Technology Communication System

Chapter 652: The calculation of Feihong Palace

"There are not many people here. There are probably more than a dozen people. The strongest should be comparable to the master's cultivation level, but a total of twelve people came, and seven of them are masters of the Wuzong realm. This is also the master can rest assured The main reason why the young master stayed in this city, the master should be someone who believes in this Feihong Palace very much, but I don’t know where the master’s confidence comes from?” After hesitating, Uncle Fu didn’t hesitate, so he knew. The news came out.

And from his words, Luo Xiu also heard the difference, but Luo Xiu thought about it carefully, combined with some of the information he got from Luo Kai’s memory, and assisted him in understanding Luo Shihong, Luo Xiu found himself There is no need to worry so much.

His cheap old man has been able to sit in Luocheng for so many years without any mistakes. It can be seen that even the Feihong Temple back then should have provided great help to his cheap old man. Now he will not do it for such a small benefit. This cheap old man easily offends his own family, especially his cheap mother and an uncle who is now the Supreme Elder of Feihong Hall.

However, at this moment, he thought about it carefully, but suddenly realized that this crisis had come too suddenly. At the same time, Luo Xiu felt that even things seemed to be resolved too quickly. This situation inexplicably made Luo Xiu feel confused.

Think about it carefully, this is just the arrival of so many dozen guys, and the atmosphere of the entire Luo city is cleared. At this moment, even Luo Xiu can feel that there are not many masters in this city today. , The only thing is the aura of masters in these places in the City Lord's Mansion, which not only made him frown, but for a while, he couldn't even think of what was wrong.

"System, you help me analyze and analyze, I always feel something is wrong. The purpose of these people does not seem to be as simple as we imagined, especially when they retreat so easily. This makes me always have the illusion of anticlimactic, how can I? Thinking, why do you feel that something is not right? Maybe there is something weird in the middle." Luo Xiu touched his forehead, showing a weird look, and at the same time, he asked the system in his mind.

He was curious now, what was hidden in it, and at the same time he was very sure. He knew that his intuition was not wrong, but for a while he couldn't understand what was wrong. Therefore, at this moment, he had to turn to his mind for help. system.

During this period of time, Luo Xiu thought a lot. From his appearance in the City Lord’s Mansion as Luo Kai to his current situation, Luo Xiu faintly felt that there was a pair of invisible big hands controlling all this. , Including the injury of his cheap old man, it seems to be accidental, but in fact, it was deliberately caused by someone.

At the beginning, Luo Kai was a dude. As long as his cheap old man died outside, the whole Luocheng would be a group of dragons without a leader. At that time, it would be hard to say who the whole Luocheng listened to.

At this moment, Luo Xiu even boldly guessed that the reason why these people dare not do it so easily is probably because they are afraid of the cheap masters that he invented himself. As for the content, Luo Xiu is also now Can only think of so much.

At the same time, Luo Xiu was also secretly grateful in his heart. Fortunately, when he changed his body and appearance, he also slightly changed his own aura at the same time, and only after disguising himself did he kill those people.

Now that I think about it, Luo Xiu's heart is frightened. The more I think about it, the more I feel that there is no error in his third sense. At this moment, Luo Xiu is really aware of what he didn't care too much about before. This kind of anticlimactic thing completely made Luo Xiu suspicious.

"After the calculation of this system, although the host has solved the problem before, you have also exposed clues from some aspects, making those in the dark place be wary. The most fundamental means to solve this problem is still in your place. Father. If you didn’t join in suddenly, then this City Lord’s Mansion might have been replaced now, but your accidental appearance disrupted the enemy’s deployment. It is estimated that they are also depressed now, maybe they don’t know you. The master behind you, the master you invented should also be known by the behind-the-scenes, but they should have stopped before figuring out the specific cultivation level of your cheap master." What the system said was almost the same as Luo Xiu's previous speculation.

It's just not as bold as Luo Xiu's speculation, it's just that, it has already made Luo Xiu feel amazed in his heart, what he thought before was still too simple, and it was too simple for everyone.

