Seven days is so long for students who are undergoing military training.

But on the last day of the performance, when they realized that the military training was about to end, the students recalled that seven days had passed so quickly.

The instructor who had been abused countless times by everyone in their hearts and in private, looked at it now, and he still felt a little bit reluctant.

Last night was the last night of military training, the instructors of each class visited each other and kept everyone entertained.

During the period, some students boldly approached the instructors to ask for contact information, all of which were rejected without exception.

The rule is that no instructor is allowed to leave any contact information for students in private.

There is a story behind every regulation, and a regulation will not be added for no reason.

While most instructors are good, it is impossible for all instructors to have justice in their hearts.

Once an accident occurs, neither the training company nor the school can afford to go around.

For County No. 1 Middle School, honor is above all else.

In the afternoon, the dark-skinned students stood neatly on the playground, waiting for the inspection by the school leaders and instructors.

The blue sky, which was originally clear and blue, gradually darkened with the dark clouds floating in the distance.

As time went by, many students frowned, worried that a heavy rain would come at the last moment of the military training and give everyone a baptism.

The weather forecast says it will be sunny today, but it looks like the prelude to the rainstorm.

It's sultry and dense with dark clouds. If there is another flash of lightning at this time, the probability of heavy rain is almost indistinguishable.

"It won't rain, will it?"

Mo Xiaoxue, who was dressed in camouflage uniform and the soles of her Jiefang shoes were worn out, looked up at the sky and muttered to herself.

The next moment, a terrifying bolt of lightning flashed across the sky.

Huge lightning, occupying a quarter of the sky.

As the lightning flashed away, it was followed by a deafening thunder.

The loud thunder directly interrupted the presenter who was speaking.

At this moment, everyone on the playground maintained the same movement.

Look up to the sky.

The same is true for Mo Xiaoxue.

Suddenly, Mo Xiaoxue closed her eyes subconsciously.

A drop of rain fell on Mo Xiaoxue's eyelids.

"It's really raining."

Mo Xiaoxue wiped the rainwater with her hand.

But only in vain.

For a moment, the wind continued, and raindrops the size of peas fell down.

The eager rain is like the big strings of the musical instrument pipa constantly plucking.

Seeing that the rain was getting heavier and heavier, the principal, who originally wanted to let the students continue the performance in the afternoon, which was considered a different baptism, changed his mind again.

It's raining lightly, and it's no big deal to let the students get drenched in the rain.

But when it was clearly raining right now, it would be a sickness for the students to continue performing under the rainstorm.

By the end of the show, more than half of the students will be sick with colds.

Even worse complications are possible.

Even the headmaster, he couldn't bear the consequences.

If he, the deputy director of the county education bureau, couldn't handle it, would the director be able to?

What's more, Mo Xiaoxue, the daughter of Candy Technology, is also among this group of students.

If something happened to this guy, Mo Jingchun might turn the world upside down.

No one would doubt Mo Jingchun's ability and the energy behind him.

"The instructors of each company took them back to the classroom."

As soon as these words came out, the instructors immediately blew their whistles and led the students to run towards the teaching building.

run! Everyone is running.

No one wants to be a drowned chicken, and no one wants to be a drowned chicken all the time.

This sudden heavy rain broke the original plan. No one expected the heavy rain, and naturally no one prepared umbrellas.

There are several classes where the head teachers are girls, and they are also full of annoyance at the moment, regretting why they didn't bring a parasol today.

There is no need to run in unison, the students run fast, using the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

Because the classroom was on the first floor, Mo Xiaoxue carried the flag and ran to the front. After running into the classroom, Mo Xiaoxue let out a deep breath.

Because school has not officially started yet, naturally I didn't have a seat to say.

Taking out a pack of tissues from his pocket, Mo Xiaoxue only took two, and the rest were divided among the people in the dormitory.

The class teacher who came late wiped the water from his face and said:

"Everyone is waiting for the announcement in the classroom."

"Thunderstorms come and go quickly, so they shouldn't delay the show."

More than two hours later, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

According to the normal plan, the show was over by this time, and it was time for the students to go home for the holidays.

However, it was still pouring rain outside, and the dark clouds and strong wind had dissipated, but the heavy rain did not mean to stop.

Behind No. 1 Middle School is the big river that runs through the entire Huo County.

The originally green river was now turbid, rushing towards the lower reaches of the river with an unstoppable momentum.

It's already this time, and there is a high probability that the show will not be held again.

While the students were whispering and chatting, Mo Xiaoxue, who had been paying attention outside the classroom, saw the class teacher approaching, and immediately thought of the answer.

"Be quiet."

"The latest notice, due to the bad weather, the show has been cancelled, everyone should go back to the dormitory to pack up, and then you can go home.

On the way back, everyone should pay attention to safety and prevent drowning. "

Just a few words mean that their military training journey is over everywhere.

At some point, the instructor had disappeared without a trace.

The military training ended here, leaving them with regret.

After ten years of hard work, the unremitting efforts of the first six days were all for today's performance. Unfortunately, God made a big joke for everyone, and there came a rainstorm that fell as soon as it was said.

Holding an umbrella, Mo Xiaoxue simply left the campus with only a schoolbag on her back.

Outside the school, Zero has been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Mo Xiaoxue who opened the door to get in the car, Ling put away his phone and said with a smile, "It's raining, why aren't you happy?"

Putting down her schoolbag, Mo Xiaoxue raised her eyebrows and said, "It would have been nice if it rained two days earlier, but it's so boring when it finally rains."

"Well, it seems to be the same."

Step on the brake, release the handbrake, and put in gear, all in one go.

"Let's go~"

After a short push back feeling, the speed reached 50km/h.

Mo Xiaoxue, who had become accustomed to it, had a calm expression on her face.

Sit in the co-pilot and experience zero-crossing driving. This car is driving at a speed of 160km/h, and the short-term rapid acceleration is a dessert before meals.

Not worth mentioning.

Zero didn't take her to the company, but went home directly.

Pushing the door open, Mo Xiaoxue saw Dudu standing on the ground alone, leaning on the sofa watching cartoons in the living room.

The little guy turned his head and glanced at her, and after calling auntie, his eyes immediately returned to the TV.

"Dudu, you secretly watch TV again, be careful of myopia, and wear a pair of glasses from now on."

The little guy said without looking back: "Auntie is lying, Zero said, you loved watching TV the most when you were young."

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