Technology Communication System

Chapter 651: Bound hands and feet

However, looking at the tall archway in front of him, Luo Xiu shook his head secretly. It was obvious that this place was not a good place for hands-on. Let alone the terrifying aura surrounding this archway, it was only the three he found. People, Luo Xiu didn't dare to take action easily, even if he had the support of the system now, at this moment, he should not be able to escape by himself.

But knowing that Gui knows, Luo Xiu can still only take a step and take a look. After all, for him, if he wants to get a firm foothold here, he can't let these guys from the gods' domain be reckless!

For him, once things really surpassed his expectations, many of his subsequent plans would seem a bit redundant. After all, for him, the premise of all this is that the world must be stable.

No matter how big secrets are hidden in this world, Luo Xiu understands in his heart that the chaos of these people makes him unable to let go of his hands and feet at all. In this way, for him, if he wants to use his strengths, he will All the resources in this world are taken as one's own, and even dominating this continent will be a luxury. Now what he has to do first is to fundamentally solve the problem of his own identity and other secrets that may be exposed.

Now looking at the guy in front of him who was unscrupulously showing his powerful strength, Luo Xiu felt unhappy, but comparing the strength of both sides, he had to grit his teeth and endure it. He knew that there was not much time left for him.

Judging from the current situation, if this continues, nothing else will be mentioned. It is just the things that need to be dealt with next, which is not what he can deal with now.

After staying in this stronghold for a few days, Luo Xiu quietly returned to Luocheng. Here, at this moment, his cheap old man has completely controlled the entire city.

After all, Luo Xiu's previous shots have fundamentally solved the previous crisis in their city. For him, since there is no impact here, then he wants to cultivate here first.

On this day, while Luo Xiu was staying in his yard with nothing to do, his cheap old man appeared in his yard at this time, but he found that his cheap old man was a little embarrassed now.

For Luo Xiu, the appearance of his own cheap old man really surprised him. After all, he still knows some changes in Luocheng now. After all, this can be said to be his foundation. Once he is this cheap old man Being able to regain control of the situation here, the benefit to him will be self-evident.

Looking at Luo Shihong who was eloquent in front of him, Luo Xiu's mouth twitched~ he was reluctant to pull out a very far-fetched smile. There is no way, who makes him have some problems with his current identity? It’s a bit speechless, it’s really ridiculous that his cheap old man looks a bit ridiculous at this time. As a fighter with a martial arts level, Luo Xiu doesn’t think he has to be afraid of any forces now. Therefore, for Luo Shihong’s suggestion, he The left ear got in and out of the right ear.

At the same time, he also understood the meaning of his cheap old man's words. Although he didn't take his fuss seriously, he didn't have any words to refute. Luo Shihong obviously hoped that he could leave the city temporarily. It was for him. it is good.

After all, Luocheng is now in a sudden change. Although the cheap master he made up has solved the potential crisis here, the sect forces of those who were killed by him have now been found along the way. It seems that in a short period of time, people from these forces have not dared to do too much, but if the time is too long, it will be a little hard to say.

After that, Luo Xiu had no choice but to listen to his own Lao Tzu's chatter honestly. Although he had listened respectfully to his own Lao Tzu's chatter for a while, he was quite disapproving in his heart.

He knows very well that now he has nothing to worry about, even if those forces come to him, for him, it is just a matter that can be solved with a wave of hands. Especially with the help of the Emperor Wutian in Qinglian World, Luo Xiu believed that even if the Emperor Wutian had not healed his injuries, had slack in combat, or even did not cooperate, he would still have enough power to deter and want to divide. Those forces in Luocheng.

It's just that he won't speak easily to his cheap old man, and he will know these things in time. After Luo Zhihong said something here for a while, although he also noticed that Luo Xiu didn’t care, he knew that his son could not care, but as Luo Cheng’s main combat force, he would definitely be oppressed by a more powerful force. , Therefore, he just sighed and turned around to arrange defenses.

Luo Xiu raised his head to look at the cloudless blue sky, with a silky smile hanging from the corner of his mouth. He knew very well that compared with most monks in the world with his current strength, his own combat effectiveness was no longer sufficient. Weak, coupled with this period of training has allowed his cultivation to break through the Wuwang level, so that he has more confidence and can deal with more powerful opponents, so Luo Xiu does not care who his next opponent is. of.

Time passed slowly. During this time, even though Luo Xiu felt that Luo Cheng exuded a strong aura from time to time, he did not show any performance. After all, for him, if it were just these miscellaneous fish, he would be cheap. If you can't handle it, what should I do when the real strong comes?

Although Luocheng is only a small city, Luo Xiu believes that even such a small city hides a lot of benefits. If this cheap old man doesn't have some background that can be obtained, those big forces will never let him be such an unknown person. Master of this city, therefore, Luo Xiu also wanted to see, what is the hidden back hand of his cheap old man?

After that, Luo Xiu stopped paying attention to those guys hiding in the dark, and at the same time, he could obviously feel the commotion of these people from this. The longer the time was, the more these people appeared unscrupulous.

And his cheap Laozi did not surprise him. He also had some means of pressing the bottom of the box. At the very least, Luo Xiu noticed that the City Lord’s Mansion is now surrounded by a large array, and the defense effect of this large array still makes Luo. Xiu is quite sloppy.

You know, with the passage of time, he is no longer the fledgling rookie, and Luo Xiu has not just arrived in this world. At this moment, he already has an understanding of most of the formations in this world. The formation surrounding the City Lord's Mansion is obviously not something that an ordinary formation mage can arrange.