Obviously, things are different from what he thought. At this moment, he solemnly looked at Fu Bo in front of him and said, "Fu Bo, you go back and tell my father, let him Be careful, especially the people in Feihong Hall. Don’t let them know the existence of my master. Even if it reveals my father’s true cultivation level, he still has to hide the news. The people in Feihong Hall come a little bit. Surprisingly, what should be wrong with my great uncle? It is very likely that someone in Feihong Hall will be disadvantageous to our father and son. As for the specifics, don’t ask more. I can’t explain to you too much for the time being, I can only tell you so much. , Go back and tell my father what I said, let’s wait and see what happens, and don’t take it lightly.

Luo Xiu looked at Fu Bo's back, his mouth hung a curve. If he hadn't appeared, then at this moment, Luo Kai should have been turned into bones. Luo Xiu felt uncomfortable in his heart. A lot less, at this moment, he is truly aware of the cruelty and blood of the cultivation world! Back then, he had systematic assistance and had a smooth journey. He had never experienced such intrigue as before.

Just looking at the two masked women returning in front of him, Luo Xiu put a smile on his mouth, waved to them to get them close to him, and then said with a low smile: "Two senior sisters, you Why do you dress up like this, is it possible that you are afraid that others will know your origins? I remember that the Feihong Temple was not dressed like this, is there other secret things that could not happen?"

Luo Xiu’s question was definitely targeted. The reason why he was so clear was that he had just turned out the content from Luo Kai’s memory. Although this Feihong Temple was inextricably linked with his own family, Luo Kai was at that time. However, Luo Xiu's mother was silent about this. At this moment, looking at the very strange person in front of him, Luo Xiu became more and more sure that his previous guess was true.

These people who came from Feihong Temple were obviously not sent by the master of Feihong Temple. It is very likely that one of the forces is leading all of this. The purpose is to occupy Luocheng. As for why they will never forget Luocheng such a small city, Luo Xiu didn't know.

It's just that Luo Xiu doesn't know. His cheap old man must be clear about this. Luo Xiu is looking forward to what his own old man will react after hearing what he said to Fu Bo. Therefore, although Luo Xiu was surprised at the dressing of these two people at this time, he had also thoroughly figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

"Return to Master Luo, we are disciples of the Feihong Hall Jingwu Hall. The elders in the sect at that time specifically explained that we came to cover our faces at this time, and we must not show our true colors. As for why we did this, we don’t know. , Including the fifth elder and seventh elder who brought us here, also dressed up in the same way.” Luo Xiu’s words clearly made the two women unresponsive. One of them couldn’t see clearly, but the taller woman arched her hand at Luo Xiu. Explained very respectfully.

Luo Xiu didn't care about this either. It was obvious that his cheap old man was not simple, making the person behind the Feihong Palace jealous, and even had to confuse the audience like this.

Luo Xiu estimated that the injury of his own Lao Tzu was caused by the people behind it. The reason why he let his Lao Tzu come back alive was probably to let Luo Shihong explain the funeral. It was just that his own sudden appearance made things complicated. Now, the people behind the scenes are caught off guard, and today's things will happen.

"Oh, yes, how is my great uncle now? I haven't seen him for a long time, how is his old man's situation now?" Luo Xiu looked at the two respectful female nuns in front of him, with a hint of playfulness at the corners of his mouth. Smile, casually asked.

The reason for asking this is to paralyze the two women. From their conversation, Luo Xiu is not difficult to see that what they said is true, and the most important thing is that for Luo Xiu, his grand uncle His life and death are indeed the most important thing.

After all, Luo Xiu knew in his heart that these people came here so powerfully, it must have happened to his great uncle. If the great uncle was still alive, these people would not dare to be so rampant at all, and this is happening at this moment. Such a thing, then there is only one possibility, what happened to the grand uncle of oneself, or simply died.

