Technology Communication System

Chapter 620: Deep in the forest

"Let’s change the place first. You are not safe here. After all, it’s too close to the place where the Orchid landed. Those strong human beings are on their way. There was a rush before time. The satellites of this system in space have already discovered many A powerful presence, coming here from the positive side." What Luo Xiu did not expect was that even his request system had been rejected by him, and the reason was particularly good.

"By the way, are you a little too cautious? It shouldn't be too dangerous! I'm so far away from there, and the most important thing is that my current strength is not enough to attract other people's attention. . The big deal is to set up a formation here to isolate the whole body Qi." Feeling the huge vitality everywhere in the air, Luo Xiu took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, speeding up the refining of power, and then He spoke disapprovingly.

"This system really doesn't have much say, but you have to be careful. If there are really any accidents, this system will not be able to provide you much help. At that time, what accidents really happen. It also requires your kid’s adaptability. By the way, the most important thing now is the language problem. You and I don’t know what people in this world exist. If the language they speak is not compatible with the language you know, Have you ever thought about the consequences. At that time, how should you explain your origin." I didn’t expect that my subterfuge would be so refuted, making the system feel uncomfortable, but Luo Xiu has not waited. How long he was happy, the words of the system made him entangled.

Luo Xiu thought about it carefully. It is true that he cannot be careless. If the situation described by the system does happen, then he will be truly tragic next. Therefore, after he understands it, even though he is reluctant, I had to carefully descend from this big tree and choose a direction. Go forward cautiously.

He doesn’t know whether he’s going to go deep into the forest or to the outside of the jungle. He knows that at this critical juncture, since the system didn’t stop him, it would prove his current direction. It should be safe along the way. of.

While rushing, he carefully swallowed the pill to heal his injuries. Luo Xiu walked with extreme care along the way. He knew very well what he needed to worry about in this situation?

And at this moment, what a huge danger is in front of him. If he really has a powerful force, it would be fine, but he himself knows that with his current cultivation base, on this weird planet, it is basically considered. Nothing.

Cautiously under the command of the system, avoiding one after another powerful monsters, Luo Xiu came to a lake full of vitality. As far as he could see, the lake was extremely clear, but it was a little weird that he couldn't even see a fish. .

Just as Luo Xiu was about to step closer to the lake and carefully study whether he was going to camp here, the system in his mind issued an urgent warning to keep him away.

After that, Luo Xiu cautiously hid behind a big tree, observing the weird lake, and saw that above the river, the vitality between the heaven and the earth continued to fluctuate, and the vitality seemed extremely strange as if it had entered another dimension. At the same time, when Luo Xiu was curious and was about to examine it carefully, the space trembled, and one after another strange-looking monsters suddenly walked out of that space.

"Damn it, how could it be like this!" Luo Xiao bit his tongue firmly, not letting himself make any noise. He regretted it now. If he had known such a thing, he would not be here. I stayed here for a long time, and I didn't expect to encounter such a terrible thing after only hesitating for a while.

He was throwing himself into the trap and directly found the nest of the monsters. Such encounters also made him feel depressed. Since he came out of the battlefield of gods and monsters, his luck has become extremely poor. In this situation, he didn't have a good way, he could only hide behind the tree quietly and carefully observe the surrounding environment.

"Don't worry, they can't find your place. It's safe here. Tut, you guys are lucky. It should be when you landed earlier that the huge movement made has attracted the attention of the strong humans, and made the strong humans move towards Came here, and the arrival of these powerful humans was noticed by these monster races. There should be a contest between the two sides. Now it depends on whether they will fight, but you are safe in this place. Close to the gathering places of these monster races, whether it is a human or a monster race, they would definitely not think that you would be bold enough to hide here. The most dangerous place is the safest place. This statement is based on facts." Seeing that Luo Xiu was a little nervous in the system in his mind, he could not help but relieved him. And at this moment, Luo Xiu was very fortunate to hear what the system said, and felt that he came here by mistake this time, maybe it was really a good opportunity.

"Then I will wait here for a while, and see the situation before I talk about it. But there is one thing you have to keep in mind. It is to see if you can figure out the human language of this continent for me. If the words spoken are somewhat different, it would be really troublesome.” Luo Xiu also followed with a sigh of relief, and soon he thought of the language problem. If it is really because of the language difference, then even if he stays here, It makes no sense.

"Don't worry, you can stay here with peace of mind. This system will hide all traces for you. By the way, if you want to stay here for a long time, you can hide in the lake in front of you and open up there. In a space, use formations to cover your breath. At that time, you can stay here as long as you want." The system suggested to Luo Xiu.

After hearing the words of the system, Luo Xiu showed a thoughtful look. He looked at the lake in front of him. Although the lake was quiet and terrifying, there were almost no swimming fish, but Luo Xiu also knew what the system meant. ?

He knows his own strengths. If he really does what the system says, he digs a tunnel from here directly to the bottom of the lake, and then slightly arranges it, it is really a good place to retreat, and explore himself. Luo Xiu fell into thinking for a while on his chin.

But he didn't struggle for long, because it didn't take long, those monsters went and returned, very suddenly, making him almost jumped up.

