time, which was 300% higher. Energy output.

If this scene is seen by the mad scientists of the Earth Federation, it will definitely be astonishing. Even if it is possible to create a terrible big killer like the Battlestar, the energy use is still a world full of unknowns, and the performance of the battleships of the Earth Federation is far inferior to the system at the moment. In case the spacecraft under control can burst out.

And paying such a big price, the effect is amazing. Although the speed of the current battleship is still very fast, Luo Xiu no longer continues to put energy blocks into the energy combustion chamber, because the current defensive shield has been completely stabilized, and as time goes by, the energy shield is no longer It's as hot as before.

At this moment, Luo Xiu was so tired that he couldn't bear it anymore~ He sat down on the ground and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. The scene just now was too thrilling. If you change the time, It didn't have such an impact, but in the previous emergency landing, even with Luo Xiu's strong heart capacity, he felt a little afraid of it. Even now, his whole body is still trembling violently.

The previous scene was really exciting. Even with his strong endurance, he felt his whole body collapsed. If he hadn't proposed the kind of risky method, he would sacrifice all the power of this warship in exchange for a short time. Slowing down, Luo Xiu at this moment had already foreseen turning into a mass of ashes.

Therefore, after he recovers, Luo Xiu is completely relaxed now before he has time to observe the environment in front of him. As the system said, the movement he made when he landed earlier has already caused Attention of the natives of this world.

If it hadn't been for him to act according to the opportunity, as early as the moment the spacecraft had just escaped from the atmosphere, he had controlled the spacecraft to plunge into the dense woods, he would have fallen into the hands of the powerful beings in this world at this moment.

Walking out of the battleship, Luo Xiu did not dare to stay where he was. With a wave of power in his hand, he put the Orchid away, and then he randomly found a direction and escaped from the place where the battleship crashed.

Luo Xiu couldn't be clearer. Under this circumstance, with his current combat power, what awaited him was fleeing. If he really has a relationship with this world, it's fine, but he knows that he is just an outsider.

Moreover, he is still an outsider with extremely weak cultivation base. Once his secret is discovered by people in this world, Luo Xiu is not sure what will happen then.

It's just that since the system said earlier that this planet may be part of the Gods' Domain, for Luo Xiu, he will really have to be low-key and then low-key in the coming days.

"Huh! System, is the distance far enough now? No other things will happen. Sun! What is this planet? This is too dangerous." Luo Xiu hid in a huge tree. Looking at the terrifying monster beast that he had thrown under his feet, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitched, and then he held his breath and walked forward cautiously while speaking to the system in his mind.

On the way, Luo Xiu has experienced several huge monster beast groups. If it weren't for him to act quickly, and the system in his mind always uses words to direct him, he will avoid one powerful monster after another. At that moment Luo Xiu had already fallen into the fight.

Even so, Luo Xiu still feels his heart beating at this moment. Luo Xiu is very familiar with this scene. It was the same when he first arrived at the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, but now the situation is better than before. It's also extremely crisis.

The fierce heartbeat was calmed down by him. At this moment, Luo Xiu completely put away his contempt. The previous system was not exaggerated at all, and it was somewhat conservative. If you really follow Luo Xiu's previous thoughts, then At this moment, he had already been dismembered by the monster beast in the forest.

After the monster beasts chasing behind him had gone away, Luo Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, and closed his eyes in pain. At this moment, he felt the ubiquitous intense pain around him. When he was floating in the sky before, Luo Xiu didn't feel as tired as he is now.

And what followed was that kind of intense numbness, which made Luo Xiu's heart beat even more. With his previous understanding, what happened before was still in his ears.

Just now he was risking life and death to get rid of the pursuit of these monsters, but he still dare not make any moves, it is really too complicated here. Even though he has systematic help, he can only choose to hide in the face of this terrifying and complicated world.

If it weren't for the huge and strange gravitational force of this world, the monk's spirit power could not be detected in this world at all, and now his secret has been discovered by those huge monsters. This couldn't help but make Luo Xiu secretly relieved, but also a little helpless, because his current power could not fly on this planet.

Although he had been prepared in his heart because of the system's warning before, he still felt a little helpless when such a thing happened. It was because the gravity of this planet was really too great. If it weren't for such a huge gravity, he wouldn't be so nervous.

But thinking about it, Luo Xiu was also relieved. If it weren't for the huge gravitational pull of this planet, even if he could continue flying at this moment, the powerful monster beasts could also use their spiritual power to explore their own location.

In this case, Luo Xiu will still face a more dangerous situation. Therefore, he seems particularly calm at this time. Facing this already unfamiliar environment, Luo Xiu's heart is full of surprises at this moment. He is very confused now. I don't know what to do next.

"Okay, the host is safe for the time being, now you still think about what you should do next. This forest can only be used as your temporary foothold. If you want to stay here for a long time to practice, it is impossible. , And the system doesn’t recommend you to do this. It’s too dangerous here. Even with this system’s all-weather surveillance, it’s impossible to guarantee your safety.” The system in his mind is lying on the branch of a big tree in Luo Xiu. When I went up, in his mind~ remind him aloud.

"Why? In addition to the monsters, there will be humans appearing here, right? You said before, don't you want to choose a good place for me? Why is it not possible here!" Luo Xiu's inner curiosity was really unimaginable, and he couldn't help asking the system with the tragic result of continuing to escape.

"The plan can't keep up with the changes. When I landed, I was not sure that it was absolutely safe here, especially the monsters. Have you noticed that the monsters here don't seem to kill each other as we thought before. Just chasing you. Behind them are two monsters of different races, they are so harmonious, they did not fight each other, just one point can prove a lot of things." The system also explained to Luo Xiu very seriously at this moment.

And Luo Xiu only thought about it for a moment, and then figured out why the system said this, and then he was a little discouraged. It is true that his physical condition is already suffering. If he changes time and place, he does not hesitate too much. The place is there, but now he is not too sure. I don't think he is like this now, there is a chance to escape here.

"I know, don't worry now. I have to completely recover the injury on my body first, and then make plans. There shouldn't be much danger here, right?" Despite all the helplessness in his heart, Luo Xiu had to shook his head. No longer paying attention to the system's words, the most important thing for him now is to recover his injuries first, and at the same time to figure out his current position, as for the rest, let's wait until later.

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