"This, Master Luo, we don’t know. After all, our status and status are placed here. It’s impossible to know the specific whereabouts of the elder Taishang. As for other things, the entire Feihong Hall is exactly the same as before. The difference is that when the Fifth Elder and the Seventh Elder left the sect, the Lord and his elders did not know about this." Another short woman suddenly said at this moment.

Luo Xiu took a surprised look at the woman who interrupted suddenly, but he knew that this person should have nothing to do with him. The reason for such a sudden interruption is probably because this person can’t understand the two. The elder's way of doing things.

Of course, it does not rule out that they did this deliberately, one singing the white face and the other singing the black face. However, Luo Xiu thought about it carefully and felt that they did not seem to have to do this at all.

After all, for him, the existence of these is not a problem at all. With his current situation, no one knows at all, and he is the key to the matter. Therefore, Luo Xiu has reason to believe that the most fundamental purpose of these two people is to monitor their every move.

Luo Xiu also seemed extremely speechless. He knew exactly what virtue he was playing as Young Master Luo Kai at the moment. With the unreliable performance of this person before, you could be valued enough to send two disciples Yan With additional surveillance, it can be seen that the people behind this scene are not as unbearable as he thought.

At the very least, they see their own problems more clearly than Luo Xiu thinks. It can even be said that if Luo Xiu hadn’t seen the fire a long time ago and understood the secrets, then he would have been in front of him. These illusions are blinded.

It's just that Luo Xiu still has some doubts in his heart. The most important thing is that only with the two elders and the other two, they are not the opponents of his own cheap old man. Luo Xiu doesn't understand, just relying on the cultivation of a few of them. , Can you let his own Lao Tzu stand alone?

In this case, Luo Xiu faintly felt that something was wrong, and he seemed to have missed something. After all, only relying on the signboard of Feihong Palace, but he could not help this cheap laozi.

"Well, then you go down first. If there is something, the young master will call you. By the way, call Xiaohong and Xiao'e over, and the young master has something to find them." Thinking of the key, Luo Xiu secretly Shaking his head, he didn't care about these people's private behavior at all.

He knew very well that based on Luo Cheng’s current situation, he had completely mastered the initiative. As for what these people were going to do, Luo Xiu had no worries at all, even if the people hiding in the dark had a strong cultivation base. , Shouldn't be the opponent of a Wudi strong.

As a result, Luo Xiu was completely confident. For him, the Great Emperor is backing him. Any tricks anyone wants to play at this time is a dish for him.

Watching the two women go down, Luo Xiu's mouth was completely sneered. He knew very well how dangerous his current situation was, but Luo Xiu gave out a hint of excitement.

For him, there is no such situation that makes him most ecstatic at the moment, because he is now preparing to find the powerful sect in this world, so as to take the opportunity to get in and see if he can find and study this. The geography and humanities of the world and the techniques they practiced.

Unexpectedly, before he went out to search, some unopened guys took the initiative to jump out. If he didn't want to continue to hide his strength, then Luo Xiu would kill all these guys in this temple without any problem.

It’s just because of the special relationship between his family and this Feihong Temple and the special status of Luo Kai’s dead cheap mother that Luo Xiu didn’t want to deal with it so easily, and the most important thing was that he wanted to see if these people had What hidden means, after all, if it is really what you think, then there is really a very exciting thing.

Rubbing his chin, Luo Xiu was completely lost in thought. He was thinking a lot at this moment, and the most important thing was that an urgent sense of urgency was inexplicably in his heart at this moment. rising. Although Luo Xiu had been playing here with a playful attitude before, he didn't know why. Since the battlefield of Gods and Demons, Luo Xiu has thoroughly discovered that he has some inability to see his future.

Whether it was the Heaven-swallowing Devil Emperor or Zhao Wusi and the others, they were in the battlefield of Gods and Demons at the time, but just like themselves, the space storm caused by the collapse of space was directly sent to the present boundary. He had already seen Zhao Wusi and the three of them, and he had also seen the guys in the divine realm that was making waves in various places, but he didn't feel the aura that belonged exclusively to the Emperor of Heaven Swallowing and Xiao Yu.

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