Coupled with the words of Emperor Wutian, Luo Xiu has also made it clear that the current world is not as simple as he imagined. Although the existence of Emperor Wudi is rare, each powerful force can last for tens of thousands of years. There are so many people, so even though Luo Xiu felt surprised by his second hand~, he was also inexplicably curious.

After all, being able to arrange such a powerful and meticulous formation is not an ordinary person in this world at all. He walked out of the tomb of Emperor Wu Tian, ​​and felt a little frightened about the arrangement of Emperor Wu Tian. However, although those arrangements made people feel bright, they did not make Luo Xiu too curious. However, the large array surrounding the entire City Lord's Mansion in front of him really made Luo Xiu feel bright.

But he didn't get excited for long. It was just a change. His Fubo came back again. This time there were two women in black scarves who followed Fubo. At this moment, the three of them were talking while talking. He rushed in quickly, and at the same time, Luo Xiu also noticed in surprise that his Fu Bo seemed to be half a position behind the two women.

Seeing these two black scarf-masked women come straight to where he is sitting, Luo Xiu's heart moved inexplicably, he straightened his sitting posture, looked at his Fortune Uncle with a surprised look, and asked. His expression did not take the initiative to speak.

"Master, the two disciples of Feihong Palace have come here. They are the same force as your mother. Although they have been separated for so long, they still hope to reach cooperation with us. Master never agreed before. Faced with a crisis, the master had to agree to the Feihong Temple and their plan, and these two young ladies came to protect the young master.” Fubo saw Luo Xiu’s doubtful expression in his eyes, and whispered directly in Luo Xiu’s ear. While speaking, he squeezed his eyes ambiguously at his young master, Luo Xiu's heart moved, it was obvious that there were other evil tastes in his Fubo's words.

However, Luo Xiu turned a deaf ear to this, and looked at the two black and gold masked women in front of him with a wry smile, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, and said faintly to Fu Bo: "What Feihong Palace, they just Ask us to belong to them? Or do you want to take this Luocheng into their possession?"

And the reason why Luo Xiu asked this question at this time was because he knew very well that if these people really let their family recover completely, it would be fine. If they really want to hold the idea of ​​occupying the magpie's nest, then their purpose is It’s a little bit whimsical, but now it seems that Luo Xiu’s heart is stunned that it is impossible to do this with Feihong Temple alone. If this is the case, the purpose of these people will be clearly revealed. These people are obviously aimed at the whole Luo Cheng came, and Luo Xiu couldn't just ignore it.

"Master, you don’t need to think too much. After all, your mother and Feihong Temple had a deep relationship back then. Even if your mother has passed away for many years, the Taishang Elder of Feihong Temple is his uncle. Even if only a few people came to the Feihong Temple, they could show their attitude to some extent. In this way, the safety of the young master would have no other problems. After all, your great uncle Zuxiu In order to absolutely coerce this continent, you can rest assured that the master will not be so stupid, leaving such a great foundation to be taken by others, and your great uncle will not agree." Seeing my young master said so. , This made Fu Bo obviously mistaken his jaw, and soon showed a gratified smile, looking at his young master with joy, his tone also full of confidence.

Hearing what Uncle Fu said, Luo Xiu just nodded, and glanced at the two black-scarf masked women, with a playful smile on their faces. He also quietly put away the guarded look in their expressions. .

Obviously, the two people in front of him should be just ordinary Feihongdian disciples, and their impact on his safety is minimal, and Luo Xiu is very confident that the arrival of Feihongdian is not a threat to him. At this moment, after listening to the meaning of Uncle Fu's words, his cheap old man didn't believe these people at all, so Luo Xiu was relieved.

"Actually, my dad is a little fussy. If it's just the miscellaneous fish in the city, my master will kill them. It's just a wave of his hand. It doesn't have to be so troublesome. But since they are here, then I don't need to trouble me. That master, it just so happens that my master also has something to deal with. Hey, the tomb of the Wutian Great Emperor seems to have been discovered, but I don’t know what good things are still in his tomb. I listen to my master. Said that he would probably waste a long time when he went to the tomb of Emperor Wu Tian this time. He was still hesitant to go and have a look before. Now that all the brothers and sisters from Feihong Hall are here, then in that case, my master There was no problem in the past." Luo Xiu looked at the two women who didn't say a word, and his expressions were pretty smiles, and he said with a hint of playfulness in his tone.

At the same time, Fubo didn't react to Luo Xiu's words. Instead, the two sisters had different expressions. Although their faces were covered with veils, Luo Xiu's slightly frowned brows still felt it. The two people were not at peace.

It's just that Luo Xiu didn't care about it. He waved his hand to let the two women go down, and then turned around and said to his Fu Bo again: "Fu Bo, how many people have come to Feihong Temple this time? Why? Which one is the strongest? What did my father say? Don’t you really think that Feihong Temple is here for my dead mother? I don’t believe that Feihong Temple will be released. Don't bite with such a big piece of fat!" Putting away his cynical smile, Luo Xiu looked at his Fortune Uncle in a serious tone with unprecedented solemnity.

Although he knew that as long as he wanted to kill everyone, it would not cost much at all, but he also had to consider the consequences of doing it himself, especially in this case, the enemy looked around in the dark, if it was just him It's not enough to be alone.

But in order to be able to use the identity of the young city master of Luocheng for a long time, Luo Xiu really dare not take the slightest care. Of course, he once thought about whether Luo Shihong should be killed first. In this case, in his capacity You can directly control this city lord mansion.

It's just that he gave up this idea of ​​his own after thinking about it. He didn't talk about other things first. He just became the person of one side of the power. Although his own cultivation level is enough, but for this small visible benefit, Too much time wasted on managing miscellaneous things, it would be a bit of a mistake. Luo Xiu felt a little unwilling to think about it this way, and was a little tangled for a time.

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