Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 1075 Human Potential

"I'll take you to eat."

In the catering industry, Hometown Chicken is considered a very clean chain among all fast food restaurants.

Because of this, Mo Jingchun would occasionally patronize Hometown Chicken.

He touched his pocket, the car keys and mobile phone were all there.

"Let's go, let's eat the old chicken."

"Okay okay, daddy is driving, beep beep~"

The little guy ran while talking, and walked in the front.

It's not big, but it makes the employees who are commuting and going to eat in the aisle shy away.

If a small person accidentally knocked down Dudu, it would be over.

Not to mention the sturdy little Huihui who was standing by Dudu's side all the time.

Ever since Dudu was able to walk, everyone has discovered that Xiao Huihui has changed from being unreliable in the past, and likes to stay by Dudu's side.

Any stranger who wants to get close to Dudu, Xiao Huihui will be the first to get upset.

It's just that no matter how strong Xiao Huihui is, it can be seen from the face,

it's getting old...

Because there are a large number of employees in the Candy Science and Technology Park, and they are all owners who are not short of money. On the streets outside the park, the rent of all stores has risen to an astounding level.

However, in such a golden location, the first store is Michelle, which everyone is familiar with.

And the second shop is the hometown chicken that Mo Jingchun is going to.

“Welcome to Hometown Chicken~”

Pushing the door and entering, it means that the clerk said "Welcome to Laoxiang Chicken" casually.

At this time, the little guy's attention was not on this sentence, but on the horn on the door when the door was opened.

"The boss said, don't eat without washing your hands."

Hearing this sentence, Dudu quickly shook his mother's hand with his fleshy little hand.

"Mom, wash your hands. The boss said, if you don't wash your hands, you won't eat."

Having already guessed that Dudu was here for this, Mo Jingchun smiled calmly.

Children, by nature, love to play with water.

Because Mo Jingchun has been here several times, and most of the people who come here to eat are also employees of Candy Technology.

The arrival of Mo Jingchun's family did not cause much commotion.

At most, it's just a few more glances.

Even Mo Jingchun could feel that his eyes were more focused on his daughter.

After washing his hands, Li Xuanyu took Dudu to find a table and sat down, waiting for Mo Jingchun to order.

Sitting on the chair, Dudu dangled his short legs, and looked curiously at the big sisters at the next table.

"Big sister, are your lips bleeding? It's so red."

Even though Li Xuanyu knew that the people at the next table were employees of Candy Technology, she still covered her daughter's mouth in embarrassment.

Oh my god, my daughter, do you know that your mother is so embarrassing that she can take out five square meters with her toes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, children are not very sensible."

"Ah? No, it's all right."

After being apologized by the proprietress and the boss is not far away, the little girl blushed after swiping.

Mo Jingchun, who was checking out, also noticed the situation here, but didn't say anything, but deliberately slowed down the speed of opening WeChat payment.

If he walked over directly at this moment, he might invisibly bring huge psychological pressure to the other party.

Most importantly, Mo Jingchun believed that Li Xuanyu could handle it well.

After the meal, the little guy once again asked to wash his hands after the meal.

After coming out of the fellow chicken, Mo Jingchun said with a smile:

"Be happy now, be obedient, go home and sleep with your mother."

Hearing this, Dudu nodded obediently and sensiblely this time.

"Okay, go home and sleep."

The little guy knew very well that if he wanted to "wash his hands" again, he had to be obedient right now.

After watching Li Xuanyu and Ling leave in the car, Mo Jingchun turned back to the office building.

It was noon, and apart from the lobby on the first floor, there were not many people in the office area.

At this time, employees are either eating, or have returned to the dormitory after eating to prepare for lunch break.

Those who move quickly may have fallen asleep.

Since the wolf and the others went to the space department, the office became quieter at noon.

At the beginning, Mo Jingchun was still a little uncomfortable.

Thinking of Wild Wolf and the others, Mo Jingchun stepped into the office and asked casually:

"Zero, what happened to the wild wolves?"

"Boss, they just happened to be the ones who returned to the ground. They are currently on vacation. All fifteen of them chose to go home to visit their relatives."

"That's very good."

Mo Jingchun was quite satisfied with this answer.

He is a nostalgic person, and it is impossible to say that he does not take care of those who followed him first.

"Peter Pan... Doesn't Chen Yifeng want to fly the Hope Spaceship? How has he learned during this time?"

Zero was quiet for three seconds, and said in a low tone:

"Boss, do you want to hear the truth or lies."

"Nonsense, of course it's the truth." Mo Jingchun frowned.

"The truth is, it's half-done. During the simulated flight, ship crashes and human deaths are normal.

Not only Chen Yifeng, but everyone who signed up to be the pilot of the Hope spacecraft was the same, and they couldn't even catch up with Chen Yifeng. "

Then, Ling paused, "Boss, spaceships are not like space shuttles. Spaceships are more complicated. To achieve the perfect state of human-ship integration, the most basic requirement is to learn how to flexibly control all engines at the same time. Only the source of power can make the spacecraft make various desired actions.”

Mo Jingchun knew the meaning of zero. Both human and artificial intelligence driving have their own advantages, but when the complexity index rises, artificial intelligence has more advantages.

It's like counting data.

Simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be calculated at a glance.

But when the data that needs to be calculated needs to be applied to various high-level numerical and graphical analysis, the computer has more advantages.

However, everything is not absolute.

Just like Candy's little brother Wang Haoran, a math genius.

The computer needs to go through continuous complex calculations to get the result, but Wang Haoran saw the answer at a glance.

Mo Jingchun raised his hand to interrupt Ling, and said with a smile:

"Human potential is limitless, and the Nozomi spacecraft will only switch to manual piloting under special circumstances."

After pondering for a while, Mo Jingchun said:

"As long as you and I know about this matter, don't urge them, urging may have the opposite effect.

Dreams are their best motivation.

But you can release the news, just say that the driver of the Nozomi needs a total of three people. "


Two days later, Friday.

On campus, there are almost no students with fair and tender skin.

The faces of the students were a little more healthy and dark.

Not to mention Mo Xiaoxue, who was already tanned after going out for a trip, but now she is healthier.

At noon, after eating and returning to the dormitory, Mo Xiaoxue simply washed her face, lay down on the bed, fell asleep quickly with the air conditioner blowing on.

Over the past few days, everyone has no strength to chat during the break.

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