He previously thought that these monster beasts would take a long time to go out, but he would never have thought that after just over half a day, before he was ready, this monster beast would come back again, and from them It can also be seen from the appearance that these monster beasts were not injured, even if it was any damage, Luo Xiu did not notice, in other words, they did not conflict with humans.

This not only made Luo Xiu feel curious, especially there must be a small world inside the independent space above his head. These monsters did not use such a huge vitality environment in this world, but instead hid in that small world. There are no other benefits in the small world, he would not believe it if Luo Xiu was killed.

After all the monsters entered the small world and the power of space disappeared, Luo Xiu made up his mind at this moment. Since he couldn't find what to do next in a short time, he wanted to hide here first. Practice for a while, as for other things, wait until you leave the customs.

Now that he had made up his mind, Luo Xiu didn't hesitate anymore. He immediately started the preparation work. He looked at the surrounding terrain first, and then began to prepare for the next formation. After all, what he was going to do was a bit tricky. If he rushed to dig the hole directly, it would definitely attract the attention of other creatures. Therefore, he could only carefully arrange an isolation formation.

Then he didn't hesitate anymore, quickly took out the equipment specially used for drilling holes, and without hesitation, he delineated a space under his feet, and then fixed it, and after making some arrangements through a special formation, Luo Xiu disappeared. In place.

At the same time, this area of ​​heaven and earth, which originally seemed particularly quiet, has also become a lot more lively with the advent of those strong humans. Although the previous monsters have disappeared, there are still other monsters in this forest. Tribe survival. At this moment, these powerful human beings were standing at the location where Luo Xiu's spacecraft had crashed before, lost in thought, looking at all the abnormal conditions around them.

All of them looked solemn at the moment, and their faces were amazed. Everyone felt a little weird about what they saw. You must know that in this planet, everyone knows one thing, that is, it is impossible for all foreign life to descend here through the planet's atmosphere. Wanting to survive is even more a luxury.

Let alone other things, just the weird power of this planet, if it were not for the local creatures, it would not survive for three days here. And judging from the weak aura they felt just now, this master must be someone who does not belong to this world.

"Strange, this breath has disappeared. Can you sense where he is now." If Luo Xiu hears this person's words, he will definitely breathe a sigh of relief, because this person is what Luo Xiu said. They are proficient in the common human language, so at this moment these people's words are monitored by the system.

"Since nothing has been discovered, let's leave. After all, the Ten Thousand Monster Jungle is not a good place. If we stay here for a long time, if those guys are really attracted, we won't be able to eat and walk around." He was the only old man in the crowd. This man was very old at about 70 or 80 years old, and his face was covered with age spots. He should be the most prestigious in this group.

A total of twelve people came this time. At this moment, they all looked at a young man headed by him, waiting for his instructions. You must know that their presence here is an accident in itself. They originally went to be next to each other. A sect was a guest, but the movement Luo Xiu made was so loud that it directly attracted their attention, so they came here to take a look. Unexpectedly, they would get nothing, and even happened with the monsters in the jungle of ten thousand monsters. Conflict.

"Leave here first. It looks like it was taken by those monsters." The young man waved his hand and agreed with the old man's words. Then everyone quietly left the area, and the jungle recovered again. Calm, but under the calm, a terrible storm is brewing.

On the other hand, Luo Xiu at this moment had already arranged everything. The command of the system and the arrangement just now allowed Luo Xiu to hide under the lake without any danger.

As expected here, he could faintly feel the huge vitality coming from the lake water. As a result, Luo Xiu also realized that the guess in his heart was true. This lake water is not real lake water, but rather The vitality of the heavens and the earth is so strong to a certain extent that it directly becomes a liquid, forming a strange lake.

At this moment, every breath of Luo Xiu hiding in the ground gave him a feeling of tension throughout his body. This feeling gave him a refreshing and comfortable feeling. Although he had practiced before, it was due to his own qualifications. Because of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, his cultivation effect was not obvious, and his sense of pleasure during cultivation was not as strong as it is now.

But now it's different. When he first cultivated, he just took a deep breath, and he actually felt that his meridians were already flooded with huge vitality. If it wasn't for the systematic and timely guidance, he would have already Was burst by this majestic sea-like vitality.

This could not help making him feel a tingling scalp, and it was really hard to believe that what place it was, such a huge lake of heaven and earth vitality, appearing at random in this jungle, it was a huge waste.

If it was in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary before, these lakes composed of heaven and earth vitality would have been robbed by people. At this moment, such a large lake appeared in this forest, which simply refreshed Luo Xiu's three views. It made him feel a little scalp numb, and at the same time he realized that the world he was in was definitely not simple.

"Host, you can rest assured, the language used by humans here is the same as yours, and more importantly, they also speak Chinese, so you don't have to worry too much. Now you still want to improve your skills first. Cultivation base, I hope you will take a good look and figure out the real environment here. But you kid should be careful not to make too much movement, even if there is such a huge power in the lake, you don’t want it once. If you absorb too much, you must be careful and be careful, don’t eat all at once, this system won’t use these energy ideas, and you should not be greedy.” The system in his mind said something that made Luo Xiu very happy. At the same time, there was a hint of warning in the system's words, it was indeed Luo Xiu's previous performance that really made him not calm down.

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